The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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31 DEL-MAR-VA Delmar State police, cooperating with Deputy Attorney General DANIEL J. LAYTON, stopped "Bank Night” scheduled at a local theatre which had not been informed of the recent court ruling outlawing the practice. Police were instructed to enforce the ruling in other Delaware towns. Denton SAM MLLLITS, manager, Dentonia, took advantage of the CHARLIE McCARTHY "kidnapping” publicity to ballyhoo in the county papers "You Can’t Cheat an Honest Man.” Newark MR. and MRS. HERMAN HANDLOLL are being congratulated on the birth of a daughter. Salisbury Schine’s Arcadia conducted a word contest for “Pygmalion.” Seaford WALTER L. LANGFORD, projectionist-assistant manager, TOM AYER’S Palace, has taken a position as sound technician in the U. S. Archives Building in Washington. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA office aquarium. The farm has a complete salt water lake within, which will aid in the control of terrapin-raising. PEGGY ROOT, wife of BUSTER ROOT, Tivoli manager, was tendered a baby shower recently by Warner theatres office lassies. RAY SCHATT, Warner artist, has returned from a New England trip with the wife. Branch manager SAM WHEELER, his office manager, bookers, salesmen were enthused over the annual convention of 20th Century-Fox sales forces. IRA SICHLEMAN remained in Washington to head the office. NATE SAUBER, looking hale, hearty, paid a visit to Universal to confer with B. BERNARD KREISLER, acting branch manager. Bernie continues to receive comments for his St. Patrick’s Day carnation stunt. Salesmen BARNEY FRANK, JOE YOUNG are neck-and-neck for the brand new car BERNIE KREISLER has offered his salesmen for their efforts in the McCarthy Drive. "Three Smart Girls Grow Up” was previewed for members of Universal staff. Boys came out of the projection room with eyes moistened and smiles. Picture opens April 7 at Baltimore’s Keith’s; at the Byrd, State, Richmond, April 13. SAM MELLITS, popular Denton, Maryland, exhibitor, came to town for a spot of booking, told about the wonderful Shore during spring time. JOE FIELDS, Rivoli, Embassy, Baltimore, made the one-hour trip from the Monumental City. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom now, folks. HARRY BROWN, GN branch manager, tells that his wife is feeling much better. LORRAINE MIDDLEKAUF, GN steno, still prefers BENNY GOODMAN. But KAY KEYSER’s in town, young lady! A new book to aid exhibitors date, exploit Universal pictures has been installed at the booking table, announces BERNIE KREISLER. ART JACOBSON, NSS branch manager, reminds now is the time to take advantage of Opportunity Month. CHARLES SMAKWITZ, district manager, Warners’ Albany-Utica-Troy (New York) area, was in town en route home from Florida. He spent several days with NATE SAUBER. Friends of EDGAR HUNT will be pleased to learn he has been re-elected head of Baltimore’s Musicians Union. RUSS HILDEBRAND, busy RKO office manager, strikes us as one of the busiest lads along The Row. Branch manager BOB FOLLIARD, RKO, has left these climes for Florida. How’s the dancing lessons progressing, OLMSTEAD KNOX? DORIS PRICE, GN office manager, says the cherry blossoms are prettier this year. IRA SICHELMAN, 20th Century-Fox booker, says his little boy (aged two months) wants to enter the movie business already. HARRY BACHMAN, Monogram branch manager, went on a business trip in New York. EARL TAYLOR, Monogram office manager, is a very obliging fellow. Brothers MORRIS, BEN OLETSKY — one with Republic, t’other with Monogram — are well liked by exhibitors. Let it be said now and forever, Loew’s eastern division manager, CARTER BARRON, never refuses to interview job seekers. EMIL "Bill” HOLTZ, business manager, local motion picture operators union, has his mornings full with union work. Ask BOB DENTON, Paramount news ace, what that colored lad offered to sell him not so long ago at the exchange. Attending the Norfolk managers meeting recently from Washington were HARRY BROWN, GN branch manager; B. B. KREISLER, Universal branch manager; JERRY MURPHY, 20th Century-Fox salesman; DICK HARRITY, UA salesman; DICK DOYLE, Paramount salesman; EDDIE MARTIN, Monogram salesman. CLEM SPINKS, Universal ad sales manager, while driving one of the posts for Universal’s "fence around the garden” hit an electric cable, shut off all power in exchange, nearly "got electrocuted.” The KREISLER cubs have gone up to sixth place on the national standings in the McCarthy Drive. HUNTER PERRY, CARTER BARRON brought JOHN BOLES in to visit GOLUEM KETCHUM, Publix booker, then introduced handsome Johnnie to the fluttering hearted females of Paramount. Boles spent a little while on a short vacation in Pennsylvania with Perry, Barron. HOWARD BURKHARDT, manager, Loew’s Capitol, looks very well in his tux. HARLEY DAVIDSON, Paramount salesman, was in to confer with branch manager S. EDWARD FONTAINE on Paramount’s 1939-40 sales policy, after a tonsilectomy. ED FONTAINE called a sales meeting of his force last week to plan a sales campaign for the coming season. JACK FRUCHTMAN, Paramount office manager, was recently made a fellow barker of the local Varieteers. DICK DOYLE, Paramount salesman, is sure firing those "Beachcomber” contracts into the local office. ALMA PALMER, secretary to Paramount booker BOB GRACE, has been laid up with the flu. Economist RUSSEL RICKER, Paramount booker, claims that he is saving money since he took up pipe smoking. JACK FRUCHTMAN says Paramount has three sure fire hits in "Midnight,” “I’m From Missouri,” "Union Pacific.” HARRY HUNTER, former Paramount branch manager here, now managing director of Para W ashingt on The cashiers of the Trans-Lux theatres have challenged their managers to a "battle of the sexes” of Molle’s radio quiz program April 11 over WEAF. Managers ROLAND ROBBINS, Washington; AL LAUDER, Boston; HARRY T. JORDAN, JR., Philadelphia; WEBER SCHOENING, New York, will defend the male honors. The European situation has sure kept the Paramount news department busy working 24 hours a day. But BOB DENTON, HUGO JOHNSON, AL O’ETH say it’s all in a day’s work. Washington exchanges expressed sincere sympathies in the death recently of SAM BACK, Baltimore. A. JULIAN BRYLAWSKI, Warner theatres executive, recently purchased an 86-acre waterfront farm on the Patuxent River. Genial head of Warner properties here said he would raise tobacco, diamond-back terrapins. The Bureau of Fisheries will aid in raising the little fellows, specimens of which Mr. Brylawski has in his UNDER COVER AGENT. Shirley Deane anil Russell Gleason heat! the cast of the Monogram picture, a shot of which is seen above. April 5, 19)9 NAT