The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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BM-12 BETTER MANAGEMENT TRUE STORIES FROM ALTEC FILES NED (DOC) RAFALSKI, General Manager of Bland Bros. Theatres, Chicago, III. Exhibitor Finds Quick Diagnosis “ Plain Miracle’’ CHICAGO— "We were playing to a good business on a Tuesday matinee in the Olympia Theatre, when for a reason we couldn't find, the sound went dead on our No. 1 machine,” said Doc Rafalski, General Manager of Bland Bros. Theatres. We called Altec, and C. G. Bosworth promptly arrived at the theatre. He immediately discovered there was no voltage in the photo-electric cell, resulting from a broken connection in a coupling unit. "Bosworth had the No. 1 machine functioning normally in a few minutes. It was only necessary to double up on the No. 2 machine twice from the time he got to my theatre. 'The uncanny way the Altec man instantly puts his finger on what is wrong may be the result of engineering ability, but it’s just a plain miracle to me.” Exhibitors whose theatres are protected by an Altec Service inspector’s regular visits have greater peace of mind. They can devote their full energies to problems claiming their undistracted attention. Write to JU.TEC 250 West 57th Street, New York City THE SERVICE ORGANIZATION OF THE MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY The FCC Chronicle Applications Received THE EVENING NEWS ASSOCIATION, Detroit, Michigan — For license to cover construction permit for a new facsimile station. EARLE C. ANTHONY, Los Angeles, California— For construction permit for a new experimental television broadcast station, using 42,000 to 5 6,000 kilocycles, 1,000 watts, A3 and A5 emissions. Applications Returned THE DUAL CORPORATION, New Haven Connecticut — For construction permit for a new facsimile station to be operated on 30,100 kilocycles, 100 watts, special emission. (Incomplete.) WINTERS JONES and JAMES WILKINS, Baltimore, Maryland — For construction permit for a new television station, using 42,000 to 56,000 kilocycles, 50 watts, A3 and A5 emissions. (Wrong form.) Call Letters Assigned W8XA — to WBEN, Inc., Buffalo, New York, for an experimental facsimile broadcast station. W8XUM — To WNBS, Inc., Columbus, Ohio, for an experimental facsimile broadcast station. Decisions and Action j FARNSWORTH TELEVISION, Inc., Springfield, Pennsylvania — Granted renewal of experimental license (for W3XPF) for the period ending February 1, 1940. SPARKS-WITHINGTON COMPANY, Jackson, Michigan — ranted renewal of experimental facsimile broadcast license (for W8XUF) for the period ending February 1, 1940. RADIO AIR SERVICE CORPORATION, Cleveland, Ohio — Present license for experimental facsimile station W8XE extended, on a temporary basis only, until May 1, pending action on application for renewal. ZENITH RADIO CORPORATION, Chicago, III inois — Granted permission for construction permit for changes in the equipment of experimental television station W9XZV, and license for the same. RCA COMMUNICATIONS, Inc., Rocky Point, New York — Granted authority for station W2XBJ to communicate with WlYA (amateur), Orono, Maine, for the purpose of exchanging information incident to tests being conducted by the engineering department, University of Maine, on photoradio synchronizing impulses by commercial point-to-point radio stations operated by RCA and the German government. Sight-and-Sound Stations Following is a 1-st of currently licensed television stations. (Television is, under the rule, transmission of images of moving or still objects, with or without sound.) W2XAX — Columbia Broadcasting System, New York, New York. W6XAO — Don Lee Broadcasting System, Los Angeles, California. W2XVT — Allen B. DuMont Laboratories. Passaic, New Jersey. W3XPF — Farnsworth Television, Inc., of Pennsylvania, Springfield, Pennsylvania. W9XAL^First National Television, Kansas City, Missouri. WlXA — General Electric, Bridgeport, Connecticut. W2XB — General Electric, Albany, New York W2XD — General Electric, Schenectady, New York. W2XH — General Electric, Schenectady, New York. W1XG — General Television, Boston, Massachusetts. W9XAK — Kansas City College, Manhattan, Kansas. W2XBS — National Broadcasting Company, New York, New York. W2XBT — National Broadcasting Company (portable), Camden, New Jersey, and New York, New York. W3XE — Philco Radio and Television, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. W3XP — Philco Radio and Television, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. W9XG — Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. W2XDR — Radio Pictures, Long Island City, New York. W3XAD — RCA Manufacturing Company (portable), Camden, New Jersey. W3XEP — RCA Manufacturing Company, Camden, New Jersey. W10XX — RCA Manufacturing Company (portable, mobile), Camden, New Jersey. W9XK — University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. W9XUI — University of Iowa, Iowa Ci>y, Iowa. W9XZV — Zenith Radio, Chicago, Illinois. Facsimile stations (those permitted to broad cast only still pictures, with or without sound), their licenses follow: W2XUP — Bamberger Broadcasting Service, New York, New York. W8XUJ — Crosley, Cincinnati, Ohio. W8XTY — The Evening News Association, Detroit, Michigan. W9XZY — The Pulitzer Publishing Company, Saint Louis, Missouri. W8XE — Radio Air Service, Cleveland, Ohio. W2XR — Radio Pictures, Long Island City, New York. W8XUF — Sparks-Withington Company, Jackson, Michigan. W9XSP — Star-Times Publishing Company, Sa nt Louis, Missouri. W 8XUM— WBNS, Columbus, Ohio. W1XMX — The Yankee Network, Sargeants Purchase, New Hampshire. 1CCEPTANCE • • The THEATRE CHAIR of Tomorrow AND TODAY! INTERNATIONAL SEAT CORP., UNION CITY, IND. Eastern Sales Offices: 1501 Broadway, N. Y. INTERNATIONAL in the NATION’S BEST! Here illustrated the 3664 seat PARAMOUNT THEATRE New York City Decorative Lighting • Glass and Metal Work Exit and Direction Signs • Ornamental Plaster Drinking Fountains • Air Distribution Plaques St Years in Buiineu It Your Assurance of Our Reliability. VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS OR WRITE US m m ug _ Deslgnera-Enerineers-Mamifacturer* lfOiGT 1745 N. 12th Street Philo. April 19, 19)9