The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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34 NEWS OF THE TERRITORY A Patron SERVICE that makes Silver Spring JAMES GLENNON, Seco, imprinted several thousand heralds on the change in opening time on Saturday. Glennon also used the herald to plug his double feature program on Saturdays. VIRGINIA Bedford Elks National Home will put in new Simplex sound, projectors. $ * * BERLO Candy Vending Machines • VENDING NATIONALLY KNOWN PRODUCTS • SILENT IN OPERATION • A MODERN SHOW PIECE FOR ANY THEATRE • RECOGNIZED ASSET BY MAJOR CIRCUITS AND INDEPENDENTS • 15 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS. SATISFACTORY SERVICE TO EXHIBITORS Write for details BERLO VENDIN G C O . 1518 N. Broad St. Philadelphia 401 W. Broad St. Richmond. Va. Betbesda State, operated by J. HENRY HISER, is getting renovations. Sponsored by the Boro and W. P. ALLEN, publisher, Bethesda-Chevy Chase (Maryland) Tribune, DAVID GINSBURG will hold Bethesda’s first Easter egg hunt for children April 8 on the grounds adjacent to the theatre on Wisconsin Avenue. A similar project is planned for the children of Hyattsville. One thousand eggs, boiled and dyed by women of the community, donated by the Chestnut Farms Dairy, will be hidden. Several hundred of the eggs will be wrapped in colored cellophane and will bring their finders cash prizes ranging from five cents to one dollar. WOL’s ART BROWN will act as master of ceremonies. SIDNEY LUST will be in charge of entertainment, and DAVID GINSBURG, manager, Boro, will act as field marshal. Lust stated there would also be a Punch-and-Judy show, a magician, kiddie review, pie eating contest, a "kid” calling contest for mothers. Berkley LINWOOD FLOWERS, Rex, is getting set for a fishing trip. He has sent invitations to GEORGE LOEFFERT, HARRY COHEN to get their tackles, stuff ready. Linwood is building his own air-conditioning room at the theatre. Franklin HAL LYONS, State, has been in New York attending the beauticians convention. Hampton BOB LASSITER, Lyric, had an impromptu film sales convention at his place. Present were BEN CAPLON, Columbia; DICK DOYLE, Paramount; BARNEY FRANK, Universal; DICK HARRITY, UA. Martinsville MRS. F. W. CARPER, Roxy, has remodeled the lobby, moved the soda luncheonette back, built a room off the lobby of theatre for a refreshment stand. READ THE 6-POINT REVIEWS IN THIS ISSUE ELECTRIC AND MEOh SICMSl 8.MARQUE ES or QUALITY Nervport Netvs JIMMY BOOTH, manager, Langley, Hampton; Lee, Phoebus, for the Dominion chain, has taken over management of James, Newport News, and is establishing his main office in latter house. A. V. S. CLARK, former James manager, has returned to Paramount as assistant under Peninsula manager HARL WOLEVER, and RAYMOND OVERMAN, former Paramount assistant,. is now oversee ng the Langley. MISS VIRGINIA KNIGHT, Paramount cashier, sustained a broken arm and other injuries when a horse threw her. HORACE ALLEN, who resigned from the Paramount house staff several weeks ago, is back in harness, this time as a doorman at BUNK WILDER’S Warwick. They say that LEONARD GORDON, Palace manager, wowed ’em with his gay nineties bathing suit. He borrowed the suit from LEO GREENWOOD for the occasion. — W. T. Norfolk STANLEY BARR, Colonial, is getting to be a whiz at taking timely lines appearing in exploitation stunts. W. O. FISHBACK, who has been managing Wilder’s Colley, has resigned to re-enter the haberdashery business. HARRY VALENTINE, Wilder publicist, has been doing double duty at home, what with Mrs. VALENTINE in the hospital. "BUNK” W. S. WILDER continues under medical care in a Hartford, Connecticut, hospital. Fire playing havoc for awhile the other night in the booth of Lichtman’s Manhattan. A. E. LICHTMAN, was guest of the Norfolk Theatre Managers’ Association at the weekly luncheon. BOB BAKER, the Western performer, also was a recent guest, as was W. F. CROCKETT, Virginia Beach, and president, Motion Picture Theatre Owners of Virginia. Messrs. ROTH and RICHARDSON still are looking for that golf match with Norfolk theatremen, the Suffolk managers offering to play any course. Just about the time JEFF HOFHEIMER was ready to accept the challenge, he scored a birdie; that is, the stork came to visit him and he forgot all about golf. — R. K .T. L. Occoqnan HAROLD WILCHER, FRANK HORNBECKER, following the notice in The Exhibitor about their fishing in back of their theatre, have almost decided on a two-for-one night. Pay to see the movies, then fish. Portsmouth The JAY KIMMELS are receiving congratulations on the birth of a six and a half pound daughter. Kimmel is manager of Wilder’s Gates. Raven PEARL WILSON, Raven, is going to enlarge, remodel her theatre. She plans to add 20 feet to the rear of the house. She has already purchased a new set of Peerless lamps. Richlands R. G. FLANARY, Star, expects to break ground for his new theatre in 30 days. Richmond VIRGINIA LEE SNEAD, secretary to SAM BENDHEIM, JR., general manager Neighborhood Theatres, will be married to JULIAN H. CHOCKLEY, April 2 5. Marriage will be performed at the home of Miss Snead by Reverend HAROLD B. PETERS, and a northern trip is planned by the bride and groom. HARLEY DAVIDSON, Paramount salesman, was in town telling about his tonsil operation. Contract for the Glebe Road, Arlington, has been let to MUHLEMAN and KALHOE, of R’chmond, by Glebe Parking Stores, Inc., of Washington, D. C. When completed Labor Day, the theatre will be operated by Neighborhood Theatres. LUCILLE SLAVEN, cashier, Carillon, has been ill for a week. During her absence, MARY GOODE substituted. J. E. FONTAINE, Paramount Washington manager, paid Richmond a visit. CARL MARTIN former user, Rex, Petersburg, has replaced SONNY ARCHER at the Brookland. BOB COULTER, manager, Byrd, missed a couple of days from work last week. FRANK FOWLER, Wilmer and Vincent home official, was in. NORMAN MANWARING, former manager, Wilmer and Vincent’s National, has joined the sales staff of WMBG. NEAL PATTON, AL AARONS, doorman, usher, Westhampton, have returned from visiting their families during the Spring vacation of the University of Richmond. WADE PEARSON, northern district manager, Neighborhood Theatres, is vacationing in Miami. April J, 19)9