The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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33 DEL-MAR-VA Delmar Reviews of recent motion pictures was the recent order of a Delmar New Century Club program with MRS. LEWIS MELSON in charge. Harrington REESE HARRINGTON, owner-manager, Reese, continues to boast in newspaper readers of the popularity of his house with families. Milford The giant ROBERT MORTON pipe organ in the Plaza, now being remodeled and renovated, will be retained. Seaford TOM AYERS, manager, Palace, is running vaudeville and double features. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington Boogey Man ORSON WELLES came to town last week, proved he was no boogey man after all. JOHN J. PAYETTE, FRANK LaFALCE were in New York attending the annual sales meet. Next time you visit the Warner offices in the Earle Building, take note of the recent renovations. There’s a nice new rug on the floor in FPANK LaFALCE’S office. SID LUST has returned from that southern cruise with his wife. Sit and talk with DAN TERRELL a while, what does he do. He likes pipes, and will finish one bowl of tobacco in one pipe, extract another pipe from his collection, fill it (his pipe), there you are! His little boy, Junior, looks just like dad. Visiting from the Oriole City last week was popular MOE COHEN, Lexway. From not so far away came ART SALTZ, Lyceum, Sparrows Point. Saw ANDY KELLEY conferring with District Auditor DAN DONOVAN last week. MABELLE JENNINGS, erstwhile drama critic, old Herald, is back in the harness again, writing radio for the new Times-Herald . Strike at the large hotels here kept the Variety Club from having its luncheon last week. EARL ALLVINE, who has been subbing for genial TONY MUTO at the local Mopietoncws’ office, is doing a grand job. Reports along the Row have JOE GRANT ready to reopen the Rio, formerly the Star, Baltimore. Joe now operates the Dunbar. WALTER S. SILVERBERG, who recently returned from a trip to Florida, was a visitor along the Row last week. GEORGE LOEFFERT, Grand, Park, Norfolk, spent a busy day last week booking for his houses. George says there will be no remodeling this season. Industry will be glad to learn that CHRIS GEOGHEGAN, Colonial, South Hill, visited his children in Florida, found them both well. MORTON H. ROSEN, Baltimore exhibitor, is readying his new house on West Pratt Street for opening about June 15. The MONFRIEDS (SARAH FLAX) spent a week in New York, saw the shows, had a grand time. HATTIE, her staff held down the fort for dear old Republic, while Sarah was away. JAKE FLAX, tanned, feeling great, says there is no place like Florida. So say I, too! (Ed. — Was you dere, Charlie?) Sergeant BOSWELL, Quantico Marines, was a visitor. Baltimore’s Keith’s will play Republic’s "Man of Conquest” about April 20, reports MORRIS OLETSKY. HUNTER PERRY, colleague JACK KATZ, were in town to confer with local representative GOLEUM KETCHUM. Inspectress M. LIBROIA, Paramount, is recuperating. RALPH BRASHER, Paramount auditor, is back in town, folks, for the regular check on the books. Ralph is the fellow who collects stamps, swaps them, too. MARY LOU SWENNARTON has joined FRANK LaFALCE’S staff on the publicity side of Warner Brothers theatres. LES GRADY, advance man for BENNY GOODMAN, was in town to get the proper publicity. HARRY G. TOLSON, York projectionist, has returned from his honeymoon, is now ready for work again. C. W. MICHAEL, Atlas projectionist, has returned from a trip to the West Coast. Newly formed bowling league for operators is going over very well. Boys play every Tuesday midnight at the Rosslyn, Virginia, Alleys. Welcome to Film Row, GEORGE HELMS, now ad sales manager at FRED ROHR’S UA office. FRANK DURKEE, his charming