The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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NOW To All BEING DISTRIBUTED FILM DAILY Sub scribers — mThe most valuable booh of motion picture information obtainable !" Over 1200 Pages — 6 ^4 Pounds — Beautifully Bound ualled ! Subscribers to the Film It ail if are now receiving their 1939 Film Year Booh , of which there is no equal. fuzy I not Bo A few of the important subjects found in the 193 9 FILM YEAR BOOK follow — A complete list of theatres in the U. S. A. The names of all features released in 193 8 together with all credits. A showman’s manual section which is the most upto-date compendium of stunts, tieups, etc., that can be obtained from live showmen who have found them practical. Legal points and decisions of importance to everyone. The work of producers, directors, cameramen, authors, etc., for the past two years. The financial picture of the major companies. Personnel of production and distribution companies. Distribution percentage tables. The foreign markets. Equipment Buying Guide of great importance. A complete list of all features released in the United States since 1915, who produced them, who released them, release dates and FILM DAILY review dates. And 1,001 other important bits of information. Subscribers to the Film Daily receive the FILM DAILY, filmdom’s leading daily trade paper, five days a week, for a full year— short subject editions four times a year — one mammoth special edition every summer plus the FILM YEAR BOOK which is unequalled in value information — advertising and considered the Recognized Standard Reference Book of the motion picture industry, all for only $10.00 per year. iK ! m THE FILM DAILY The paper that has been serving the motion picture industry for the past twenty years with live news, intelligent reviews and constructive editorials. SIGN THIS COUPON AND MAIL IT TODAY — AND GET THIS BOOK THE FILM DAILY Hollywood Office: 1501 Broadway 6425 Hollywood Blvd. New York, N. Y. Hollywood, Calif. Gentlemen : Please enter my subscription to the FILM DAILY SERVICE, and send my 1939 YEAR BOOK as soon as it is off the press. I enclose my check for $10.00 (Foreign subscription, $15.00). Street : City : State :