The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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22 NEWS OF THE TERRITORY ray lontsofly THERE WILL BE A NEW ISSUE OF THIS PUBLICATION COMPLETE IN COVERAGE SERVICE AND A LAST MINUTE REPORT ON WHAT'S DOING IN THIS INDUSTRY OF OURS WEST VIRGINIA Bluefield E. G. JACKSON, Lee, was a visitor to Washington recently. Clarksburg The MPTO of Western Pennsylvania and the ITO of West Virginia will hold a joint meeting here soon. Princeton F. F. VON COURT, Royal, is yachting to Florida. R. WATERS is filling in, nicely, too. BOWLING Richmond Byrd team took three games from the Grand to increase their lead to five games as GEORGE STITZER rolled 349 and BOB COULTER 343, and the team made a new league record of 15 74. CONRAD McREA’S State team pulled up to within one game of the Grand. League standing: Won Lost Are. Byrd 36 12 .750 Grand 31 17 .645 State 30 18 .625 Westhampton 26 22 .541 Brobk-vue .... 23 25 .479 Ven-ton 18 30 .375 Capitol 18 30 .375 Office 10 38 .208 League records: Fiigh individual game — Wil liams, 146. High individual set— Wi illiams, 361. HigFi team game — -State, 5 66. High team set — Byrd, 1574. Washington The record of the Motion Picture Bowling League, at the half-way mark, as submitted by president CHARLES STOFBERG, are as follows, the asterix indicating league record in each case: Games Total Hi gH High Games Played Pins Strikes Spares Game Set Average LOEW’S H. Dawson .... 3 312 1 5 113 312 104 I ichtman 24 2080 6 31 138 306 99.1 Hauser 42 4802 22 105 139 368 114.14 Mendleson .... 42 4422 19 80 139 368 105.12 Swank 21 203 5 2 34 111 313 96.19 Dowling 36 3503 9 52 124 325 97.11 Hildebrand .. 42 4346 12 85 139 330 103.20 COLUMBIA Share 42 4046 17 48 134 322 96.14 Ringer 42 4549 21 87 140 363 108.13 McCann ... 42 4353 16 79 135 332 103.27 Bandler 42 4188 11 68 121 333 99.30 Rosenthal 42 3949 10 51 128 319 94.1 NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE Mooney 30 3410 19 73 152 404 113.20 Anderson 42 4519 20 91 136 349 107.55 Hancock 33 3267 12 60 134 341 99 McGass 11 1166 9 17 111 324 106 Landgraf 39 3804 10 59 123 331 97.21 Long 42 4102 14 63 121 341 97.28 METRO Ajello 42 4317 17 67 137 356 102.30 Greenfield .... 42 4217 14 66 121 338 100.17 Wall .... 33 3050 7 38 116 306 92.14 Koshner 39 3797 14 49 130 347 97.17 Prince 42 4310 14 78 129 347 102.26 Kronman 3 342 2 7 126 342 114 RKO-RADIO Spinks 24 2317 8 34 119 336 96.13 Helms 37 3701 10 61 136 332 100.1 Gardner 20 1969 8 30 117 328 98.9 Smith 39 4010 16 70 133 355 102.32 Rose 31 2904 7 38 111 307 93.21 Folliard 18 1772 3 28 122 313 98.5 Hurley 4 346 2 1 93 253 86.2 Sullivan 3 253 0 1 86 253 84.1 Mitchell 1 86 0 0 86 86 86 Turner 12 1190 2 23 124 325 99.1 Ady 2 155 0 2 82 155 77.1 HORLACHER Binns ... 20 1780 3 12 101 284 89 Scheetz ... 15 1371 6 13 121 302 91.6 Keyser ... 33 3360 13 66 121 322 101.27 Harler ... 24 2363 2 41 124 318 98.11 Stevens .... 