The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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14 BETTER MANAGEMENT HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA READING, PENNSYLVANIA READING, PENNSYLVANIA Now Playing ■ ?m.Urm.25« WASHINGTON ■ RKO VriTU't TODAY... IaXiII tl a * WASHINGTON INSTITUTION THREE AGAINST STRANGE TERROR! Typhoon ahead. satiny below I . . while jealoisy and herons seethe among "CrnsherMcEay, stokehold boss; the hud* some ship’s doctor, ul a reckless um. Hints on Newspaper Advertising No. 8 — "Pacific Liner ” (RKO) Examination of the ads herewith reproduced for the RKO show reveals that again the pressbook seemed to score — and again the boys went heavy on the black. The Park. Reading, Pennsylvania, either has a big advertising budget or felt that big space attracts big business, because on any page the ad would steal the show. W hether , from layout angles, this makes the most of such space is open to question. In the Buffalo, New York, case and that of the Earle, Philadelphia, it was apparent that the vaudeville was at least as important or more important than the picture. We imagine that Will Osborne and orchestra finally got to see the picture. Apparently, McLaglen was considered the big name to sell, because in all cases he had top billing. Whether the women were lured by the heads of Chester Morris and Wendie Barrie is also open to question — but apparently this was either a man’s show or little else. What result may be obtained with a light ad, using white space, would be interesting to note. We suggest trying it. BUFFALO, NEW YORK February 1, 19)9