The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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20 NEWS OF THE TERRITORY A Patron SERVICE that makes $ $ $ BERLO Candy Vending Machines • VENDING NATIONALLY KNOWN PRODUCTS • SILENT IN OPERATION • A MODERN SHOW PIECE FOR ANY THEATRE • RECOGNIZED ASSET BY MAJOR CIRCUITS AND INDEPENDENTS • 15 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS, SATISFACTORY SERVICE TO EXHIBITORS Write for details BERLO VENDING C O . 1518 N. Broad St. Philadelphia 401 W. Broad St. Richmond, Va. J. SEIDMAN D. BRODSKY Paramount Qecorating (Jo., |nc. STAGE SETTINGS : DRAPERIES CARPETS : PAINTING AND DECORATING 311 North 13th Street Philadelphia, Pa. ( Baltimore : Continued from page 17) DAVE KAISER, Maryland Display Company, was the general chairman of the banquet given January 29 at the New Howard Hotel for the Maryland Free State Post of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States. Others attending included MOE COHN, SAM SALTZ, BERNARD SEAMAN, TED ROUTSON, HARRY VOGELSTEIN, MORRIS FLAKS, WALT ZELL, HARRY SILVER. Through the courtey of I. M. RAPPAPORT, Hippodrome, TED ROUTSON, BERNARD SEAMAN, HELEN MORGAN and BEN BLUE attended the President’s Birthday Ball attended by about IS, 000 persons. ELEANOR POWELL made a special trip from Washington to attend also. -J. S. Hagerstoivn City manager GEORGE N. PAYETTE plans special ballyhoo for "Jesse James,” Maryland. It will consist of lobby display, probably some old guns; nine foot banner for lobby and for front in evening, illuminated by floodlights; heralds, bill posting, outdoor advertsing. Maryland will run sport short, featuring JEAN TENNEY, this city, women’s national archery champon, which is an RKO film. City manager PAYETTE plans for her personal appearance at Maryland. — L. McW. PENNSYLVANIA Waynesboro MRS. HENRY CLARK, wife manager CLARK, Waynesboro, is reported much improved, out of hospital in Washington. VIRGINIA Alta Vista E. R. ENGLISH, Vista, has opened his new theatre in Gretna. Bassett CECIL WARD, Bassett, had all girls in town ga-ga when he staged a race between them, ROBERT TAYLOR (on cardboard). The girls ran after the board, beating Taylor’s resemblance, the first one there kept him, received a prize. Cecil is also planning a male beauty contest. Berkley Lincoln, HERMAN EICHELBAUM, manager, has blossomed out with a new marqee, much remodeling, air conditioning and more comfortable seats. LINWOOD FLOWERS, Rex, when he gets ready to buy film, takes the salesmen out on his fishing boat. Question: Which is the poor fish that gets hooked? Blackstone GEORGE SEAY, JACK TUNSTALL, Nottowa, have a marvelous booth. Movie men who visit want to move right in. Callao ED CUMBERLAND is doing very well at his new Wardley. WPA of the Federal Government has approved the project for sidewalks and curbing in front of EDDIE CUMBERLAND'S Wardley. Christiansbur g W. S. SNIDOW, Palace, is still the best chess, checker player this side of the Atlantic, ’tis said. Craddock J. HOLLAND WEBSTER, Afton, has the best pigeon brood in these parts. He has won plenty of blue ribbons with the birds. Crete e BUCK WILSON, Star, Ponton, in addition to controlling all of the theatres of his, is now branching out in the pastry business, is rapidly making the citizens do-nut conscious. They’re the best, it is said. Franklin HAL LYONS, State, was an organist for Paramount for a number of years. Every so often he feels the old urge, plays a couple of tunes for his patrons. Mebbe they don’t like it! Falls Church The State celebrated fortnight ago its third birthday with appropriate ceremonies directed by R. WADE PEARSON, district manager, Fairfax Corporation. A birthday cake, cut by Mayor L. P. DANIEL, was distributed to the patrons. Birthday screen attraction was "Young Doctor Kildare.” Grundy C. E. SMITH, Lynwood, is reported ready to build in Haysi, Virginia. Honaker E. BOYD, JR., Jefferson, will make a fine living as a hunter if he ever decides to leave the film business. He is one of the finest shots in these parts. Keysville Quick thinking on the part of RUSSELL CLARK, owner, probably prevented a panic when fire broke out in the projection room. Lynchburg HUNTER PERRY hopped to Mexico for a few weeks. Madison T. T. MITCHELL, Central, Star, just returned from a two months’ trip in Texas. Neivport Netvs SIDNEY BOWDEN, Wilder general manager, was a visitor with manager LEO GREENWOOD, Warwick. BERTHA GORDON will soon start building in Kecoughlan, Virginia. — W. T. Norfolk Planning to attend the Washington midwinter convention of the Virginia MPTO were president BILL CROCKETT, Virginia Beach; Norfok Theatre Managers Association president SYDNEY GATES, BOB, ED LEVINE, PIERRE BOULOGNE, STANLEY BARR. HAROLD LUCAS, formerly assistant manager, Colonial, is now with the Family Small Loan Company. PIERRE BOULOGNE, manager, Norva, searched high and low for an old-fashioned stagecoach to promote “Jesse James.” JIMMY MONTGOMERY is limping around the Granby. NORMA WEIFORD, daughter, manager, New Wells, was in the cast of "Idiot’s Delight,” on the local little theatre stage. “I Am the Law” was well promoted for a good business at the Colonial, manager STANLEY BARR using 15 twenty-four sheets, two of them February 8, 19)9