The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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22 DEL-MAR-VA Dover Boy Scouts attended the show and special program at the Capitol during National Scout Week. Mayor J. WALLACE WOODFORD and State Senator DREXLER spoke and all expressed appreciation of the invitation extended by Owner GEORGE SCHWARTZ. Easton Avalon got a remodeling and paint job. Milford New Plaza closed for alterations, reopening Easter Saturday. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington Sales contact offices of the Jam Handy organization have been reopened with PATRICK MURPHY in charge. Former Paramount manager HARRY HUNTER, now Australian chief, is due back in this country this month on business. Notes from Horlacher’s: "I Have Eyes” seems to be the hit song of the month in the inspection room. Both ANGIE and ANNA seem very fond of the words; they can be heard singing it from morning til night. If they could only find a good tenor, their happiness would be complete. What’s the matter CHARLIE HURLEY? We are really lacking in news, seems as if nothing ever happens in the Washington office of Clark Film. JACK NORMAN, night shipper, says it’s very difficult to take your date home at 10 o’clock so you won’t be late for work. Poor Jack, you have our sympathy. ANGIE LUZI is becoming a regular "fashion-plate,” coming to work each morning with her hair curled high on her head, and the new dresses. What’s happened to AL, Angie? Every other Tuesday ANNA BROWN decides to give up smoking. It’s too expensive, says she, but you can always come to Anna for a cigaret on Wednesday. RALPH BINNS takes the place of the family doctor by calling on the Clark family each and every day at the same time. We’ve all given up eating apples, you know the old adage, "An apple a day !!!” If you’re blinded by a flash of color, don’t get alarmed, it’s just CHARLIE HURLEY with another one of those ties he received for Christmas. MICKEY ROONEY, took time out recently when he passed through our fair city en route to Florida, to buy an ice cream cone, pose for pictures, take a run-about between trains, with RAY BELL, say "hello” to the press. A card from jolly TONY MUTO, who is in control of the Movietonews here, tells us he will soon head for Uruguay, Brazil. Congrats go to CRESSON SMITH, JR., assist ant manager, Trans-Lux, in the birth of a blond beauty. CURTIS HILDEBRAND, branch manager. Preferred, spent the past week touring in Western Maryland for business. Wife ALICE handled the office. Daw, which recently opened in Tappahannock, Virginia, was complimented in a nice sized ad in the Rappahannock Times. JOE FIELDS, Embassy, Rivoli, Baltimore, was a visitor. Enjoying the warm sun, grand weather in Florida are MR., MRS. RUDY BERGER, BEN LUST, LOUIS BERNHEIMER, JAKE FLAX, BUDDY HALL, MR., MRS. HARRY BACHMAN. TED O'SHEA, district manager, Metro, is vacationing in Florida. TOM CONNORS, eastern sales manager, Metro, is in Jamaica. SARAH BROWN, Metro, was on the sick list. BETTY DEMPSEY, Metro steno, was also on the sick list recently. AARON COPLIN has purchased the Fremont, Baltimore, from JOE WALDERMAN. SARAH FLAX MONFRIED, Republic, was >ut sick. — Charles Stofberg. MARYLAND Baltimore MICKEY WYNN, formerly on the staff at the Grand and later a member of the Rivoli staff, died suddenly at his home of sceptic poisoning. We extend our sympathy. MRS. ELLEN CLOCKER, mother, KATHRYN CLOCKER, cashier, Lord Baltimore, died of pneumonia. Cur sincere sympathy is extended . ROBERT M. GOLDER, father-in-law of J. M. ALDERSON, Centre manager, died very suddenly at his home when attacked with a brain hemorhage. We wish to express sincere sympathy. — Jacques M. Sheuman. VIRGINIA Berkley HERMAN EICHELBAUM, manager, Lincoln, is receiving many compliments on the improved appearance of the house. Harrisonbu rg JACK W. FRETWELL, manager, State, mailed 50 letters to city and county schools and college heads on "Lincoln in