The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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20 NEWS OE THE TERRITORY EVERY WEDNESDAY THERE WILL BE A NEW ISSUE OF THIS PUBLICATION COMPLETE IN COVERAGE SERVICE AND A LAST MINUTE REPORT ON WHAT'S DOING IN THIS INDUSTRY OF OURS RKO-Radio’s ROBERT J. FOLLIARD, branch manager, has returned from Florida. Branch manager CURTIS F1ILDEBRAND announces that Preferred will shortly release "Raw Timber,” with TOM KEENE; "Orphan of the Pecos,” with TOM TYLER; "Mile a Minute.” GRAHAM RUSSELL is the new man at BEN LUST’S emporium of theatre supplies. J. FL WEBSTER, Afton, Craddock, Virginia, was a visitor in town. Wedding bells pealed last week for FfARRIET GALBRAITFL She was "given away” by Metro exploiteer CARLTON DUFFUS . (Still working in "Sweethearts,” huh? — Ed.) The newlyweds will visit folks in New York and Saint Paul. PAUL EICHMAN, Eichman Film Delivery Service, Union Bridge, Maryland, announces the acquisition of a new truck to replace the old one, which had made 2 5 4,000 miles of uninterrupted service. "This wonderful mileage,” Owner Eichman says, "was made possible by my UNCLE BARNEY, who passed away last August. Ffe kept it in the pink at all times.” Visitor ROBERT MONTGOMERY was feted at the Variety Club by RUDOLPF1 BERGER, CARTER T. BARRON. From B. BERNARD KREISLER, acting branch manager, Universal, went a fortnight ago the following message: "No April foolin’! You’ll be on ’East Side of Ffeaven’ when the 'Three Smart Girls’ Grow Up.’ . . . N .B. 'The Sun Never Sets’ on New Universal.” — Charles Stofberg. MARYLAND Baltimore Falling from a 20-foot ladder while at his work for an electric sign company in Baltimore, WILLIAM McNEAL, suffered a broken back and leg. He is the son of WALTER McNEAL, Associated Theatres staff. ARTHUR B. PRICE, JACK WHITTLE, Aurora, Avenue respectively, are busily engaged getting Gwynn Oak Amusement Park in readiness for the summer and Price also has plenty to do getting his Lakewood Swimming Pool in readiness. HERMAN BLUM, MAXWELL WEINBERG, proprietor-manager. Little, are elated over the success of "The Lady Vanishes.” WILBUR J. GOSLINE, father-in-law of EARL HART, publicity agent, Keith’s, died at his home here. Our sympathy is extended. CLIFF JARRETT, assistant manager, Hippodrome, is now on a two weeks vacation to Lakeland, Florida, to visit his grandfather. DAVE KAISER spent the week end in Atlantic City and was accompanied home by MRS. KAISER who had been visiting there. MR. and MRS. ISADOR M. RAPPAPORT, Hippodrome, are at present on a visit to their folks in Philadelphia with their son. JUNIOR McGEEHAN came to Baltimore in advance of "The Castles,” to help TED ROUTSON with his publicity campaign. Through arrangements with the Durkee enterprises in morning showings of "The King of Kings,” the DeMille production was shown during mornings at the Edgewood, Ambassador, Arcade, Boulevard, State and through the Rome interests at the Harlem. Various showings were also held at churches in the evenings. The public was invited and no admission was charged for these showings. A group of laymen and ministers arranged the showings and they constituted the "King of Kings” committee. To help publicize "Dodge City,” RODNEY COLLIER, Warner’s Stanley manager, arranged to have the Fifth race at Bowie race track, designated as the Dodge City Handicap April 6 and BRUCE CABOT presented the winner with a cup trophy in person at the track in the name of ERROL FLYNN. Among those present were RODNEY COLLIER, FRANK LaFALCE, others. — Jacques Shellman. Cumberland TOM KEENE, Western star, autographed photos and books at the Strand. When he appeared on the stage with his dude ranch company. AL FOLLIARD, RKO-Radio salesman; CHICK WINGFIELD, representing Columbia; JERRY PRICE from Warners and FREDDY KLEIN, from 20th Century-Fox, were visitors. Liberty, TOM BURKE, had an additional attraction when the Townsend Club put on a local talent Variety Show with the LEE WINTER dance revue. Hagerstown R. B. GREEN, sound engineer, Maryland district, will soon install new RCA sound equipment in Strand, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, HENRY CLARK, manager. Managers of Warner houses in Maryland district gathered here on March 30, for private screening of "Dark Victory.” It was arranged by GEORGE N. PAYETTE. GUY WONDERS, district manager, went over details for campaigns. Managers came from Frederick, Waynesboro, Hagerstown, Martinsburg. JOE CUMISKEY, manager, Academy, planned campaign for "Moonlight Sonata” for one day. VIRGINIA Appomattox JOHN CURTIS CALDWELL, manager, Lee, gave two free showings of the State T-B film last week. Luray DR. LORING HAMMER, one of the owners of the Page, and MRS HAMMER have been spending several weeks in Richmond, where he is receiving medical treatment. — J. R. Broyles. Lynchburg MR. and MRS. FRANK FALLS are vacationing at Miami Beach. JAKE FLAX, N. C. HAEFELE visited. MISS VIRGINIA TUCKER, Academy staff, was in the hospital two weeks. Contract is held up temporarily on that new Trenton marquee. — D. W. W. New Market VINCENT DOUGHERTY, Paramount salesman, was a caller. ANNA CONALLE, New Market, was called back to Winchester. MARION SHAKLEFORD formerly at the New Market, now in Winchester, was a caller. GENEVIEVE GARNER, granddaughter, vicepresident of U. S., was announced the "Queen” of the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival to be held in Winchester. Announcement was made by TOM BALDRIDGE, Capitol, Winchester, head of the festival committee. WILLIAM DALKE, JR., was a business visitor in Harrisonburg. PAUL McDANIEL, FRANK O’ROARK were business visitors in Washington along Film Row. JACK FRETWELL, manager, State, Harrisonburg, was a caller. — F. O’R. Newport News JIMMY BOOTH has done over the front of the James. DICK EASON, former James manager, and JAKE BEEKER, assistant under Eason, enjoyed a reunion in Washington recently. Both are working there, Eason with the Schine circuit and Beeker for a refrigeration concern. — W. T. April 12, 19)9