The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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20 NEWS OF THE TERRITORY JORIE to FRANK M. O'ROARK, New Market. We think that the "love bug” has caught up with CHARLES MacDANIEL, Romeo, and MISS FRANCES REVELL. WILLIAM DALKE was a visitor. "JAZZ BO” PHILLIPS, helper in projection room, Dalke’s New Market, was in an auto accident. RIPLEY RUBY, Nelson, Mount Jackson, was a caller. PAUL McDANIEL was a business visitor in Washington. LYNN WARD, Community, Woodstock, spent the day in the "big city” with PAUL McDANIEL. MIKE FRY, Edinburg, is one of the outstanding players on the basketball team. MRS. PAUL McDANIEL was a caller. CHARLES BRIENT and JERRY O'ROARK have bought an auto. JACK HOWE, Nelson, Mount Jackson, was a business visitor in Washington. MRS. WILLIAM DALKE spent several days i 1 Harrisonburg visiting her mother. LYNN BRANNER, New Market, is now "sticking around” a certain restaurant. — F. O’R. Newport Neivs LEO GREENWOOD, new manager, WILDER S Warwick, has ensconced himself here, along with MRS. GREENWOOD and the big cat "Roxy.” — ‘ W. T. Norfolk The LEVINES have started work on their new theatre in Portsmouth. Off to Washington for the midwinter MPTO convention in Washington February 6 will be BILL CROCKETT, Virginia Beach, president; SYDNEY GATES, manager, Roxy, president, Norfolk Theatre Managers Association; BOB, ED LEVINE; GEORGE LOEFFERT, South Norfolk; STANLEY BARR, manager. Colonial. That was a smart front manager PIERRE BOULOGNE had on the Norva for "Devil’s Island.” Loew’s State manager ROSCOE R. DRISSELL reports a success his stunt of "Recognize-YourPicture-and-Get-a-Free-Ticket-to-Loew’s.” Visiting his native Norfolk several days was CHARLES YERBY, assistant to Loew’s ALLEN T. SPARROW, Richmond. Local No. 5 50, with FRANK SUTTON, chairman, is planning its annual banquet, entertainment February 14. Commander EDELL, morale officer, Norfolk Naval Training Station, was guest at the luncheon of the Norfolk Theatre Managers Association. BILL CROCKETT, president, Virginia Motion Picture Owners Association, has returned to Virginia Beach. MAX KARMITZ, representing Preferred, was in town selling wrestling pictures. Here’s hoping that the hospitalization of one of the younger LEVINES will be quick and successful. The WILLIAM S. WILDERS are reported enjoying the balmy south on their yacht. LEO GREENWOOD (it’s PAPPA to the kiddies of Newport News) is enjoying his return to the Warwick in the shipbuilding city and his Sunday visits to his old haunts in Norfolk. JAY KIMMEL is becoming acclimated in Portsmouth, having been transferred from Wilder’s Warwick, Newport News, to Wilder’s Gates. — Kit Larson. r RICHMOND Theatre Supply Co., Inc. Specializing in • Correct Seating • Theatre Decorating • Distinctive Marquees • Stage Drapes and Settings 1207 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND. VA. Pearisburg With the plans of the Celanese Corporation of America completed for a plant here, the plans of local theatre tycoon JACK REEL will probably now go forward. Portsmouth Lyric will be rebuilt. Richmond Beverly Manor School, Staunton, is listed as another school in which the Richmond Theatre Supply Company has installed a full stage set. BOB LASSITER, Lyric, Hampton, is doing considerable dolling these days; new carpet, new Back draperies, Velvetex aisle runners and a full stage set installed by the Richmond Theatre Supply. W. S. WILDER’S Gates, Portsmouth, is being dressed up with a new marquee, sold and erected by Richmond Theatre Supply. Marquee is a new type incorporating both neon and bulb lighting combinations with the word Gates being in the new "twinkler” type lamps. ELMER BRIENT announces that his RichmonJ Theatre Supply is now handling the Hurley picture screen. Neighborhood Theatres Social Club will have an oyster roast. Following committee is making all arrangements: GEORGE STITZER, Byrd, chairman; MRS. GERTRUDE PECOE, Venus; MELVIN RECTOR, Grand; ALLEN BROWN, Brookland. ELMO "SLIM” HOLLOWAY spent a couple of days down from Arlington, where he manages the Wilson. E. A. "OLD MAN” MARTIN, former manager, JSlobe, is now checking for Ross-Federal. EARL STITZER, doorman, Byrd, is planning on buying one of the confiscated cars which will be sold at auction. JOHN REID, Byrd service staff, has been confined to the bed. A baby girl, DOROTHY GWYNN, was born to MRS. ALLEN BROWN, Stuart Circle Hospital. We are glad to report that both mother and baby are getting along very nicely. A. FRANK