The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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17 DEL-MAR-VA Dover GEORGE SCHWARTZ, owner, three theatres in this area, was named president of the Jewish Community Center of Lower Delaware. Greensboro SAM MELLITS, Ridgely-Denton theatreman, who recently took over the New, visited Washington for a spot of booking. Harrington REESE HARRINGTON, manager, Reese, found so much demand for a return engagement of KID SMITH and the SMITH SISTERS, a Salisbury radio team, he brought them back. Milford Theatre managers of this area are looking at the move of the faculty of the high school at Frederica, in holding regular motion picture shows in the school auditorium for the public to help pay for their new motion picture equipment. Performances were being given Wednesday nights. Salisbury Arcade had a full page cooperative ad in the Wicomico Countian for "Going Places.” DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington Comes now word from Boston Universalite B. BERNARD ("Ye OP Bald Bird”) KREISLER, via Guilford, Maine, that "As Maine goes so goes the nation for 'You Can’t Cheat an Honest Man.’ ” The recent sojourner in Hollywood continues, "What a contrast to the 83 degrees of Sunny California — 12 degrees below!” First I would like to tell the reading public what a grand bunch of people are our Hollywood stars. They were splendid during the celebration of the President’s birthday. So were their companies. Whatever success the parties had, and they were tremendous, should largely go to the motion picture trade. Now take JEAN HERSHOLT. I met him in the office of District Commissioner MELVIN C. HAZEN on the day of the events. I told him, strangely enough, how much I like his "Dr. Christian” series on the radio. Boy, I hit a soft spot with this "Dr. Dafoe” of "quint” fame. He told me he has planned a series of pictures with RKO-Radio, in which he will portray Dr. Christian. They are bound to be swell. Then GEORGE BRENT, this popular Warner Brothers star, was unable to attend the reception at Commissioner Hazen’s of fice, because, and promise you won’t tell where you heard, because he broke a tooth at Commissioner Hazen’s dinner party the night before. It wasn’t serious, however. As a matter of fact, it was fixed in a jiffy. Lovely ANNABELLA, ANDREA LEEDS, dancing ELEANOR POWELL, say, does she like and vice versa Commissioner Hazen. Well, who wouldn’t. Eleanor sat down at the Commssioner’s desk and he said, I’ve always wanted a lady commissioner.” Washington has never had one. Dashing ERROL FLYNN and his lovely wife, LILI DAMITA, BRUCE CABOT, PAUL WHITEMAN, RALPH BELLAMY, MITZI GREEN, EDDIE LE BARON, whoops! and did the boys along Film Row do their share. We got to hand it all of them, to Variety, and the local theatre men. The crowds were terrific wherever the stars went, autographs, you wouldn’t believe it, but I entered one place with "RED” SKELTON, popular "coffee-dunking” comedian, and some little fellow asked me for my autograph. But let’s see. HARDIE MEAKIN was chairman of the talent, booking, stage management committee. Co-chairmen were CARTER BARRON, GENE FORD, HOWARD BURKHARDT, FRANK LA FALCE. Traveling managers were A. JULIAN BRYLAWSKI and GUY WONDERS. At the Raleigh Hotel we had CHARLES DALY, CBS, as emcee, aided by LAMARR KEEN, Silver, manager; DAN REYNOLDS, Penn, stage manager. At the Hamilton, emcee BILL CRAGO, NBC; FRANK TAYLOR, Columbia, manager; MAYNARD MADDEN, Metropolitan, as stage manager. At the Willard, ART BROWN, STEVE McCORMICK, MBS, emcees; SOL. L. SORKIN, RKO-Keth’s, manager; ABE TOLKINS, Little, stage manager. At the Washington Hotel, LEE EVERETT, NBC, emcee; ANGIE RATTO, manager; ANTHONY SALVAGGIO, Palace, stage manager. At the Mayflower, ARCH McDONALD, CBS, emcee; HOWARD BURKHARDT, Capitol, manager; JOSEPH MARGOLIS, Capitol, stage manager. At the Shoreham, emcee was TONY WAKEMAN, MBS, manager; CLARK DAVIS, Lichtman theatres; stage managers, SIDNEY LUST, BILL HOYLE, Lichtman theatres. At the Wardman Park, GORDON HITTENMARK, NBC, manager; ROBERT GIBBONS, Loew’s Capitol, HENRY COON, Avenue Grand, stage managers. At the Gold Plate Breakfast held at the Carlton, FRANK FAY (himself), ARTHUR GODFREY, CBS, were the emcees; managers were Meakin, Burkhardt; stage managers were Sorkin, Leonard Meakin, Ford. Escorts to the visiting stars: for ERROL FLYNN, FRED THOMAS, DAN