The Exhibitor (Nov 1939-May 1940)

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1 THE SHORTS CHECK-UP COLUMBIA Two Reel COMEDIES (26) Mooohlng Through Georgia (F) A. Clyde Aug. 11 Rattling Romeo (F) C. Chut Trouble Find* Andy Clyde (F) A. Clydo duly 14 July 28 18m. 17m. 18m. ’39-’40 (26) All American Blondes (G) A. Clyde Oct. 20 17m. Andy Clyde Gets Spring Chicken (F) A. Clyde Dec. 15 19m. Awful Goof, The C. Chase Dec. 22 — m. Calling All Curs (F) 3 Stooges Aug. 25 17!/2m. Glove Slingers (G) N. Beery, Jr Nov. 24 18m. Nothing But Pleasure B. Keaton . Jan. 19 — m. Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise (Q) 3 Stooges . Oot. 6 18J/2m. Rocking the Rockies 3 Stooges Jan. 5 — m. Skinny the Moooher (F) C. Chase . Sept. 8 16!/2m. Static In the Attio (F) W. Catlett Sept. 22 19m. Teacher's Pest (G) C. Chase Nov. 3 161/^m. Three Sappy People (E) 3 Stooges Dec. 1 18j/2m. SERIALS (4) Overland with Kit Carson (G) B. Elliot, I. Meredith July 21 (15 episode*) ’39-’40 (4) Deadwood Dick Green Archer, The Terry and the Pirates. . Shadow, The V. Jory, V. Borg. . . .Jan. 5 (13 episodes) One Reel CINESCOPES ’39-’40 (6) World of 1960 (E) . . Nov. 24 10m. COLOR RHAPSODIES (12) Hollywood Sweepstake* (F) July 28 8m. HEAD CAREFULLY THE SHORTS CHECK-UP gives title, cast information, release date, running time of shorts released since June 30, 1939. INDEXES to short subjects will be found in THE BLUE SECTION. on pages 128 and 129, 179. 229, 325 and 326. 374, and 427— a complete record since September, 1937. REVIEWS of all short subjects are printed in THE SHORTS PARADE, appearing fortnightly in THE BLUE SECTION. THE RUNNING TIME IN THE SHORTS CHECK-UP IS THE LATEST AVAILABLE. ’39’40 (16) Boy, a Gun and Birds, A (F) Jan. 12 7m. Crop Chasers (G) Sept. 22 8m. Dreams on Ice (F) Oct. 20 6!/2m. Jitterbug Knights (F) Aug. 11 7m. Mother Goose in Swing time (G) Dec. S 7m. Mountain Ears (G) . . . Nov. 3 7m. COMMUNITY SING ’39-’40 (10) No. 1 — Bing Croiby Songs (Q) Aug. 4 9m. No. 2 — Old-Time Songs (F) Sept. 8 9'/2m. No. 3— College Songs(G). Oct. 13 10m. No. 4 — Stephen Foster Songs (E) Nov. 17 10'/2m. No. 5 — Gypsy Songs. . . Dec. 29 — m. No. 6 Feb. 2 — m. FABLE8 '39-’40 (6) Little Lost Sheep (F) . . Oot. 6 7m. Park Your Baby Dec. 22 — m. FOOLS WHO MADE HISTORY ■39-’40 (6) Goodyear, Charles, The Story of (G) Oct. 6 lOj/im. Howe, Ellas, The Story of (G) Sept. 1 11m. LAST DESIRE — D — Raimu, Jacqueline Delubac, Pierre Brasseur — Sell sex — 77m. — see Jan. 10 issue — ( Transatlantic ) — ( A ) . LETTER TO YOUR MOTHER, A — «ee A Brivele der Mamen. LENIN IN 1918 — D — B. V. Shchukin, M. G. Gelovani — Outstanding Soviet motion pioture — 130m. — s*a July 13 i*aue — (Amkino). LIGHT AHEAD (Di Kllatshe) — D — Izidore Casher, Helen Beverly — Superb Yiddish photoplay — 103m. — see Oct. 4 issue — (Carmel). LOST ATLANTIS, THE— MD — No can credits — Just Him — 70m.— see June 14 issue — ( Road Show Attractions). LOTTA NELL' 0MBRA — see Battles in the Shadow. MADEMOISELLE MA MERE— F — Danielle Darrieux, Marcel Simon — Breezy Gal I io affalt; Darrieux tops exploitation possibilities — 80m. — see Oct. 4 issue — (Holiberg ) — ( A ) . MAKE-BELIEVE PIRATES, THE — see Allergi Masnadieri. MAN AND HIS WIFE, A (Un Homme et 8a Femme) — MD — Harry Baur, Suxy Vernon — Fair for French, artyi lower-half dualler for nabe* — 7 7m. — ae* Apr. 6 issue — (French Film Exchange) — (A). MARSEILLAISE — D — Pierre Renoir, Lise Delamare — Fair French cinema — 80m. — see Nov. 16 issue — (World Pictures). MATRIMONIO IDEALE, UN — see Ideal Marriage. MILL ON THE FLOSS, THE — D — Geraldine Fitzgerald, Frank Lawton — Outstanding British attraction — 78m. — see Nov. 15 issue — (Standard). MIO DE8TINO, IL (My Destiny) — I) — Emma Oramatica, Luigi Oimari — For Italian and foreign-language houses — 78m. — see July 28 issue — (Roma Film). MIRELE EFROS — MD — Berta Gersten, Michael Rosenberg— Should pull tears and cash — 87m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Credo Pictures). MR. MAX (II Signor Max) — C — Vittoria DeSico, Assia Noris — Outstanding Italian comedy — 86m. — see Oct. 18 issue — (Esperia). MONEY AND LOVE — see Denaro e d’Amore. MUSICA IN PIAZZA— CD— Milly, Enrico Viaritio— For Italian audlenoes only — 66m.