The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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BETTER MANAGEMENT 15 PHILADELPHIA fV. The most authentic.., the most V / > ^ most thrilling story ever told about 1 / /A. "UNCLE SAMIS WEST'POINTl TRENTON, NEW JERSEY RKO CAPITOL TODAY thru Thurs. JT4ITJ Tjjjy loonOm 11:01) 4. If. NEW YORK CITY fiAIIO CITY u if o i p u , A Showplace ol ,h. MdHon flock „ ^ ^ L ■ l fioctefeIler Center A fine new story of courage character, and heart-touching romance .. the age-old traditions of West Point exciting adventures . . human drama . . . laughter. Pathos, and authentic realIsm • combined in a brilliant, modern picture ... with a fine cast of talented stars WEST POINT < ,d«' I®'/* _ .«qO ®* ' u«»oC'#T • * "ivoto . o« b0',*v,nQ *®9° 0 V choT®d*T;i o k *'oTV ! A ■ . -•1°"" ’$S£» e?SS j, * STARTS with LOUIS HAYWARD. TOM BROWN* RICHARD CARLSON JOAN FONTAINE.ALAN CURTIS • r Frt : Frcdrlc March In ’ ur> ru.. Mm P Dirt' «tv“ ALDINE WASHINGTON 19th and CHESTNUT ^ STAR 1 a today DOORS OPEN 10.30 A.M. POPULAR PRICES WASHINGTON r V\0Efit\ banner loew show* WASHINGTON WILL STAND UP and CHEER 1 VJ i i ^ 1 V ©n UTfie ©rtat B>tagt Pageant of The^NaKvhy which has' b beaU'iful annual SO.ST fc stage in America a gaylv rh ' ■ ,be lrS* ,ime on any in five scenes, based upL cT" h°'ida7 pan,°mini9 • • ■ produced by Florence Rnn lmm S lmmorlaI iairy tale Monfedoro, music by Maurice Ba' ' ' Se,,‘?93 by Marco Rtpa, Elenore Tennis Rnh» , ur' P ' ' ' ,ealur‘ng Bob Nicholas Daks, Mayo and M Sede' Louise ^cmaca, with the Corps de Ballet °n' and Dol°res Pallet. Symphony Orchestra under ^nsem^le' Rockettes. Pictvre at: 11:20. 2:12, 5:01. 7 50 10 39 ' ^ ^ d,reClion Emo Rapee. SEATS reserved T 1 °9' 4 6:5a 959 ; — FfiOne Circle 6-4600 NOW ^ lirrj the Ireiheet plebe IyIlL I th*o u fd e *e d"°'by 2003 Cadet* TUnil I 10 ,h* drarna and I MK I action ol iho moil 1 1 llllkfa |(Mich|ng Wnt Point •lory over made pi niu,e ,h* watn^ oi 111 II || aromanc•as■pin•' U L U U tingling a* being ~n American! ON STAGE tpa4at&" A GAY STAR-FILLED SALUTE TO '39 bert Walt oh U«e>e<liee*t IkiMiw The DEBONAIRS Se*f wd di»c» »ylm« SARA ANNJAcCABE PAWN TAG! 24 CHESTER HALE CAPITOL COMETS . ,11 Louil HAYWARD TOM BROWN Richard CARLSON Jun FONTAINE Hints on Newspaper Advertising No. 9 — "The Duke of West Point” (UA) In the national advertising of United Artists in its press book on " The Duke of West Point,’ SYRACUSE, NEW YORK r I on i ne Dime oj west J Oliu , a certain degree of dignity was maintained , but in the random selection of ads herewith reproduced, not all of that dignity remains. Whether it is the advertisement of the Aldine, Philadelphia, the RKO Capitol, Trenton, New Jersey; the Loew’s Capitol, Washington; Loew’s Syracuse, New York, the same idea seems to follow through. Only in the lay-out of the Radio City Music Hall, New York, New York , does there seem to be any dignity to the advertisement — an advertisement laid out with the idea of actually attracting people to the theatre. While even here there is a tendency to be too verbose, such verbosity is encompassed in such style and in such a position as nearly to nullify any objection. White space effectively sets off the feature attraction, as well as the supporting elements of the program, making the whole a page-stealer in any man’s newspaper, and due more to that white space than to the actual amount of space that is taken. February 1, 19)9