TERRELL, Warners, with KATHARINE HILLYER, Daily News; for ANNABELLA, SAM WHEELER; for ' LILA DAMITA, JAMES ROOT, Tivoli; FRED McMILLAN, Avalon; BETTY HYNES, Herald; for ANDREA LEEDS, ANDREW KELLEY, Times; LEONARD MEAKIN; for BRUCE CABOT, ALAN BACHRACH, Calvert; SIDNEY HOFFMAN, Apollo; for GEORGE BRENT, BILL EWING, Warners publicity; LEROY SHERMAN, Savoy; for RALPH BELLAMY, SAM GALANTY; for JEAN HERSHOLT, TAY CARMODY, Star; HARRY McARTHUR, Star; for FRANK FAY, ABE TOLKINS; for PAUL WHITEMAN, ARCHIE ENGEL; for EDDIE LE BARON, ROBERT MITTMAN. Plaudits from the President to the newsboy on the corner were given NELSON B. BELL, Post, who served so weil as chairman of the entertainment committee. On his committee were CARTER BARRON, GENE FORD, HARDIE MEAKIN, J. J. PAYETTE (vice-chairmen), HARRY ANGER, ALAN BACHRACH, PAUL BARON, T. RAYMOND BELL, RUDOLPH BERGER, HARRY BROWN, A. JULIAN BRYLAWSKI, HOWARD BURKHARDT, JAY CARMODY, RICHARD L. COE, GEORGE A. CROUCH, HARRY CRULL, CLARK DAVIS, GEORGE A. DE WITT, WILLIAM B. DOLPH, CHARLES G. DUFFY, ROBERT ETRIS, WILLIAM C. EWING, JAKE and SAM FLAX, MICHAEL FLYNN, ED FONTAINE, SAM GALANTY, NAT GLASSER, CHARLES GRIMES, BERNIE HARTER, I. WILLIAM HILL, KATHERINE HILLYER, BETTY HYNES, ALEXANDER F. JONES, LAMARR KEEN, ANDY KELLEY, HAROLD KNEELAND, FRANK LA FALCE, HARRY E. LOHMEYER, SIDNEY LUST, MAYNARD MADDEN, SIDNEY MAYERS, B. M. McELWAY, FRED McMILLAN, LOUISE N. MILLER, L. GARDNER MOORE, JOHN O’ROURKE, EDDIE PLOHN, ORANGELO RATTO, DAN REYNOLDS, JOHN RISELING, FRED ROHRS, JAMES ROOT, FRANK SHERIDAN, BOB SMELTZER, HARRY SOMERVILLE, SOL SORKIN, CHARLES STOFBERG, DAN TERRELL, FRED THOMAS, SAM WHEELER, JESS WILLARD, GUY WONDERS. The President and Mrs. Roosevelt entertained the movie colony at a White House Luncheon. Everyone had a grand time. All we can say is come back again, and thanks loads to the Hollywood studios for their splendid support. GEORGE J. GILL, branch manager, Trio, visited Baltimore a spell ago, reports new Center is a honey. It is reported that FRANK DURKEE, Baltimore, is planning a house in Govanstown. LEO HOLMAN, Lord Calvert, Baltimore, will have his new house under roof shortly. GEORGE GILL reports his "Strange Case of Tom Mooney,” “Monarchs of the Mat” played first run, Baltimore’s Century. RUTH NEWMAN, Monogram secretary, left to take up employ with Uncle Sam’s Department of Justice. HARRY BACHMAN’S wife, the former PHILOMENA ABELL, is pinch-hitting. It is told along the row that EICHELBAUM’S remodeling job of his Lincoln, Berkley, is dandy. To HARRY CRULL, Monogram salesman, from GEORGE WEEKS: "Blue ribbons enough to decorate a battleship, for five new accounts opened in Stuart, Hillsville, Brookneal, Floyd and Independence, Virginia. We need these accounts. Thanks, and you rate a big star, too, for 42 pictures sold in Coeburn, Virginia.” Greetings go to MR., MRS. HARRY BACHMAN on their first wedding anniversary. At a party of AL (Phi Beta Dappa from Walla Walla) FOLLIARD recently in attendance were CHARLES HURLEY, wife; "STEADY” KNOX, BUDDY HALL, MARGE DERMODY, WADE PEARSON, MR., MRS. CHICK WINGFIELD, GEORGE HURLEY, wife. UA’s "Topper Takes a Trip” has opened in key spots, is doing better than better, says FRED ROHRS, branch manager. HUNTER PERRY is off for a trip to Mexico City. It is rumored along Film Row that a prominent circuit is looking for a likely spot in Lawrenceville, Virginia. ■ — -Charles Stofberg. MARYLAND Baltimore JACK LEVINE, Irvington, has been away on a vacation in the Southland. NORMAN CLARK, movie and drama critic News-Post, went away on a winter vacation, was sick later. MIKE GLICK, poster artist, Keith’s, has been ill. JOHNNY KILDUFF, co-worker, has been busy burning the midnight oil. Opening of the Centre was a civic event February 1. The 1000 seat playhouse erected by MORRIS MECHANIC was deemed the last word. It is managed by J. L. ALDERSON. "Tailspin” was the feature. MAXWELL WEINBERG, Little manager, made an address before the United Office and Professional Workers of America. LOUIS AZRAEL, News-Post columnist, had an open letter to Police Commissioner Stanton of Baltimore January 31 in which he urged that some manner be worked out so that people congregating before the movie theatres on Sundays before 2 P. M. may not be obliged to stand out in the rain or cold until the letter of the law be complied with about opening the doors at 2 P. M. ( Continued on page 20) February 8, 1939 NAT