The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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8 THE NATIONAL MIRROR Number 25 of a Series: MICHAEL LESSY Owner and Operator, DIAMOND THEATRE, Philadelphia, Pa. 'In the many years that I have been a subscriber to THE EXHIBITOR, my enthusiastic interest in, and dependency upon, the magazine has grown to the point where they easily match the phenomenal strides of the publication itself. "Much ground has been traversed in a relatively short period of time — from the humble beginning of a four page paper to the modern, typographically beautiful organ produced under Jay Emanuel’s editorship. "Distributor and exhibitor news has been fresh, vital and up to date. Of special help and interest is, 'The Feature Check Up’ department, a splendid manner of giving a quick assay of all current productions.” Nearly every Exhibitor reads THE EXHIBITOR! AN INVITATION Throughout 193 9, expressions of praise, comment, criticism or suggestion from our many Exhibitor Friends will be carried in similar form in every issue. W,e welcome the expression of every reader and will use them in the order in which they are. received. Universal Announces Regional Conventions Cincinnati , Chicago , San Francisco Selected W. A. Scully, sales manager, Universal Pictures Corporation, has set a series of three regional sales conventions beginning April 15 in Cincinnati, he announced last week. After three days at the Netherland Plaza, Cincinnati, the convention will move to the Palmer House, Chicago, for sessions April 18, 19, 20, then on to San Francisco’s St. Francis Hotel, April 22, 23, 24. Attending from the home office, according to Scully, will be Nate Blumberg, president; F. J. A. McCarthy, eastern sales manager; Joseph H. Seidelman, foreign sales manager, just returned from South America; W. J. Heineman, western sales manager; also F. T. Murray, James Jordan, O. C. Binder, Andrew J. Sharick, Morris Alin, Louis Pollock. The branch managers, salesmen and office managers to attend the Cincinnati meeting are: From BOSTON: W. Kelly, manager; F. Dervin, I. Shiffman, J. Curran, H. Konnis, H. Martin, J. Murphy. From NEW HAVEN: M. Joseph, manager; A. Titus. From PHILADELPHIA: G. Schwartz, manager; J. Engel, W. Doyle, M. Koppleman, J. Leon, R. Bernhard. The NEW YORK exchange contingent will be headed by Al Herman, district manager; Leo Abrams, manager; Max Cohen, Nat Goldberg, H. Furst, J. Ligget, P. Winnick, B. Price. From ATLANTA: H. Graham, district manager; J. Ezell, manager; C. J. Jordan, R. Elliot, E. F. Cox, E. L. O’Neill, R. B. Gann. From CHARLOTTE: P. Baron, manager; R. F. Good, R. H. Mesterman, J. Greenleaf, J. M. Bishop. From DALLAS: E. S. Olsmith, manager; J. H. Lietzer, L. D. Leitzer, W. R. Pittergle, C. M. Miller, E. V. Green. From MEMPHIS: A. J. Pretchard, manager; H. I. Mansfield, B. H. Jordan, L. H. Andrews. From NEW ORLEANS: W. M. Richardson, manager; P. Tessier, C. McMillan, N. Lamantia. From OKLAHOMA CITY: J. E. Hobbs, manager; Henry Martin, W. G. Wray, M. M. Holstein. From WASHINGTON: B. B. Kreisler, manager; L. J. Young, B. Frank, S. Tabor, W. E. Davis, O. Blumenthal. From ALBANY: Joe Engel, manager; L. J. Leiser, W. A. Ryan, A. J. Marchetti. From BUFFALO: J. J. Scully, manager; J. Fater, W. F. Bock, Carl Heedit. From CLEVELAND: D. Miller, district manager; J. R. Kaufmann, manager; J. V. Frew, G. Rosenbaum, J. Krenitz, A. W. Young, W. L. Sencer, Peter Rosian. From PITTSBURGH: Jules Lapidus, manager; D. Barnholtz, L. Hess, S. E. Feld, W. Satori, F. Guehl. Meeting them at Cincinnati will be the local group headed by P. Kreiger, manager; N. LeVene, H. Young, G. B. Gomersall, J. Marks, F. Schreiber. Branch managers and salesmen attending the Chicago meeting will be: From DES MOINES: J. J. Spandau, manager; H. Schiffrin, J. Smith, Hilton Frost, I. Weiner. From KANSAS CITY: Pete Dana, district manager; L. J. Miller, manager, R. M. Palmquist, L. Morrow, R. Thompson, J. Beiser, E. Selig. From OMAHA: Otto Siegel, manager; R. J. Olson, L. Hensler, A. Hill, J. W. Harms. From ST. LOUIS: J. E. Garrison, manager; Harry Hynes, J. H. Sarfaty, S. H. Nesbit, Harry Hines, Jr. From DETROIT: E. Heiber, manager; J. Stewart, A. Fischer, B. Tighe, J. R. Susane. From INDIANAPOLIS: G. C. Craddock, manager; A. Kaufman, W. B. Grant, W. Sherman. From MINNEAPOLIS: H. B. Johnson, manager; A. Zacherl, J. M. Field man, S. Leff, D. Gutman, M. Hollaran, V. L. Dickenson. From MILWAUKEE: F. Mantzke, manager, E. W. Gavin, R. J. Basett, J. M. Hickey, O. Peterson. From CHICAGO: E. T. Comersall, district manager; M. Gottlieb, manager; R. Funk, F. Meyers, E. Weinshenker, M. Brodsky, A. Kent, W. Hyland. Branch managers and salesmen attending the San Francisco meeting will be: From DENVER: Jack Langan, manager; A. W. O’Connell, E. Warner and F. McMahon. From LOS ANGELES: A. O’Keefe, district manager; C. J. Feldman, manager; A. Wog, L. Hoss, C. Wade, E. Cooke. From PORTLAND: R. O. Wilson, manager; F. M. Blake, J. Hommel, J. Harvey. From SALT LAKE CITY: M. Aparton, manager; H. W. Landstrom, E. M. Loy, W. Fitz Henry. From SEATTLE: L. J. McGinley, manager; C. L. Theuerkauf, M. J. Whitman, A. M. Kallen. From SAN FRANCISCO: B. Rose, manager; King Trimble, Al Oztaby, C. E. Pace, C. F. McBride. 20th-Fox Shows $7,252,466 Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation last week issued its annual report for the year (53 weeks) ended December 31, 1938. Net profit, after all income and surtaxes and foreign exchange adjustments, was $7,252,466, compared with $8,617,114 for 1937. Dividends from National Theatres Corporation are included in the amount of $882,000 compared with $1,134,000 in 1937. These dividends were received in the fourth quarters of the respective years. The profits for the fourth quarter of 1938 were $2,630,374 compared with $3,718,000 for the fourth quarter of 1937 and $1,202,433 for the third quarter of 193 8. National Theatres Corporation and its voting controlled domestic subsidiaries had consolidated net income of $2,617,65 3 for 1938 compared with $2,988,228 for 1937. 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation’s 42% interest in National Theatres Corporation indicates an interest in these earnings of $1,099,414. Will Hays Re-Elected Annual meeting of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America last week re-elected Will Hays and all officers of the body, including the directors. In addition to the annual Hays report, the body received the Courtland Smith report on television. No action was taken. Fox Financing Howard Lawrence W. Fox, president, General Film Company, last week concluded arrangements with Walter Futter to finance the forthcoming Leslie Howard production for RKO release. NTS-Altec Deal L. W. Conrow, Altec president, last week announced an arrangement with National Theatre Supply whereby Altec will act as its agent in stocking and distributing replacement parts for all type of Four Star Simplex sound systems. Abril 5, 1939