— see July 13 leaue — (Amerital). MUTINY ON THE ELSINORE— MD — Paul Lukas, Kathleen Kelly, Lyn Harding, Michael Martin-Harvey — High-rating sea thriller — 72m. — see Feb. 22 isaue — (Krellberg). MY DESTINY — see n Mio Destino. MY HUSBAND IS LOST (Ho Perduto Mio Marlto) — CD — Nino Besozzi, Paola Borboni — Okay Italian comedy— 87m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Esperia) — (A). MY SON — DMTJ — Ourtav Berger, Fannia Bublna — Highrater for Yiddish consumption — 91m. — aee May 81 iseue — ( Jewish Talking Picture). NEW HORIZONS— D — Boris Chirkov, Ter* Klhardlna— For radical house* only — 9?m. — set May 81 Issue — (Amkino). NORTH SEA PATROL — MD — Geoffrey Toone, Judy Kelly — Pleasing, timely programmer that can be sold — 69m. — see Nov. 15 issue — (Alliance Films). ON HIS OWN — D — V. O. Massalitinova, M. Troyanov eky — Okav for left-wingers — 100m. — »ee Sept. 20 i**ue — (Amkino). OPPENHEIM FAMILY, THE— D — V. F. Balashov, I. M. Tolchanov, A. 1. Voitsik — Exploitable U. S. S. R. product; deserves playing time— 97m. — see June 14 issue — (Amkino) . OUR FIGHTING NAVY — see Torpedoed. QUAI DES BRUMES, LE — see Port of Shadows. PEOPLE, ETERNAL, A— D — Conrad Veidt, Marie Ney— Weak Yiddish offering — 66m. — see Nov. 16 issue — (Henry Lynn). PER UOMINI SOLI — aee For Men Only. PORT OF SHADOWS (Le Quci des Brumes) — MD — Jean Gahin, Michel Simon — Beautiful, well worth seeing; a 7-award film — 90m. — see Oct. 18 issue — (Film Alliance of U. 6.). PRISONER OF CORBAL, THE— COD — Nil* A*ther, Noah Beery — Nabe dual filler — 78m. — see Sept. 6 i*sue — (English-made) — (Syndicate). PURITAN, THE — D — Jeaa-Loiu* Barrault, Alla Doneii — Can b* exploited for fair money — 86m. — see Mar. 22 issue — (Lenauar) — (A). RANGLE RIVER — "W" — Viotor Jory, Margaret Dare — Pleasing Australian Import with a "weetarn’’ flavor — 7 2m. — eoe May 17 issue — (Hotfberg). RASPUTIN — D — Harry Baur, Marcelle Chantal — Superb Gallic production — 93m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Concord Films) — (A). RE DI DENARI — see King of Diamonds. REGAIN — see HarvesL RETURN OF THE FROG, THE — MY — Gordon Harker, Una O’Connor — Okay British mystery programmer — 71m. — see Sept. 8 isaue — (Select Attractions). ROYAL DIVORCE — D — Ruth Chatterton, Pierre Blanchar — Worthwhile dualler — 82V4m. — see Oct. 4 issue — (Select Attractions). SCIPIO AFRICANUS MAJOR — see Scipione l’Africano. SCIPIONE L’AFRICANO (Solplo Africanus Major) — D — Annibale Ninchi, Camillo Pilotti, Isa Miranda, Frances Francesca — Bonanza for Italian customers — 115m. — see Oct. 4 issue — (Esperia). SECOND BUREAU — D — Marta LaBarr, Charles Oliver — Okay spy drama — 66m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Film Alliance of U. S.). SH0RS — D — E. Samoilov, I. Skuratov — For left-wing audiences — 92m. — see Nov. 29 issue — (Amkino). SIGNOR MAX, IL — see Mr. Max. SOLDIER'S BRIDE (Jaakarin Morsian) — MD — Tuulikki Paanancn, Ritva Aro, Tuli Arjo — Should make dough for Finnish houses — 83m. — see Dec. 27 issue — (Werner F. Savela). SONG OF THE STREET — D — Vladimir Sokoloff, Madeleine Ozeray — Weak orelgn offering — 77m. — see Sept. 6 issue — (Mayer-Burstyn). SONG OF YOUTH — Documentary — Produced In U. 8. 