the White House,” also addressed student body of local colored school on the literary and educational value of same. Fretwell also distributed 20 jumbo window cards to leading rural "Hang-outs” playing up active and fight angle on "Stand Up and Fight.” Local State Teachers College gladly accepted 1000 book-marks on "Duke of West Point” resulting in picture playing to large number of "wouldbe” cadet fans. Neivport News RAYMOND OVERMAN, assistant manager. Dominion’s Paramount, was married to MISS MILDRED RIPPY. With a McKINSEY on the door, and a McLEOD as usher, LEO (McTAVISH) GREENWOOD is thinking about putting his Warwick house staff in kilts. — ' W. T. Norfolk The WILDERS have returned from a vacation in Florida. F.D LEVINE, Levine circuit, does not mind competition. Located just a block from the Norfolk General Hospital maternity wing, he played "The Birth of a Baby.” ROSCOE R. DRISSELL, manager, Loew’s State, worked up a bit of publicity for his stage show when he found that the parents of the featured dancers were once Norfolk residents. STANLEY BARR, manager, Craver’s Colonial, believes in 24-sheeting on a truck. SIDNEY BOWDEN, general manager, Wilder theatres, in charge of personnel and operations, is an aviation enthusiast. Work on LEVINES’ new theatre in Portsmouth is progressing nicely. What was EARL WESTBROOK, manager, Granby, doing in the haberdashery? — Kit Larson. Petersburg Rotary Club’s 15th annual musical comedy was presented at the Century. Local folks who attended the Theatrical Ball in Richmond were: WALTER QUERY, MISS LOUISE STAFFORD, BRADLEY STAFFORD, MRS. VIRGINIA CARWELE, FRED H. REAVES MISS CLARK, MR. and MRS. LUCIUS ANDREWS, HERMAN KAPLON, MR. and MRS. ARTHUR DEAN and daughter ALEASE, JAMES R. SMITH, W. E. BUTLER, FRANK WOOD. Richmond BILL ATTMORE, local RCA engineer, installed the RCA sound in the new Daw, Tappahannock. N. C. HAEFELE, DAVE PETERSON were in town. HARRY NORDIN, Neighborhood Theatres’ home office, is quite a handball player. HARRY RAWLINS, manager. State, Falls Church, is vacationing in Florida. New address of the Richmond Theatre Supply Company is 209 North Jefferson Street. Week’s highlight was the 10th annual theatrical ball at Tantilla Garden, sponsored by Local No. 87. As usual, CLAUDE WILSON, his committee put on a great show, which included a floor show by MILTON HUTCHINSON, his Jitterbug dancers, a grand array of door prizes. BOB OVERCASH drew a floor lamp; FLOYD STAWLS a box of candy, which he promptly exchanged for liquid refreshment; R. C. MILLER, TOM BOWRY’S electrical inspectors, won the radio. RALPH WEBSTER, leader, orchestra, proved an able m.c. HERBERT HOGWOOD, as usual, proved his ability as "spot” man, picking out all of the notables dancing on the floor. There were several newlywed couples there, including MR., MRS. THOMAS PITTS, MR., MRS. PETE STAINBACK; MR., MRS. GORDON CULLEY. That grand old lady, MRS. WILSON, was there with her guests. JOE WEST, TOM JONES were the veterans on hand, along with "DAD” COULTER. VARIETY CLUB Tent No. 11, Washington Old time "Bingo” party sponsored by Variety will be held March 2 at the Willard Hotel. Party begins promptly at 8 P. M. There will be door prizes, free plays, cash, other prizes. It is all for sweet charity. Don’t forget, it is for the Welfare Fund. Committee headed by genial RUDOLPH BERGER. Tent No. 19, Baltimore Among those who attended the party given by J. LOUIS ROME at the Variety Club headquarters recently were MR. and MRS. OSCAR COBLENTZ, MR. and MRS. RODNEY COLLIER, SAM FLAX, MR. and MRS. MORRIS OLETSKY, MR. and MRS. HENRY DUSMAN; PAUL VINCENT, JERRY ULLMAN, MR. and MRS. WILLIAM K. SAXTON; CARTER BARRON,. Chief Barker, Washington Tent; MR. and MRS. J. LAWRENCE SCHANBERGER, LOU GARMAN; MR. and MRS. SAM SOLTZ, FRED SANDY, FRANK H. DURKEE, who brought 20 members of the Elks’ Glee Club; MR. and MRS. MORRIS SHAPIRO, EDDIE PEROTKA, EDDIE SHERWOOD, W. G. and W. I. SILVERBERG. — Jacques Shellman. March 1, 19)9