The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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ONLY ONE COMPANY CAN COMMAND SUCH MILLION DOLLAR PROPERTIES! Brilliant with Multi 'Star Casts ! Stage Hits! “QUO YADIS” A NARRATIVE OF THE TIME OF NERO, CHAFFEE l i%d as iiau'i) rat tm* <>f ™ Ft >r ! f ? w«r of « « Searoful k tfrmlttftll I tin; (‘la if h wit jirui Unn|>j)i Willi iifn -Urbitt «r»*nt and who v\ . j g th(‘H' V\, ,, f<(, Ittul i„ hi. Best'Sellers! (A Selznick-Intemational Picture. Produced by David O. Selznick) FANNIE HURST'S Novel u easenoally tag. ia bignew lying in oat thing — the creauoo of • t of the cotne* ugtu ficam. Through the immortal eve* of an old woman, we watch what life does to her dan' — N Y S«*. "A vital, generous oovd of a New Yoeh matriarch. A book that sen itself a Urge scope" — N Y Hert/4 Tr+mu GREAT LAUGHTER wuw«T mim \ iMERKA HAS DICTATOR f IT CAN’T HAPPEN A treasure-house of famed titles!