8. R. by Soyux Film Ohronloa — Superior Russian documentary — 53m. — «ee June 38 issue — (Amkino). SORPRESE DE UN MATRIMONION, LE — see The Surprises of Matrimony. SCTTO LA CROCE DEL SUD — *ee Under the Southern Orofw SOVIET BORDER — MD — E. Plapkina, B. Fedorova, N. Kriuchkov, 8. Krilov, N. Vinogradov — Propaganda dim for the radloal — 94m. — aee Mar. 8 leaue — (Amkino). SPAIN FIGHTS ON — *ee The Will of a People. SPY OF NAPOLEON — MD — Richard Barthelmess, Dolly Haas — For class spots, nabe with limitations — 77m. — see May 17 issue — (Standard). SURPRISES OF MATRIMONY, THE (Le Sorprese da un Matrimonion) — CD — Vittorio DeSica, Elisa Gegani — For Italians only — 118m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Columba) — (A). SQUADRONE BIANCO, LO (The White Squadron) — D — Iosco Giachetti, Antouio Ceuta, Fulvia Lanzi — Good drama for the art-foreign, Italian houses — 98m. — see Nov. 29 issue — (E'aperia). TEVYA — MD — Maurice Schwartz, Miriam Riselle, Rebecca 'Weintraub — Box office for Yiddish houses — 93m. — see Jan. 10 issue — (Mayman). THAT THEY MAY LIVE — 1» — Victor Fraucen, Line Noro, Marie Lou, Jean-Max — Spectacular French anti-war piece — 73m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Mayer-Burstyn) — (A). THREE WALTZES — Operetta — Yvonne Printemps, Pierre Fresnay — Natural for art, foralgn-pollty tneatr** — 92m. — aee May 3 ltaue — ( V etlu Film*). THUNDER OVER PARIS — D — Erich von Stroheim, Mareille Balin — Plug timeliness and Von Stroheim — 82m. — see Nov. 29 issue — (Transatlantic) — (A). TORPEDOED (Our Fighting Navy) — All — H. B. Warner, Richard Cromwell, Noah Beery — Must ride on its timeliness; plug Americans — 66m. — see SepL 20 issue — (Film Alliance of U. S.). TREACHERY ON THE HIGH SEAS— MY— Bebe Daniel*, Ben Lyon, Charles Farrell — Okay Britisher for nabs dual support — 68m. — see Oct. 4 issue — (Time*). 1 TWO’S COMPANY — C — Ned Sparks, Mary Brian, Patric Knowles — Bottom dualler for houses which can play British product — 64m. — see Dec. 27 issue — (B. & D.). UNDER THE SOUTHERN CROSS (8otto U Oroee dal Bud) — D — Doris Durantl, Antonio Cent* — Tops for Italian house* — 81m. — aee June 28 Issue — (Esperia). U. S. S. R. ON THE SCREEN, 1939— DocumentaryNo credits given — Left wing attraction — g4m. — *ee Aug. 23 issue — (Amkino). VOLGA BOATMAN, THE (Le Batteller de la Volga) — D — Pierre Blanchar, Vera Korene — B*«t for foralgn, art houst* — 78m. — see Apr. 6 issue — (Holiberg). WALLY, LA— DMU — Germane Paolierl. Carlo Minchi — For Italian audlenoes only — 88m. — eee July 28 larue — (Amerital). WE WERE SEVEN SISTERS (Eravamo Sette Borello) — CD — Nino Besozsl, Antonio Ganduiio, Sergio Tofano — Excellent for Italian audlenoes — 87m. — see June 28 issue — (Esperia) — (A). WILL OF A PEOPLE, THE (Spain Fights On)— Doeumentary — No oast or production credits— For liberal houses — 66m. — see Feb. 32 issue — (L. Frank). WINGS OVER AFRICA — MD — Joan Gardner, Ian Oolin — Weak dualler; may be exploited — 62m.— eee Aug. 9 issue — (Merit). WHITE SQUADRON, THE — see Lo Squadrone Bianco. WHITE SAVAGE (Uncivilized) — D — Dennis Hoey, Margot Rhys, Ashton Jarry — Dualler, but can be exploited to advantage — 72m. — see Dec. 27 issue— (Box-Office Attractions) — (A). WITHOUT A HOME — D — Alexander Marten, Viera Gran — For strletly Ylddlsh-polloy house* — 90 m— eee Anr. 19 lean* (Foreign Arts). WORLD IS OURS, THE — CD— Voskovec, Werioh — Excellent foreign product — 96m. — -nee Aug. 28 isrue — (KrssLrl YOUTH IN REVOLT — MD— Jean-Louis Barrault, Fabien Loris, Charles Daurot — Fair art entry — 91m. — see May 31 issue, under Columbia — (Columbia).