The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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THE NATIONAL MIRROR 15 Warner Convention Held in New York City 1939-1940 Plans Discussed at Meeting Headed by Jack L. Warner, vice-president in charge of production, Warners West Coast and home office executives, in addition to district and branch managers, attended the annual convention of Warner Brothers Pictures and its affiliated companies March 13-14 at the WaldorfAstoria Hotel, New York City. Expected from the coast were Hal B. Wallis, associate executive in charge of production, who was to aid Warner in outlining the product for next year. Gradwell L. Sears, general sales manager presided. Among the district and branch managers attending the convention were: Ed Schnitzer, eastern district manager, with headquarters in New York, and branch managers; Paul S. Krumenacker, Albany; N. J. Ayers, Boston; Charles Rich, Buffalo; John Pavone, New Haven; Harry Decker, New York-Brooklyn; Harry Hummed, New Jersey. R. Smeltzer, central district manager, with headquarters in Washington, and branch managers: W. G. Mansell, Philadelphia; F. W. Beiersdorf, Washington. New Paramount Subsidiary Paramount Pictures, Inc., last fortnight formed a new wholly owned subsidiary called Paramount Film Distributing Corporation, under the laws of the State of Delaware. On March 7, 1939, Paramount Pictures Distributing Company, Incorporated, its wholly owned New Jersey subsidiary which distributes Paramount pictures in certain states, was merged into the new corporation which will hereafter carry on the same motion picture distribution business under the name Paramount Film Distributing Corporation. Paramount-Mayflower Deal Deals for worldwide distribution of British films by a major American organization was announced last week in New York by Paramount and in London by Mayflower Pictures. Deal signed now gives Paramount sole distribution rights for the world except in the United Kingdom for Mayflower’s next two Erich Pommer-Charles Laughton productions. These productions are "St. Martin’s Lane,” "Jamaica Inn.” Arrangements have been made by Paramount and Mayflower by which Mayflower will produce "The Admirable Crichton” in England. Paramount Estimate $2,220,000 Paramount Pictures Inc. estimates its earnings after interest and all charges for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 1938, at $2,220,000, including $340,000 representing net capital and non-recurring income, and $87,000 profit on purchase of debentures of Paramount Pictures Inc., it was announced last week. These earnings do not include $445,000 representing the amount of dividends received by the corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries from non-consolidated subsidiaries in excess of Paramount’s direct and indirect net interest as a stockholder in the combined earnings for the quarter, such excess representing a partial distribution of share of earnings of previous quarters. Warners Borrow $6,000,000 The trade heard last week that Warners have arranged for a secured loan from three banks for a maximum of $6,000,000 in order to complete its debenture refunding. Of $29,400,000 six per cent debentures due September 1, only $7,032,000 has not been deposited for exchange. The $6,000,000 will become available in amounts each six months beginning April 1, 1940 and ending April 1 , 1 944. ERPI IPC’s Foreign Agent Announcement was made last week by executive vice president Herbert Griffin, International Projector Corporation, that the Electrical Research Products, Inc., has been appointed exclusive distributors in Brazil, China, Malay States, Straits Settlement, Siam, French Indo China, Borneo, Swrawak, Netherlands East Indies, Australia, New Zealand for its Simplex E-7, Super Simplex projectors. Simplex projectors have been sold for many years by responsible distributors and dealers in many foreign countries. The arrangements just completed with the Western Electric subsidiary are a completion of world-wide distribution. Smith Studies Television Courtland Smith was retained last week by the Hays organization to make a study of television and its relation to production and exhibition. He will make a report at the MPPDA meeting March 27. Loew Officers Re-elected All officers of Loew’s, Inc., headed by Nicholas M. Schenck, were re-elected last week by the board of directors. A dividend of 5 0 cents was voted on the common stock. AMERICA -FIRST, LASTALWAYS! im at Ihe White House, Sam. } ith a wife like Eliza to steady lur course you can be present yet', that's what Jackson id to me. ★ MAN OF CONQUEST * RICHARD DIX • Gail Patrick • Joan Fontaine Edward Ellis • Cast of thousands! • A Republic Picture March 15, 19)9