The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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ARTISTS £ -'"JAC JOAN MODELS a * BENNY BENNETT mm Lying 'midst the lush farms of the northern part of lozenge-shaped Lancaster County, the small town of Ephrata, Pennsylvania, forms the point toward which more than 5,000 people look for their entertainment. Up to a few months ago the town boasted a theatre, the Roxy (600 seats), but a flood had earlier descended leaving its tell-tale marks. While renovations were effected, Harry and Oscar Stiefel decided that not only did Ephrata deserve a modern cinema, but that business warranted some expansion. To Philadelphia's Architect David Supowitz fell the task of designing the $97,000, 900-seat theatre. How well he was able to bring urban munificence to the community, at the same time creating a structure which should not seem out of place in its setting, is revealed pictorially on this and the two following pages. Strictly modem in design, and equipped with the latest apparatus and adjuncts to offer the utmost in patron comfort and the enjoyment of motion picture entertainment, the Main Theatre is indeed a cinema of which its big city cousins need never feel ashamed. 1939 PRESENTATION No. 8 The New MAIN THEATRE Ephrata, Pa, Architect: David Supowitz Owners: Harry and Oscar Stiefel rs l MODELS ABROAD •JACK BENNT i nl N BENNETT _ THE FRONT, as seen here by night, radiantly aglow with incandescent and neon lighting, serves due notice to seekers after ment that here is. indeed, the haven in which the world's finest cinema productions are shown, amidst surroundings that or e comple tely with every known appurtenance for the creation of luxurious comfort and every piece of apparatus to give the most faithful reproduction of that Hollywood placed upon the sound track.