The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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16 BETTER MANAGEMENT NEW YORK CITY OUTLAW!"... “KILLER!" HIS LIFE WAS THE EPIC STORY OF A LAWLESS ERA! He was hunted, but he •« human . , . and to the tlmple folk who knew him, a victim of cruel Injustice! There was one— gentle yet dauntless — who flung her life away — Into his arms! WORLD PREMIERE TOMORROW DOORS OPEN 10 A. M. DARRYL F. ZANUCK’S production of In TECHNICOLOR ■tarring TYRONE POWER • HENRY FONDA NANCY KELLY • RANDOLPH SCOTT HENRY HULL • SLIM SUMMERVILLE • J. EDWARD BROMBERG • BRIAN DONLEVY • JOHN CARRADINE DONALD MEEK • JOHN RUSSELL • JANE DARWELL Directed by H«nry King Associate Producer and Orijlnel Screen Play by Nunnelly Johnson A Twentieth Century-Foi Picture nick S®5 J SWBW*-?. OTHERS SUNNY «« G1BIS THE GAE r CCHESTJA) SHOW VALUE OF THE NATION ..ffl 7„, BBd J0Ifc ROXY I APi a CHILDREN B TO ★ UNDER 11 JUhJ lP. M. ALWAYS in TECHNICOLOR starring n h -n RANDOLPH SCOTT SSSiSSS DOORS open SATURDAY 10,45 6 *>■ LOS ANGELES j — rXcTT p HINDS A\ JSm • «»« • ««* BALTIMORE NEW THEATRE SECOND SMASH WEEK! TYRONE POWER Nancy Kelly • Henry Fonda 'IfcSSE JAMES In Technicolor. ACCLAIMED BY PRESS and PUBLIC; QZ32>] LOS ANGELES DOORS OPEN : Loew s 9 A. M. Chinese 10:30 A. M. The EPIC STORY of a LAWLESS ERA! • Defying tho tho world ...the moat foarod 1 man in a fearless Weal 2kR pursues hi* mad deatrny... hi* ifftn tragic romance, in on# of EL the moat magnificent thrill SQB& spectacles ever filmed! iiiiP ,, , IN TECHNICOLOR Tyrone Henry Nancy Randolph POWER • FOMDA • KELLY • SCOTT Ji‘ -1 H -r ‘ ' Hrm HULL • si— SUMMERVILLE VR ^ r j ,| G ' I. U.J IROMRERC • t-.uMEEK M ]oha CARRADINE 1,,» DONLEVY TR®* <•. |V“' fa l.k. RUSSELL).., HARWELL 'S\ Detroit TODAY I • M AsjSUaHPKLN.Iur 1 v TECHU^°V<* KUl«SCOTT sss»r Hints on Newspaper Advertising No. 11 — "Jesse James ” (20th Century-Fox) To the showman, it might be said that the 20th-Fox pressbook presents everything he needs, but apparently in the case of Harrisburg, Los Angeles and Detroit, the art departments thought they could outdo it. Whether they were successful is up to the reader to decide. The New York City ads are from the pressbook, -with slight remakes. These ads are punchy; they present various angles which are helpful — but we say again, the pressbook has everything you need. TYRO N E POWf henry fond NANCY KELl! nandolph scon MMiri <RAr smH , T _ELENA ROM AY --^oansonettes ^ nx °*CMc»riu February 8, 19)9