The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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SPECIAL FEATURES 17 ROCHESTER, NEW YORK **"** SYRACUSE, NEW YORK BALC* 15* Of all the brilliant icreen pergonalitie* who ever thrilled the country, she i# now the most amazing, the moat exciting! EXTRA ! ;ORONATION OF POPE PIUS XII ROCHESTER, NEW YORK RKO PALACE STARTS TODAYS flemmm SUCH SHEER ENCHANTMENT! /Pemma DURBIN Nan GREY • Helpn PARRISH ROBERT CHARLES CUMMINGS WINNINGER 2J BIB FEATURE INSIDE STORY MICHAEL WHALEN JEAN ROGERS CHICK CHANDLER fWAIf MSMY* Sm SrHMONY GOOFYsJWlLBUR i** YBCHNICOLe* Amazing NEW LOW PRICES at Central City STANLEY. WARMvn ti PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA TODAY! DOORS OPEN AT 10 A. M. In her greatest picture... weaving a spell of enchantment gou'll remember all gour liie! . . . Sha wan th* Acadaray Award for "bringing to tha acraen tha spirit and peraonlBealloa of yonthr DEANNA DURBIN NAN GREY • HELEN PARRISH m$ MOW i/P III ..Ji i HARTfORD, CONNECTICUT NEW YORK CITY ikes little missesv&ML . . ia quest oi kisses! MAITO DURKIN SSMwmsaxwvp NAN GREY • HELEN PARRISH Robert Cummings, Charles Wlnnlnger, William Lundlgan On Stage Today & Saturday Big Variety Stage Shew , Hints on Newspaper Advertising No. 28— "Three Smart Girls Grow Up’* (Universal) To begin with, each of the above ads must be commended because they did not use the word "glamorous” in connection with the picture. Any exploiteer who tries to attach that adjective to the Durbin show ought to have his head examined , and while we are at it houses yet to play the picture should refrain from any reference to the reported marriage of Miss Durbin in the near future. The Universal starlet appeals because fortunately she has kept out of the headlines of such nature and we hope that her box office prowess will not be affected by the reports now circulating. The illustrations in the pressbook, used generously above, offer you everything along those lines that you might need. We do not see how you can improve on them. The RKO ads, especially that large one from the Rochester Palace, are a bit different from the pressbook, but hardly an improvement. The head cut of Miss Durbin is not expressive enough. She ought to be smiling all the time, and the other ads agree with this point. Furthermore, we think that use of the other girls (after all there are three smart girls ) should be mandatory as the triple combination is an added advantage. So go to it. April 19, 1939