wife are cruising about the Atlantic. Did you know that REESE HARRINGTON, popular Delaware exhibitor, is a descendant of Governor HARRINGTON? HARRY ANGER, Earle stage manager, has a new idea for his theatre. Everybody has always wondered about just what takes place when the cast rehearses for the week’s program. Lots of people have requested to see what the performers do. Who says what to whom, who does it, and all that sort of thing. Now, Harry has arranged for the public to preview just that, Good Friday, April 7. HENRY LEGO, Herndon, Purcerville, Virginia, paid his weekly visit. Also seen along the Row, running about from one exchange to t’other, was SAM MELLITS, Dentonia, Denton, Maryland. ELBERT GROVER, RKO salesman, has a new car. Universal salesmen SAM TABOR, JOE YOUNG, BARNEY FRANK, WALTER DAVIS have gone to work in a strenuous way to win the Stetson offered by manager B. BERNARD KREISLER in connection with the drive. GENE DYER, appointed some six weeks ago at Grand National is no longer there. GEORGE NATHAN, NSS territory salesman, did the small spots in Clinch Valley. EDDIE ("Call Me Porky”) LEVINE, popular Norfolk exhib sent Colleague ROSCO'E DRISCOLL, Loew’s, there, a live little piggie. W. F. CROCKETT expects to open his Roland, Virginia Beach, early part of summer. HAL LYONS, State, Franklin, won’t miss his Tuesday horse back ride regardless of the weather, says GEORGE NATHAN, NSS. HARRY BACHMAN, Monogram branch manager, spent several days in Virginia recently. JOE FIELDS, Rivoli, Embassy, Baltimore, visited the exchanges. CHARLIE ANDERSON, Alpine circuit, is being paged by UA’s branch manager FRED ROHRS, salesman FRED SANDY for a fishing trip to the Eastern Shore. MARK SILVER, accompanied by UA district manager, enjoyed the warm clime in Florida. Happy birthday to MAE ROHRS (FRED’S missus)! FRED SANDY, known as the Greek Ambassador of the Eastern Shore, sent Mrs. Rohrs a singing telegram. HAROLD WILSHIRE, Occoquan, Virginia, was in. GEORGE SCHWARTZ, Dover, Delaware, is back after having a wonderful time on a Caribbean cruise. D. F. ALESHIRE, Luray, Virginia, returned recently from a purchasing trip. FRANK PONTON, formerly, Richmond, is erecting a new subsequent-run house in Martinsville, Virginia. Says CHARLES HURLEY, Clark Films: "Spring is here, everyone is picking daisies again, Oh, yeah! Maybe it’s the warm weather that is attracting visitors to Clark Film. Recently, we had two visitors in the personages of BILL CLARK, DAVE ROSEN. Incidentally we have discovered Dave Rosen’s favorite sea-food, oysters, sword-fish! JACK NORMAN, night shipper, really had his car shined, his brakes adjusted when he started teaching ESTELLE TABB, secretary, how to drive. What happened to the car after that Jack? Wonder why ANGIE LUZI is so disappointed when a certain young man in a certain black car isn’t waiting to take her home after a hard day’s work. ANNA BROWN never knows when 'Elmer’ will be waiting outside for her, either.” JOHN BOLES, who appeared here last week at Loew’s Capitol, was feted in grand style. CARTER TATE BARRON, Loew’s eastern division manager, feted Boles at a swell party. SIDNEY B. LUST will again this year head the local Father-Son Banquet at the Mayflower Hotel April 23. Eentertainment committee, headed by co-chairmen JOHN J. PAYETTE, CARTER T. BARRON, BROOKE JOHNS, includes BEN LUST, FRED THOMAS, HOWARD BURKHARDT, ANDREW R. KELLEY, NELSON B. BELL, DAVID GINSBURG, SAMUEL A. GALANTY, ARTHUR GODFREY, GORDON HITTENMARK, HARRY E. LOHMEYER, JAY CARMODY, LEONARD SCHLOSS, MAXIM LOWE, A. E. LICHTMAN, WILLIAM BENNETT, EMIL HOLTZ. — Charles Stofberg. MYSTERY OF MR. WONG. Boris Karloff, Lotus Long, Dorothy Tree ami Craig Reynolds are current in the Monogram shore. March 22, 1919 NAT