The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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19 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA W ashington NADINE BOND will leave for California, whither her husband will be transferred. She has been employed at the Universal exchange. DOLORES MARTIN takes her place. R. GREENE, Chase City, Virginia; R. F. PLANK, Blacksburg, Virginia, were visitors. So was IVAN ROSENBAUM, Neighborhood theatres, Richmond. Imperial announces it has a new FRED SCOTT western, "Code of the Fearless.” BOB SMELTZER, Warners, made a hurry call recently to New York, then to Philadelphia, with sales manager HAINES. BEN GOLDMAN, Warner representative, home office, was a visitor. BOB SMELTZER’S division is second in the national drive. JOHN GARST, who recently began in his new position with MRS. CARPER, Martinsville, was a visitor. Following a month’s training at the Schine home office in Gloversville, New York, DICK EASON, has been installed as circuit booker. Since taking over the theatre in Melford, Delaware, recently, J. MYER SCHINE made a trip in this territory with LEE INSLEY. LOUIS TUNICK, Brooklyn, Baltimore, was a recent visitor. WEEMS LANDRETH, Lyric, Portsmouth, Virginia, is operating after only two days lost from the recent fire at his house. BEN LUST installed the new sound. BEN LUST will show at Randolph-Macon the baseball film being distributed by the Washington baseball club. JAKE FLAX, Republic local head, toured Virginia’s Clinch Valley. JOE GRANT, Dunbar, Baltimore, will remodel, reopen his Star. BEN LUST supplied the LOUIS BERNHEIMER’S Sylvan with new Ashcraft lamps, a Stablearc generator. Thanks go to JOE BERNHEIMER for the explanation of the projection apparatus in the 20th Century-Fox “little theatre.” MARGE DERMODY, Metro, attended a party in Richmond. LORRAINE MIDDLEKAUF, pretty GN steno, likes the Baltimore Variety barkers. Baltimore’s National Theatre Supply’s WALLMAN is recuperating now from a recent serious illness. , Visiting from the Monumental City was genial JOE WALDERMAN, Fremont, going ahead with plans to open the Booker T. Attending the first annual banquet in Baltimore of Variety’s Tent No. 19 recently were MR., MRS. WHEELER; MR., MRS. FRED ROHRS; MR., MRS. CHICK WINGFIELD; MR., MRS. ART JACOBSON; MR., MRS. GEORGE NATHAN; GUY WONDERS; SAM GOLDBERG, Brunswick, Maryland; EDDIE FONTAINE, MR. MRS. BOB GRACE, SARA YOUNG, MR., MRS. JOE KALISKI, A. E LICHTMAN; MR., MRS. RALPH BINNS, FRED SANDY. HENRY LEGO, Herndon, Purcellville, Virginia, tells this correspondent he will spend some $6,000 this spring on remodeling his Purcellville house. The popular Virginia exhibitor stated he had completed a 100-car parking lot at Herndon, contemplates a similar project at Purcellville. He said he would extend the remodeling activities to include the Herndon also. GEORGE DEMBOW, general sales manager; JACK COHEN, division manager, NSS, visited the Washington office. This was Dembow’s first Washington meeting with ART JACOBSON, local head, territory salesman GEORGE NATHAN. AL KAHN, Pennington, Baltimore, paid th; local offices a visit. RIDLEY GREEN, Mecca, Chase City, Maryland, will remodel his frames to enable the use of NSS 40x60 photo arts. ART JACOBSON, NSS, recently closed a deal with Baltimore’s new Center officials for complete service, displays, prevues. GEORGE NATHAN recently returned from an extensive tour in Virginia. BILL, LYLE RIPPARD, Farmville, Virginia, are planning a bit of remodeling of frames, etc. On the sick list last week at NSS were RAY REED, BO HOFFMAN, MARGARET HOKE. Visiting Washington for a spot of booking, renewal of acquaintances was JOHN Y. SMITH, operator, Northeast, Maryland. From Baltimore to mop up the best available pictures was HARRY SILVER, Overlea. FRANK MARSHALL, Warners home office, has been in town. SARA BROWN, Metro cashier department, has been ill. SAM CRAVER, Wythe, Wytheville, says he will open his new house early this month. MRS. TONY MUTO, wife of the local Movietonews supervisor, has a swell voice over phone. She works at the MPTOA office. PAUL RAMSDELL, Lyric, Geithersburg, Maryland, came to town. MRS. PHIL BOBYS, wife of the Metro (100 per cent) salesman, has returned from Portsmouth. MR., MRS. JACK GOLDBERG, his