The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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«■ J Q * Z 2 <£ o < 2 Air ne q it ^ © ^ c £ 2 CU _r © £ z c i ^ to ^ £ *r« G WARNER FIRST NA1 Secret Service of the . R. Reagan, J. Litel, R. Tow The Oklahoma Kid ( J. Cagney, R. La H. Bog The Adventures Jane Arden ( R. Towne, W. Gargan, D. Mo< Blackwell’s Island (F J. Garfield, R. Lane, P. Shanr On Trial (W) M. Lindsay, G. Dickson, J. Chapm Dodge City (W E. Flynn, 0. deHavillai H. O’Neill, A. H Women in the Wind (F K. Francis, W. Gargan, V. Jc Dark Victory <f: B. Davis, G. Bre H. Bogart, R. Reag Sweepstakes Winner (FI M. Wilson, J. Dav F. Burke, J. Colon J c © £ "G £ +* 73 o 2 t D. ^ O a © f ^ | G £ >> UNIVERSA isky Business . Murphy, D. K > £ c •s o >> u ^ ^ tT -m © . o © £ G o • § ”1 iofcO ystery of the White Ro Worth, B. Cat . Mack, A. Richa liree Smart Girls Grow , Durbin, H. Parri . Gray, C. Winnini imily Next Di Hodges, Quigley, H. Herb a ■= < © C W -2 g ® © ><uj ^ 3 -a ^ © 05 g > ^ © Cfi O g Town Czar Foster, T. Bro Js o =^; 2 £ k a Cfi 1-3 <5 S EK H Q Z fa l-s w 0a w 00 05 (2 05 UNITED ARTISTS agecoach, W Wayne, G. Trevor, Devine, J. Carradine ison Without Bars Luchaire, E. Best English-Made) ng of the Turf Menjou, D. Costello, Daniel, F. Thomas uthering Heights Oberon, L. Olivier, Robson, H. Williams nobia Langdon, ! O. Hardy, Ellison, A. Brady, Burke, J. Parker Ph d M < K £ S fe N td ^ fa X o u. o N ife. Husband and Friend Young, W. Baxter, Barnes, C. Romero side Story Whalen, Rogers, C. Chandler ie Little Princess Temple. R. Greene, Louise, C. Romero (Technicolor! £ * w is £ £ x> fS !►» to 0) c ie Hound of the Baskervilles Rathbone, N. Bruce, Greene, A. Louise *. Moto in Danger Island Lorre, Hersholt, A. Duff e Story of Alex der Graham Bell Ameche, Young, S. Blane inner Take All Martin G. Stewart spector Hornleigh Harker, A. Sim English-made) turn of the Cisco Kid, W . Baxter, L. Bari imbing High (GB) Matthews P E 00 £ H M < W ^ H 00 05 S fa |-D S a OiJ w T. In: G. ( (2 ^ u i-; . to .« t, * § CO © & i y j BQ £ a; 5 ° u « W * +-> to ft G !•§ «. © ^ "© £ m Qi d Rose, Burne D CL. efl CQ i-3 *| *„ fc j «4H rn s u a cj & T 2 ^ & DS & a tuD >. .SP •5 © fa C5 05 S s w S RADIO Crowded Hours Dix, L. Ball le Saint Strikes Back Sanders, W. Barrie >ve Affair Dunne, C. Boyer (Pre-release) ouble in Sundown, W O’Brien, Keith. R. Whitley most a Gentleman Morris ying Irishman Corrigan (Pre-release) >ve Affair ying Irishman tegular Releases) ie Castles ( Pre-release) (’37-’38) iey Made Her a Spy Eilers, Lane, F. Leiber xer Dugan Tracy, P. Shannon, Weidler, I. Franklin ie Castles Astaire, G. Rogers, (’37-’38) Regular Release) ■ Dog Holt, V. Weidler 2 fa h d J H C5P5 < cj E&Q J fa — H E-i m< E £ > hE -oh H Z D O ciety oil, lurray, S. Ross M h © ^ | 1 £ c, -c « © c o 5 | Jg 3 King of Chinatown A. Wong, A. Tamiroff, J. Naish t ert, K Ameche, rer, Barrymore release) Money les, Rambeau n the Sage, W , R. Rogers n Missouri s, G. George t r Release) Drum Secret Police rd, H. Angel ay Die , B. Hope >or to Heaven i, W. Ford, . McMahon dy’s Kentucky E. Drew, ert, Z. Pitts < Ou o U1 u o | d aj I * rt ■ . o Sh g M . 5= m P w bfl © w H d w Midnigh C. Colbi E F. Lede J. (Pre Sudden C. Rugg M Silver o W. Boyd o G ■£ ,£* us of fc = B M 0H *0 0) E . • ps — 0Q g = Bulldog mond’s J. Howa Never S M. Raye Back D« S. Erwii P. Ellis, A The La< From G. Raft, H. Herb « M to § | ^ * £ -2fc fci'S « § ° § jS & & -C 1 I bfl — < W w York Martel Fingers n, . Lynne * s X -c C' O G O O z o £ Mystery of Mr B. Karloff, D. Tree, G. t Rollin’ Westw T. Ritter, 1 s E* & e® © © l S £ i S -i Trigger Sm J. Randall Undercover R. Gleason, S. Deane, D Streets of Ne J. Cooper, J. Dangerous J. Stevenso B Man From Te T. Ritter 5 c £ § fa 4-> to c. « O S METRO Pygmalion L. Howard, W. Hiller (English-Made) Ice Follies of 1939 J. Crawford, J. Stewart, L. Ayres Sergeant Madden W. Beery, L. Johnson Within the Law J. King, W. Gargan, R. Hussey, S. Hinds, P. Kelly The Kid From Texas D. O’Keefe, R. Hussey, B. Ebsen Broadway Serenade J, MacDonald, F. Morgan, L. Ayres, Vv Gray Calling Dr. Kildare L. Ayres, L. Barrymore, L. Turner, B. Watson Lucky Night M. Loy, R. Taylor, D. Fowley, E. Gargan Maiden Voyage R. Young, R. Owen. Morgan, B. Burke, Annabella w to '■a © — ' to "■ co & $ § c g •a m u © © © * w G 2 bo a t* £ COLUMBIA Romance of the Redwoo C. Bickford, J. Parke G. Oliver, L. Hugh Blondie Meets the Bo P. Singleton, A. Lake, L.Simm Lone Star Pioneers, B. Elliott, D. Gulliver Whispering Enemi J. Holt, D. Costello, P. Kelt North of the Yuk C. Starrett, L. Winte The Lady and the M F. Bainter, I. Lupino, H. Armet' L. Bowman, W. Hym First Offenders W. Abel, B. Rober I. Meredith, J. Dow The Law ! Comes to Tex B. Elliott, V. Berg, C. Ki Only Angels Have Win J. Arthur, C. Grar Oklahoma Trail C. Starrett, I. Meredi ^ CO r— ■ 2f i'** CO CM CO rmm CM CM