O’BRIEN, city manager, Wilmer and V incent, was in Washington on business. R'chmond managers who are expecting to attend the MPTO of Virginia in Washington include: ALLEN SPARROW, Loew’s; A. FRANK O’BRIEN, Colonial; ROBERT COULTER, Bryd; SAM GORDON, Venus; GARRETT LEAHEY, State; WILLIAM BALLENGER, Grand; ALEX RAVDIN, Capitol; ALLEN BROWN, Brookland; STEWART TUCKER, Westhampton; following officials and staff of Neighborhood Theatres: MORTON G. THALHIMER, SAM BENDHEIM. JR., HAROLD WOOD, DAVID KAMSKY, VIRGINIA SNEAD, DOROTHY SHF.WBRIDGE. THOMAS PITTS, manager, East End, v:sited his fiancee in Suffolk. Marriage is planned for June. New sound and equipment were installed i i Lichtman’s Globe. DAVE PETERSON, Altec manager, installed the sound. GRAHAM BARBEE, district manager, Lichtman theatres, supervised the installation. AL NOWITSKY reports that the new stag: policy at the National is a success. Our sympathy is extended to M. C. MORRISETTE, project onist, Capitol, who lost his father. BILL ATTMORE, RCA engineer, who recently bought an airplane, serviced his first job last week by air when he flew to Farmville. FLOYD STAWLS, manager, Carillon, also flew down to Norfolk the other day to visit the folks. WADE PEARSON and his fiancee, MARJORIE LEE DERMODY, were in town. Carillon, Lee played five of the best pctures of 193 8, running special ads. SAM CUMMINS, owner of "Ecstasy,” is in town try ng to get the Virginia Board of Censors to reconsider their decision banning the film. BRYANT WASHBURN, silent screen star, was in town in reference to the RKO "Gateway to Hollywood” campaign. DOUGLAS CORRIGAN also appeared for one day in one of the department stores. Owners of "The Birth of a Baby” are still having their troubles in different sections of the state. Last week, a judge in Newport News refused to issue an injunction forbidding the showing of the picture and now Judge Strode, Lynchburg, has refused to act on the application of Dominion Theatres for an injunction restraining the city manager from interfering with the showing of the picture. Winchester TOM BALDRIDGE, manager, Capitol, who last year served as director-general of the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival, will be presented with the Junior Board of Trade’s annual service award at the dinner in March. BOWLING Richmond Byrd won the roll-off in tie game with Westhampton which kept them two games in the leal over the Grand who won two from the Capitol. League Standing Won Lost Ave Bvrd 33 12 .733 Grand 31 14 .688 State 28 17 .622 Westhampton 24 21 .533 Brook-vue 21 24 .466 Ven-ton 17 28 .377 Capitol 17 28 .377 Office ... 9 36 .200 High individual game — -Williams, 146. High individual set — Williams, 361. High team set — Grand, 1 53 8. High team game — State, 5 66. VARIETY CLUB Tent No. 11, Washington To boost the Welfare Fund, RUDOLPH BERGER has set March 2 as the date for the annual "Bingo” party to be held in the Willard Hotel’s main ballroom. Barkers CHARLES SCHULMAN, JOSEPH MAKOVER will aid Berger in this affair. GEORGE SCHWARTZ, Dover, Delaware, ex hib, visited here recently, spent several evenings here. When George returned to the Delaware city it wasn’t long before he forwarded a check for $2 5 to the club for the Welfare Fund. Every single member was pressed into service for duty to make the President’s Birthday Ball celebration the success it was. Local dailies gave plenty of space, photos to the ceremonies at Sibley at the time of the gift. Members of Variety in Washington, other cities, had better be on lookout for two men palming themselves off as barkers from Omaha, or mayb: Pittsburgh. A couple showed up in this city recently but the vigilance of several of the members put the bee on the phonies. Tent No. 19 Baltimore First annual banquet, Tent No. 19, J. LOUIS ROME, Chief Barker, was held at the Hotel Belvedere, January 21, with EDDIE SHERWOOD as master of ceremonies. Full quota of 3 00 covers were taken. It was announced by Rome that this even put into the charity fund of the organization $2,5 65.00. After the dinner, described as having the finest menu ever offered at a banquet, souvenirs of small pocket books containing passes to various theatres were presented the ladies while the men each received a miniature bottle of whiskey. Entertainment, enjoyed by everyone, was furnished by talent from ISADOR M. RAPPAPORT’S Hippodrome; Loew’s Century through courtesy of WILLIAM K. SAXTON; State, through courtesy of FRANK H. DURKF.E; the Penthouse, the Two o’Clock Club. February 1, 19)9