2 197 1 3 107 197 98.1 Oliver ... 13 1175 7 9 118 292 90.5 Smell ... 3 5 3482 14 49 121 325 99.17 Burling ... 23 2308 6 37 130 342 100.8 20th CENTURY-FOX Miller ... 25 2651 9 54 126 344 106.1 DePenni ... 42 4101 17 67 134 332 100.1 Sichelman ... ... 36 3728 15 75 126 342 103.20 Burns ... 36 3 547 12 54 131 334 98.19 Machinsky ... 13 1365 4 26 141 338 105 Smith ... 1 84 0 0 84 84 84 Collins ... 14 1377 3 19 109 305 98.5 Webster ... 3 172 0 0 88 172 86 Procter ... 16 1490 1 21 106 292 93.2 McConnell ... 3 244 1 1 85 244 80.4 VARIETY CLUB T ent No. a, Washingto n Chief Barker A. E. LICHTMAN last week announced the committees for 193 9. They are: Membership, CARTER T. BARRON, A. JULIAN BRYLAWSKI, SAMUEL N. WHEELER, HARRY E. LOHMEYER, CHARLES H. OLIVE, NATHAN D. GOLDEN. House, J. EDWARD FONTAINE, JOSEPH MAKOVER, FRANCIS KEMPER MOHLER, HARRY F. BACHMAN, FREDERICK A. ROHRS. Entertainment, ARCHIE D. ENGEL, FRANCIS EUGENE FORD, CLARK M. DAVIS, HARRY ANGER, PHIL HAYDEN, W. VINCENT DOUGHERTY, HOWARD BURKHARDT. Finance, SIDNEY B. LUST, J. EDWARD FONTAINE, HARDIE MEAKIN. Executive, JOHN JOY PAYETTE, SAMUEL A. GALANTY, HARRY E. LOHMEYER, SAMUEL M. FLAX, ORANGELO J. RATTO. Sports, promotion, SAMUEL A. GALANTY, CARTER T. BARRON, HARRY S. BROWN. Publicity, HARDIE MEAKIN, NELSON B. BELL, ANDREW R. KELLEY, CHARLES "Tony” WAKEMAN, ARTHUR R. BROWN, WILLIAM R. HOYLE. Welfare, RUDOLPH BERGER, JOSEPH MAKOVER, GEORGE A. CROUCH, SIDNEY B. LUST, FRED KOGOD, CHARLES C. SCHULMAN. — C. S. Tent No. 19, Baltimore Evidently delayed by the storms, snow, sleet, these additional observations on the recent Variety Club dinner-dance are furnished by Pony Express Rider JAMES MERIWETHER ("Little Jacques”) SHELLMAN: The excellent program arranged by SPAULDING ALBERT and his committee was very beautiful. DAN FEDDER worked overtime. BILL HICKS had a staff of fine looking gentlemen in uniforms as genial hosts. MRS. HARRY P. BALL, mother of MRS. LEON BACK, came all the way from Los Angeles for a visit and was the guest of her daughter and son-in-law. Mayoralty prospect opposite HOWARD W. JACKSON, HOWARD E. CROOK and his wife, were present. LOU ROME and FRANK DURKEE were the happiest of men. JOE GRANT’S selection of the menu was equal to the tastes of the famous Rector. ELMER NOLTE and his staff worked with zest to get those 3 0 pages of advertising. O. D. "NICK” WEEMS surely is a grand person to have so faithfully attended to things. EDDIE KIMPLE, JR., arranged for reservations with utmost in efficiency. Members from Washingon, including ABE LICHTMAN, JACK BERESIN, Philly, enjoyed everything. Credits, and many, should go to BILL SAXTON, I. M. RAPPAPORT, BARNEY SEAMAN, TED ROUTSON, MILTON MANN, FRED SCHMUFF for the entertainment. Proceeds will go, in part, toward the purchase of a portable sound and projection apparatus for the purpose of presenting shows to local institutions. February 8, 19)9