The Exhibitor (Nov 1938-May 1939)

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. HOLLYWOOD NEWSREEL • HELLO, FOLKS! This is WARREN STOKES speaking to you from Hollywood over the JEP network. Most exciting moment for this jaded town of celluloid was the premiere of the widely discussed Warner Brothers picture "Confessions of a Nazi Spy.” Hollywoodites who questioned public reception of this opus, under the impression that it would be nothing more than a bloody document of persecution, making its reception dubious and dangerous through racial prejudice and especially a tabu subject in areas populated by German-Americans, have changed their opinions and tossed a basket of bouquets to the Warner organization for an outstanding achievement in the world of celluloid. "Confessions” Isn’t • "CONFESSIONS OF A NAZI SPY” is not, as was generally anticipated, celluloid propaganda seeking sympathy for any particular people. It is, however, to a great degree, propaganda, exposing German propaganda, through projecting on the screen, factual scenes from court records regarding the activities of Nazi spies in our country, exposing the ultimate and dangerous results if The Furore of Europe is allowed to operate his international achine through the Bund organizations for the destruction of democratic principles. Having learned that many exhibitors are dubious about screening this picture for fear of offending some of their patrons, I am happy to bring these facts to you so that you can discount anything you have heard to the contrary. If you anticipate any demonstration in your theatre during the screening of this picture, I can assure you the only demonstration you will witness is one parallel to that experienced in Hollywood where a capacity audience rose to its feet and cheered for 10 minutes at the end of the picture. What Movies Mean • VALUE OF VISUAL EDUCATION has been stressed many times but, with the screening of "Nazi Spy,” it is demonstrated more forcibly and, in the cause of Americanism, does more to educate the man on the street than any other media. Our government, prone to lambast this industry and listen to conniving politicians for the purpose of increased taxation on the motion picture industry, would do well to realize its vast importance through such screen offerings conducive to the welfare of the nation and the happiness of its people. The President and his cabinet must, I am quite sure, recognize such a medium as the screen when it projects such an important message to the entire world. At the Box Office • BOX OFFICE POSSIBILITIES of "Nazi Spy” are undoubtedly greater than any offering to come out of Hollywood in a decade. Exhibitors should enlist the aid of their local American Legion Posts for a band and parade to the theatre on the opening night. Word of mouth comment will do the rest. Take advantage of the Warner slogan, "It is your duty as an American to show this picture!” and paraphrase it to read: "As an American it is your duty to see this picture!” There is no doubt in my mind as to the success of this picture. From a showman’s view point, it is one of those things that happen once in a lifetime. The word "natural” as it pertains to the box office value of a picture has been greatly over-worked. This is the only "natural” to come out of Hollywood because it is close to the heart of every clear-thinking man and woman and because it is only natural for each and every one of us to seek the freedom and happiness to which we believe we are, under the stars and stripes, rightfully entitled. Boivs for Tivo • JACK L. WARNER, vice-president in charge of production, and HAL B. WALLIS, executive producer, rate a double close-up in this week’s edition of our Hollywood Netvsreel for bringing Jack L. Warner Hal B. Wallis to the screen one of the most potent lessons in Americanism with the release of "Confessions of a Nazi Spy.” Apart from its entertainment value, this picture is a potent lesson in what constitutes the true American spirit. True, the public has been informed of the court proceedings upon which this picture is based through the columns of the daily press, but the vivid impression through the eyes of the camera dramatizing these outstanding events carries the import of the present situation to every village and hamlet with more force than the printed word can ever hope to convey. Historical, Too • "CONFESSIONS OF A NAZI SPY” is a picture that will go down in history, a picture that is destined to shatter box office records throughout the country, and a picture of which this industry can feel justly proud. In bringing this offering to the screen, in spite of many voices raised in protest, having the intestinal fortitude to carry on against every opposing faction, Warner Brothers are to be congratulated in executing the courage of their own convictions, thereby bringing to the mass an impressive picture, most convincing in its patriotic endeavor, projecting a reflection of conditions as they really exist, which cannot fail to educate every thinking individual to the point of realizing the impending danger and feel proud of their heritage as Americans. Congratulations are in order for these pioneers Title Change Title of the LARRY DARMOUR-Columbia picture, "The Power to Kill,” starring JACK HOLT, has been changed to "Hidden Power.” Film is now in the final stages of editing. Connie Moore Set CONSTANCE MOORE, rising young Universal actress, draws the feminine lead in "In Old California,” first of seven scheduled features for next season co-starring RICHARD ARLEN, ANDY DEVINE. Sally Gray Signed SALLY GRAY, young British actress who recently appeared in "Q Planes” and "Lambeth Walk,” has been selected by producer WILLIAM SISTROM to play opposite GEORGE SANDERS in "The Saint in London,” RKO-Radio picture now filming in the British capital. Warden Goes Hollywood Columbia studios announced this week that Warden LEWIS E. LAWES, Sing Sing prison, one of the world’s foremost penologists, has been signed to write the original story for a film tentatively titled, "Men in Sing Sing.” Warden Lawes will personally appear in an important role in the picture. Lesser Sets Morgan RALPH MORGAN has been signed by producer SOL LESSER to portray the father of BOB BREEN in “Way Down South.” Also newly cast in featured spots are CHARLES MIDDLETON for the role of a plantation overseer; ROBERT CREIG, as a Louisiana State court judge, and LILLIAN YARBO. Hollywood Travelogue When three Norwegians who sailed a 4 5 -foot boat from Oslo to Los Angeles visited the "Winter Carnival” set at Walter Wanger studios and met ANN SHERIDAN, they explained their impatience over a 268 days’ voyage to Finland. "That’s nothin’,” answered the flame-haired "oomph queen,” "it took me 10 years to get here from Texas.” Melford to "Seas” Epic Augmenting the lengthy cast of the new FRANK LLOYD production at Paramount, "Ruler of the Seas,” which has DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Jr., WILL FYFFE and MARGARET LOCKWOOD in stellar roles, seven character actors have been signed for supporting spots. Most important is GEORGE MELFORD, former director of silent films, signed to portray the landlord of an early 19th century Scottish inn. Others are WYNDHAM STANDING, JOHN SPACY, GUY BELLIS, BARRY MacCOLLUM, WILSON BENGE and DAVID THURSBY. of the industry who have once again pioneered the unquestionable influence of the motion picture. And that brings us to the end of another edition of your Hollywood Newsreel. This is WARREN STOKES saying, "So Long, Folks.” May 10, 19)9