The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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SPECIAL FEATURES DETAILED ANALYSIS OF PRESS CnUMVNT 17 Chart No. 2 I PICTOBE QUALITY II INDOSTRY AFFAIRS 195Q III REGOLATION % \oo to 7o bo •To ‘fo 3o io m Favorable : Neutral Adverse PRESS COMMENT IN 1938. This chart, from records kept by the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, shows favorable comment in black, neutral comment in white and adverse comment in dotted areas. Picture Quality includes comment on motion pictures after completion and release. Industry Affairs includes production, policies and programs, trade practices, self-regulation and personal affairs. Regulation includes comment on legislative and legal activities affecting the industry. The records arc kept by the MPPDA and are submitted by this publication to its readers as such. HIGH PERIL (Vitaphone) — 12m. Floyd Gibbons describes a fistic encounter atop a chimney. KRAZY’S BEAR TALE (Columbia)— 8m. Krazy Kat’s rendition of the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED, No. 3 (Vitaphone) — 10m. Another interesting collection of scientific miscellany in the Color Parade. POPE PIUS XI, POPE OF PEACE (Guaranteed.)— 10m. The story of His Late Holiness, without the obsequies. RANCH HOUSE ROMEO (RKO-Radio) — 16m. A tabloid musical western, this offers Ray Whitley in another cycle of range rhythms. THE STORY OF ALFRED NOBEL (Metro) — 11m. Just that: a brief biography of the inventor of dynamite. SUNDAE SERENADE (Vitaphone)— 20m. A fair melange of musical numbers, this is not too hot on the comedy angle. Academy Award Winners The annual awards of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences were made February 23, as follows: ACTOR — Spencer Tracy, for “Boys Town.” ACTRESS — Bette Davis, for “Jezebel.” FEATURE — Columbia's “You Can’t Take It With You.” DIRECTOR — Frank Capra, for "You Can’t Take It With You.” SUPPORTING ACTOR — Walter Brennan, in “Kentucky.” SUPPORTING ACTRESS — Fay Bainter, in “Jezebel.” ORIGINAL STORY — Doris Schary and E’leanore Griffin, for “Boys Town.” SCREEN PLAY AND DIALOGUE — George Bernard Shaw, for “Pygmalion.” ADAPTATION OF SCREEN PLAY — W. P. Lipscomb, Cecil Lewis, and Ian Dalrvmple, for “Pygmalion.” ART DIRECTION — Carl Weyle, for “The Adventures of Robin Hood.” PHOTOGRAPHY — Joseph Ruttenburg, for “The Great Waltz.” SOUND RECORDINC — T. L. Moulton, for “The Cowboy and the Lady.” FILM EDITING — Ralph Dawson, for “The Adventures of Robin Hood.” ORIGINAL MUSICAL SCORE — Eric Wolfgang Korngold, for "The Adventures of Robin Hood.” MUSICAL SCORING — Alfred Newman, for “Alexander's Ragtime Band.” SONG — Ralph Rainger and Leo Robin, for “Thanks For the Memory,” in “The Big Broadcast of 1938.” COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, for "Sweethearts.” O'NE-REEL SUBJECT — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s “That Mothers Might Live.” TWO-REEL SUBJECT — Vitaphone’s “The Declaration of Independence.” CARTOON — Walt Disney’s “Ferdinand the Bull.” SPECIAL A3VARDS — To Deanna Durbin and Mickey Rooney, “for their significant contribution in bringing to the screen the spirit and personification of youth;” to IValt Disney, for “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “a significant, innovation [which] pioneered a great, new entertainment field in motion picture cartoons;” to Harry M. Warner, for his “patriotic service” in the production of historical short subjects. IRVING G. THALBERG MEMORIAL AWARD — To Warner Brothers’ Hal B. Wallis, for the most consistently high quality of production by an individual producer. MORE IN CONSTANT USE THAN ALL OTHER SAFETY DEVICES COMBINED , . . ^ SPECIALISTS in the creation of Smart Interiors! NOVELTY SCENIC STUDIOS, Inc. INTERIOR DECORATORS 0 r a p • r I • i ■ Stag* Curtain. • Wall Tr*atm*nt« 3 19-330 W • 1 1 41th Str.*t-N.w Y • r h City IRWIN SEATING famous for its “NECK TO KNEE COMFORT” AND SNAPPY APPEARANCE Dlitrlbuted by Nitlon.l The.trei Supply Co. TYPHOON AIR CONDITIONING CO. COOLING and HEATING SYSTEMS of all TYPES Philadelphia, Pa New . York, N Y March l, 19)9 TRI