The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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24 NEWS OF THE TERRITORY DORIS PRICE saves her pennies. W. J. SILVERBERG, Lexway, Baltimore, is down to Florida, says son BUDDY. GEORGE JACOBS, Goldfield, Baltimore, was a visiting exhib. BOB SMELTZER says JOHN GARFIELD, young Warner star, reminds him of RICHARD BARTHLEMESS of silent fame. You should see the swell photo of BETTE DAVIS sent to Bob by that lovely star. BOB SMELTZER attended the testimonial dinner in Clarksburg, West Virginia, February 28 for BOB DUNBAR, city salesman, Pittsburgh, for Warners. A Patron SERVICE that makes $ $ $ BERLO Candy Vending Machines • VENDING NATIONALLY KNOWN PRODUCTS • SILENT IN OPERATION • A MODERN SHOW PIECE FOR ANY THEATRE • RECOGNIZED ASSET BY MAJOR CIRCUITS AND INDEPENDENTS • 15 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS. SATISFACTORY SERVICE TO EXHIBITORS SAM, ART SALTZ, Howard, Sparrows Point, Baltimore, were visitors. HENRY LEGO, Purcellville, Herndon, Virginia, reports alterations at the former house are progressing. Visiting the exchanges was SAM MELLITS, Ridgley, Denton, Maryland. DICK EASON, now with the Schine circuit, paid a visit to Washington film row. GRACE DYER, secretary to RKO’s BOB FOLLIARD, recovered from a recent illness. HELEN PAULSON, biller, RKO, commutes daily from Baltimore. Seen recently at swank Wardman Park Hotel were MR., MRS. CHARLES HURLEY; MR., MRS. AL FOLLIARD, OLMSTEAD KNOX, friend. MARY JANIN, RKO pretty, has a soft spot for a musician in the Marine Band. RKO’s ARCHIE, who we described recently as just emerging from the dog house, led the grand march at the North Carolina State Society Dance held a fortnight ago. AGNES TURNER, RKO steno, held a tea on G. W.’s birthday, invited friends. Rumor has it along the Row that the gals who work there will form a bowling league next season. ELLEN JONES has left the office of the publicity staff at Warners. MR., MRS. FRANK LaFALCE were both ill from la grippe recently. CHARLOTTE DUNCAN, attractive secretary to FRANK LaFALCE, has moved to town from nearby Maryland. JOE ROBERTS, formerly with ALEX ("Three Men on a Horse”) YOKEL, was in town recently. HELEN HAYES MOORE, secretary to HARDIE MEAKIN, has been ill for the past week. Here's hoping a speedy recovery. Efficient SOL SORKIN, assistant manager, RKO keeps the office humming with his staff of usher-stenographers. GEORGE CROUCH, chief booker, Warner theatres, recovered recently from an illness. CHARLOTTE DUNCAN, Warner secretary visited in Newport News recently with her cousin, a wireless operator on the Huncliffe, out of Scotland. Charlotte was accompaniel by her aunt. JEANNE ROGENMOSER has joined the Warner staff of stenos. — Charles Stofberg. MARYLAND fine exploitation and the six week run of "The Lady Vanishes.” JULIAN FUHS, KURT ROBITSCHEK sponsored the return of vaudeville at the Maryland, managed by LEONARD McLAUGHLIN. Hagerstown "Greatest contest in history of Hagerstown” was the way city manager GEORGE N. PAYETTE, JR., described recent contest on "Pygmalion.” JEAN TENNEY’S personal appearance at Maryland on opening of sport short "Bow Strings,” was marked by packed house. Miss Tenney, Clearspring, is women’s national archery champion. AL BALTZLEY, assistant manager, Maryland, in the part of "William Tell,” stole the show. Chief of service CLAUDE POOLE presented champion with bouquet from management. Payette had an unusual campaign. HELEN LEITER, cashier, Academy, had misfortune recently to have part of roof blow off her house. RAYMOND MOATS, porter, Academy, received congratulations over arrival of a son, born February 12. RUTH D. WERTZ, appointed by former Governor H. W. NICE as chairman. State Board of Motion Picture Censors, was not confirmed by the Maryland Legislature. — L. S. McW. VIRGINIA Abingdon D. D. QUERY, general manager, Lincoln theatres, with houses at Marion, Damascus, Glad Springs, Abingdon, is going ahead with plans for a new theatre here. He expects soon to reopen the Rialto, Marion, closed for the past two years. Bristol J. M. GOBEL, general manager, Gobel theatres, advises that his business is about 10 per cent above the level of last year. C. A. GOBEL, head of the theatres, is in Florida, will return about April 1. Cbristiansburg W. S. SNIDOW, manager. Palace, was recently elected mayor. Write for details BERLO VENDING C O . 1518 N. Broad St. Philadelphia 401 W. Broad St. Richmond, Va. Ill ■ SIGN STSTE JO) EIIIABETHTO lAf N . M n • PA.® ■ ELECTRIC ahc MEOn S I G M S ■ ■ &MARQUEES or QUALITY ■ Baltimore Auditorium, LEONARD McLAUGHLIN, opened for "Abie’s Irish Rose.” Congratulations are being received by MR. and MRS. MARTIN LEE GOLDSMITH on the birth of a son, MARTIN LEE, JR., February 23. Goldsmith is on the Associated Theatres staff. JOHN GRAULING, projectionist, Glen, Glenburnie, Maryland, operated by J. HARRY GRUVER, has been appointed Justice of the Peace at Severn. A card from THOMAS D. GOLDBERG, in Florida with MRS. GOLDBERG, tells how he is enjoying himself and plans to stay awhile longer. Another card came from MOE COHN, vacationing there with MRS. COHN and also having a fine time. WILLIAM HICKS and MRS. HICKS are there. MORRIS A. ROME has returned from Florida, having recovered fully from his recent illness. Another returning vacationist is MILTON SCHWABER, who was there with MRS. SCHWABER. FRANK BOUCHER, who has managed the Linden, resigned to accept a position with the Schine interests in Gloversville, New York. JULIUS GOODMAN has recovered from his attack of grippe. HERMAN A. BLUM, MAXWELL WEINBERG, Little, are to be congratulated on their Fredericksburg BENJAMIN T. PITTS, circuit owner, has been named president of the Skyline Drive National Battlefield Park Tour Association, succeeding C. A. SMITH, who has headed the organization for the past five years. Fries E. J. BAKER, formerly operator, YMCA house, is running a weekly paper here and is also operating the Independence, Independence. Luray With all of the Shenandoah Valley still in the grip of the worst depression ever known, builders of new theatres and the remodeling of old ones is being undertaken with unprecedented care. Lexington "Idiot’s Delight” was sponsored by the Junior department of the Lexington Woman’s Club when it played at the State. Lynchburg Spring renovations at FRANK FALLS’ Academy will include a new outside coat of paint. March S, 19)9