The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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REFERENCE FACTS: Size of Lot: 94 x 97 Seating Capacity: 590 Cost: Not Available Acoustical Treatment — Acoustone. Manufactured by U. S. Gypsum Co. Air Conditioning — Refrigeration, 50 ton capacity. Manufactured by Westinghouse Electric Co. Carpets — Garland velvet. Manufactured by Bigelow-Sanford Co. Chairs — Upholstered spring back and spring edge seat. Covered in Velmo Mohair Velvet. Manufactured by American Seating Co. Construction Material — Alabama veined limestone, bronze and marble on the exterior facing. Gypsum block walls. Glass block. Glass block manufactured by Owens-Illinois Glass Co. Decoration — Executed by Maragliotti Studios. Curtain Controls — A.D.C. Manufactured by Automatic Devices Co. Draperies and Stage Curtains — Manufactured by A. Weiss and Sons. Furniture — Manufactured by Treitel-Gratz Co., Inc. Generators — Hertner. Manufactured by Hertner Electric Co. Lighting Fixtures — Cove lighting by Mitchell Vance Co. Lighting fixtures manufactured by Lightolier Co. Projection Lamps — Peerless Magnarc. Manufactured by J. E. McAuley Mfg. Co. Projectors — Simplex E-7 on Super Simplex bases. Manufactured by International Projector Corp. Rubber Mats — Manufactured by Puritan Rubber Co. Screen — Hurley Evenlite. Manufactured by Hurley Screen Co. Sign — Manufactured by Robins Goldhammer Co. Sound — RCA. Manufactured by RCA Mfg. Co. Supply Dealer — National Theatre Supply Co. Uniforms — Manufactured by Russell Uniform Co. ' ' • • A CLOSER, angled view of the proscenium reveals the more the striking effect that can be achieved with just light. Here, too, may be seen more clearly the plaid effect of the Acoustone tiles. With the continuous light cove, with the hidden bulbs at full incandescence, the proscenium is limned with a brilliance such as could not otherwise be obtained, adding further to the dignity of the plain velour traveler in old rose with a silver sheen. The exit doors (never a thing of particular beauty) shrink to a minor consideration before the greater charm of the regal simplicity of the theatre auditorium. Sli : ANOTHER VIEW of the lobby, this reveals that which is back of the glass-block panel, prominently seen in the first picture of this series. Again is seen the clubby appointments of the room which, aoparently, has been further decorated with more floral tributes to Architect Rosario Candela, Associate Architect Benjamin Schlanger, and Owner Robert Walton Goelet. Well may these "orchids" be tossed at these three, for seldom before has so notable a presentation in stark simplicity been revealed. May the pictures presented on the screen be worthy of so noble an architectural achievement. FORMAL and dignified are the uniforms, designed by Howard Zeimer, and manufactured by Russell Uniform Company.