The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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34 BETTER MANAGEMENT LOS ANGELES /HELD OVER w 2nd GREAT WEEE NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT now ALBANY, NEW YORK CIANT The Thrill-a-Minuto Epic of the Turbulent. Brawling AllhllT A Babylon of tha West! With the Sweethearts ot rt-UNII W • Boh; HonJ"! WASHINGTON, D. C. BOSTON * STARTS * TOMORROW METROPOUMN DOORS OPEN 5N5 A. M. UST DAY) “Yet, My Darting DangMer" HBCIUA. LAME Hints on Newspaper Advertising No. 3 3 — "Dodge City ” ( Warners ) With plenty of first runs on the Warner show , a healthy and representative assortment of ads on the spectacle is presented. Not one of these ads is an exact copy of a pressbook ad, but don’t think this means the latter isn’t good. The pressbook is tops, but it is our desire to indicate how use can be made of what the pressbook offers in varying the ads in various cities. The illustrations and art work in practically all cases have been clipped from what the pressbook has to offer, and, as a matter of fact, direct use of the pressbook is to be recommended as well. The holdover ads from Washington and New York City are also praiseworthy because they are off the beaten path and restricted to the use of type. Contrast these holdever ads with that from Los Angeles, which sticks more to straight selling. It will probably surprise some of our readers that " Dodge City” is being double featured, but it is, and the only excuse we can give is that this is picture business and anything can happen. The show has been doing a whale of a business everywhere, and tagging a second feature on the bill probably is almost unforgivable, except in spots where the people want two pictures, regardless of merit. Note that in some cases use of ” Robin Hood” was made to compare the work the Flynn-DeHavilland team does, which isn’t such a bad idea. All in all, phis is a good set and should offer lots of ideas. May ), 19)9