mother will leave these vile climates for a two weeks stay in Florida. Smaller situations in Virginia that depend on a western for Friday, Saturday business want the stars to pull their pistols faster, declare Washington’s salesmen who know about these things. HARRY CRULL, Monogram salesman, hears from official GEORGE M. WEEKS the following: “42 pictures sold to the Harmon, Maxie, Virginia, and Gem, Washington, gives you two stars, also rates you five blue ribbons for your new accounts at Newport News, Clarksville, Broadway, Marshall, Stanley, Virginia. Also honorable mention for your deal at the Princess, Washington.” HARRY BACHMAN, Monogram branch manager, renewed acquaintance with his friend FRANK MARSHALL. ART SALTZ, Lyceum, Sparrows Point, Maryland, was among the Baltimore exhibs who came to town. AL, HARRY VOGELSTIEN were present also. HAROLD GOLDBERG, Lawrence, Massachusetts, with Loew’s, here, is marrying SALLY HARTMAN, Haverhill, Massachusetts, February 1 in Boston. Gratification reigned last week in theatre circ'es at the news that MRS. CARTER T. BARRON, wife of Loew’s eastern division manager, had rallied from a serious illness, following several blood transfusions, is now successfully on the road to complete recovery. J. RAYMOND BELL, Loew’s dynamic, prizewinning publicist, has denominated February as “Festival Month” for the Loew Washington Theatres. Warner star ERROL FLYNN rode the White House horses in Fort Myer Horse Show. — Charles Stofberg. MARYLAND Baltimore RICHARD SHAMIS, Realart, is building a new theatre at 3 63 8 Park Heights Avenue. Loew’s Parkway is being altered. JIMMY OWENS, RCA representative here, announces that the world premiere performance of the new RCA High Fidelity sound equipment will be heard in the new Centre. Owens says that LEO HOMAND plans to use this equipment in his new Westway.. Our sincere sympathy goes to WILBUR BRIZANDINE, manager, Rialto, and his family due to the death of his father, WILLIAM R. BRIZANDINE, 47, who died January 17 due to effects suffered from having a leg amputated. PHIL BUCK, assistant to BARRY GOLDMAN, Regent manager, recently enjoyed a trip through the old rathskellar and swimming pool arrangement under the auditorium, Maryland, piloted by BEN BERMAN. LEONARD (CHUM) McLAUGHLIN, manager, Maryland, Auditorium, is having new rugs installed and the inner lobby of the latter redecorated while the Maryland is also being redecorated. C. H. McGLOTHLIN, formerly handling the movie advertising on the Baltimore News-Post and Sunday American has returned to the advertising staff. WILLIAM K. SAXTON, Loew’s city manager, has been busy arranging to have a fine new marquee built over the Parkway main entrance. “Ballerina” broke all records for length of run of a French picture at the Little. Manager MAXWELL WEINBERG and special-publicity man PHILLIP GERARD worked out an elaborate campaign. -J. s. Hagerstown News flash — JOHN HERSFI, assistant skipper, Academy, is sporting a green suit. Winter indoor band concert season opened at the Maryland, January 22. All members of the local Junior High School Warner Movie Club attended showing January 24, of "Young in Heart.” PATRICIA PAYETTE, daughter of city manager GEORGE N. PAYETTE, JR., had an important dancing part in an amateur show. MRS. HARRY CLARK, wife manager HENRY CLARK, Arcade-Strand, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, who underwent an operation in Washington hospital, is reported doing nicely. — L. S. McW. VIRGINIA Luray "The Birth of a Baby” is bringing out all the forces of maudlin sentiment against it on one side and on the other side is furnishing heavy gun argument in its favor. — J .R. B. Lynchburg Lynchburg’s first neighborhood theatre may be erected soon by Dominion Theatres, Inc. Realtors made public deal whereby the chain acquires a 50foot frontage on Rivermont Avenue, two blocks from Randolph-Macon Woman’s College. Site is regarded as the most logical neighborhood theatre location in Lynchburg. Friends of FRANK FALLS, co-owner, C. and F. Theatres, are sympathizing with him over an ankle fracture, suffered recently when he stepped into a hole while deer-hunting. — D. W. W. New Market MR., MRS. LESTER E. TIDLER have announced the marriage of their daughter, MAR Febrnary 1, 19)9 NAT