The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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IS SPECIAL FEATURES NEW YORK CITY ry*i A SINGING, FIGHTING D'ARTAGNAN VENTURES FORTH FOR LOVE ... AND THE RIJZES GO ALONG FOR THE RIDEI — On* for all and all for yovl • Starts TODAY at 11:00 A.M. DON AMECHE 7^RITZ BROTHERS A Musical Comedy Version oi ALEXANDRE DUMAS* THE THREE MUSKETEERS BINNIE BARNES • LIONEL ATWILL GLORIA STUART fAULINE MOORE JOSEPH SC HILDKRAUT JOHN CARRADINE • JOHN KING DOUGLAS DUMBRIIU MILES MANDER Diroctod by Allon Dwan Auooota P»odu«*r toymond Griffith • S </»•* nor by M. M MlMMlman, William A. OroN* and Som Hallman • Spaool notarial by Sid Kvllof and Ray Goldan A 20th Century-Fox Picture D'Vryl F. Zanuck In Chorg# of Production ROXY AP< CMILDNEN /Si. UNDER12I V fcViP.M.|lN«Y$Av SHOW VALUE OP THE NATION • /tN AVE. I SOtW $T PHILADELPHIA ^ OOOtS Oft* II O ARTAGNAN RIDES AGAIN j A Song on his lips Romance in his heart and the RITZES in his hairl ^W/ov°/ BZf*°°NSt kinging TUNES' RITZ BROTHERS . I “THE THREE MUSKETEERS j 20ih c««»u'r BINNIE BARNES • GLORIA j STUART* Pauline MOORE • Joseph SCHILDKRAUT j, r ™,LZ, ■ mm A ATLANTIC CITY STRAND EDWii. ax 9mm. 0 TO O aA DON AMECHE * ★ ★ ★ Ringing with songs and swordplay! Riotous With fun and horseplay! The happiest idea in entertainment since the movies began to move! THE RITZ BROTHERS A Musical Comedy Version of ALEXANDRE DUMAS’ The Three Musketeers’ With Binnie Barnes • Gloria Stuart Pauline Moore • Joseph Schildkraut John CARRADINE • Lionel ATWILl Miles MANDER • Douglas DUMBRILLE John KING A 20th Century-Pox Picture Hints on Newspaper Advertising No. 19 — ''The Three Musketeers ” (20th Century-Fox) With the exception of the Atlantic City advertisement, which clings to a style found valuable in that seashore spot, all of the above are unanimous on certain points. They bill Amec he over the Ritz brothers ; they make no attempts to disguise the costume element, which would probably be a difficult thing to do anyway, and they call the show "a musical comedy version.” In the Roxy ad, from the pressbook with some modifications, the two feminine leads are shown in head photos, in modern guise. The name values of the pictures are important, what with a strong supporting cast backing up the Ritz Brothers and Ameche, even though some of the names are appearing as iust bits. We suggest you bill them all, however. In this particular case, it would be in line to use all the facilities the prcsslxook has to offer as they are plentiful. The Charlie McCarthy lads at 20th Century-Fox have given you everything you need. Noiv to the specific problems. Would it be better to concentrate on the romance or on the wacky Ritzes? Would it be better to sell romance or screwy angles? What to do? The answer seems 50-50. These representative layouts couldn't find iiuy other solution, so include them all — and may the box office win. March 15, 1919