The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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THE NATIONAL MIRROR 9 National Review Board Holds Annual Conference New York City Sees 15 th Meeting "The Making of a Motion Picture” was the principal subject at the 15th annual conference of the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures last week at the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City. The conference opened with two broadcasted addresses on "Television Today” at Station WNYC. Stanton Griffis, chairman, executive board, Paramount spoke on "Television — the Unknown Quantity”; "The Technical Aspects of Television” were discussed by Allen B. Dumont of the Allen B. Dumont Laboratories. Talks were followed by a brief television demonstration. Part 1 of the main topic: "The Making of a Motion Picture” was discussed at the first session. Idea was to give the audience a complete as possible description of the 10 main stages in the production of a film. "The Making of a Scenario” was discussed by Dudley Nichols, president, Screen Writers Guild. Harold Hendee, RKO director, research, described "Research in the Motion Picture.” Miss Marion Robertson, eastern talent scout, RKO, spoke on "The Problem of Casting”; Ladislau; Czettel, costume designer, Reinhardt productions, Salzburg Festivals, and for "Pygmalion,” spok: on "The Designing of Costumes.” Closing address was "Music in the Motion Picture,” presented by David Mendoza. Vitaphone studios. Part II of "The Making of a Motion Picture” took place later. Dudley Murphy spoke on "The Director’s Work.” A discussion of "Camerawork and Lighting” was given by William J. Miller. Reeve O. Strock, sound director, Eastern Service Studios, talked on "Sound in the Motion Picture,” followed by Franchot Tone. Slavko Vorkapich spoke on "Montage and Editing.” One evening was set aside for a special showing of "Grand Illusion.” Saturday morning was devoted to the junior groups of the National Board, the 4-Star Clubs. Twenty-fourth annual luncheon took place February 4. Further Quiz Winners Dope Given In order to insure a simultaneous break to theatres throughout the country in the announcement of the winners of the $2 50,000 Movie Quiz Contest February 20, notifications will be delivered to eastern theatres in the contest at 8 P. M. This will enable exhibitors to schedule the announcements before audiences at 9.30 P. M. It is recommended that the sealed envelope containing the list of winners be opened on the stage by the manager of the theatre in the presence of some public official and the winners announced in that way. The list for each theatre will consist of the national winners (24 principal winners), as well as the local winners in the community where theatres are located. Allied Plugs Patriotic Trailers It developed this week that Allied States Association shortly will have ready sample prints of the first of its proposed series of patriotic trailers. Each will feature a distinguished living xVmerican, with a still portrait, a special message or excerpt from a public utterance by the person featured, and a closing shot of the Flag. The only sound will be accompanying martial music, and the trailers will short, never running over three minutes. The first will feature the President of the U. S. Production of these trailers was authorized by the Allied board of directors at their recent meeting in Washington. Trailers will be produced and distributed at cost through the cooperation of National Screen Service. Regional associations, desiring a print of the first trailer for screening, should communicate with Allied’s Washington (District of Columbia) office. Film Exports Show Decrease Motion picture film exports for full 12 months of 1939 show a 13,000,000 feet decrease in positive and negative sound and silent films over those exported during 1937, according to compilations made recently by Nathan D. Golden, chief of the Motion Picture Division of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the Department of Commerce. During 1938 a total of 202,526,821 feet of motion picture entertainment films both sound and silent, with a declared value of $4,5 19,5 94 were reported to all foreign markets as compared with 21 5,721,956 feet of film with a vlue of $4,797,641 for the year 1937. This is a decrease of 6.1 percent during the year 193 8 of all films exported. Rogers Sails for London Budd Rogers, American general manager for Pommer-Laughton-Mayflower productions, sailed last week for London. Mrs. Rogers accompanies him. He will confer with John Maxwell, chairman of the board, and Erich Pommer and Charles Laughton, managing directors of Mayflower Pictures, on proposals submitted by various major companies for the distribution of the next two Laughton subjects, "St. Martin’s Lane,” and "Jamaica Inn.” Subsequent subjects to be produced will also be on the agenda for the series of conferences. “Gulliver” Dow in December World premiere of Max Fleischer’s first full-length technicolor cartoon feature, "Gulliver’s Travels” will take place in Miami next Christmas, Neil F. Agnew, Paramount general sales manager, announced last week. Number 10 of a Series: SIDNEY B. LUST Executive Director, General Manager, THEATRES DIRECTION of SIDNEY LUST, Washington, D. C. "I, as well as my entire organization, have nothing but praise for your publication. Miss McConnell, my booker, my entire staff of Managers, and myself, read every issue and are helped immeasurably by your practical booking services and better management hints. "We sincerely hope that future years hold in store for you such success and prosperity as you have known in the past.” Nearly every Exhibitor rea ds THE EXHIBITOR! AN INVITATION Throughout 1 93 9, expressions of praise, comment, criticism or suggestion from our many Exhibitor Friends will be carried in similar form in every issue. W,e welcome the expression of every reader and will use them in the order in which they are received. February 8, 19)9 TRI