The Exhibitor (Nov 1939-May 1940)

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Rochester Manager Lester Pollock, Loew’s, signs his name GWTW Pollock during buildup and run of “Gone With the Wind.’’ Stunt was suggested by his secretary, Louise Wilson. . . . V. B. Faga, formerly operator of Embassy, took over Harold Harper’s Plaza as Rochester’s “permanent Italian theatre.” . . . Mrs. Leah Irons, Clinton, installed new seats. . . . Wally Folkins moved from Dixie to State, switching houses with Buddy Freeman. . . . John Tucker, Monroe, Schine house, launched vaudeville for Saturday nights January 19 along with the Cameo as Madison dropped stage shows temporarily. Howard G. Carroll, Strand, is giving away fur coats Thursday nights. Max Fogel, Webster, and Bill T;shkoff. Murray, tried it. . . . Bob Meagher, Riviera, took over advertising work for 12 Schine houses in Rochester area, following departure of Gene Curtis to Syracuse. . . . Weather turned warm just when manager Charlie Freeman, Century, tried to arrange a skating contest for Sonje Henie film. . . . Gene Chiaramonte, Lake, is acting as assistant manager, Riviera, during repairs to his house following $5,000 fire. . . . Bill Brimmer continues as house manager of the Madison under city manager Saul Silverman’s new regime. . . . Harry Addison, New England district manager for Loew's, held meeting in the Sagamore here for Western New York managers in connection with plans for “Gone With the Wind.” . . . Ralph Maw and Sid Samson, Buffalo, were in town calling on exhibs. Schenectady Jacob Barodkin, retired New York chain operator, is president of the H. and B. Theatre Corporation, which re-opened the former Mount Pleasant as the Metro. He contracted with RCA Photophone for new sound for the house. Syracuse James Constantino wonders why Syracuse exhibitors are not taking Florida vacations. . . . Tommy Roe, Liberty, l as worn out most of the Beer Barrel Polka records. . . . Manager Harry Unterfort invited any four married sisters to bring their husbands to see “Four Wives" as his guests. . . . Never let it be said that William Maxon is not a go-getter in selling ads for the anniversary program. . . . Junior League bought Keith’s for January 31 for their “Follies.” . . . Gregory Peggs and Bill Burke are both hearing from Pat McGee. . . . James Barry is now chief of service at Paramount; Richard Clark assisting at the Eckel. Robert Sardino has acquired a new name, i.e., Kingfish. . . . Farewell party was given Pat McGee at Luigi’s by fellow managers Gus Lampe, Harry Unterfort, Bill Burke, Gene Curtis, Harvey Cocks, Max Rubin and their wives. Entertainment was furnished by Wally Brown and “Sahvo” Sherman appearing on local vaudeville bill. . . Kenneth Wilcox passed another milestone. ... We extend our sincere sympathy to Walter Scarfe and family, whose mother died in Miami. . . . There’s a big dent in Howard (Fire-Chief) Kennar’s fender. Maybe that’s why he is studying Chinese. . . . When bigger and better padlocks are made you will find them on lockers of Loew’s State projectionists. Ed Labadie is wondering if there will be enough steak at the 25th banquet THE EXHIBITOR party. . . . We understand that James Constantino has definitely gone back to buttons. . . . Mitch Fitzer and party were recent patrons at the Regent to see “Drums Along the Mohawk.” . . . Phil Rossomando will not be the ice man in the future as the car heater works too well. . . . Fay Woodward is reported leaning towards Cab Calloway’s band for the banquet. . . . Members of the New York State Projectionists Association will meet in Syracuse January 30. . . . Watch for the battle of the evening gowns. . . We understand Gus Lampe and H. M. Addison have offered to co-operate in securing entertainment for the coming banquet of Local 376. . . . Harry Gurnes will celebrate a birthday January 31. . . . George Raaflaub has been taking Walter Scarfe’s place in booth at Loew’s State during Walter’s absence. . . . Welcome Howard Kennar, to The Exhibitor reader circle. . . . John Eccles was forced to take time off due to his wife’s sickness. . . . Latest quotations may be had from Carl Henry, chicken firm. . . . Fred Donohue wonders at the capacity of Jack Meaney and Harry Gurnes for coffee. . . . “Bennie” Coates is reported breaking out with spring fever. ... Is Phil Rossomando happy that Jack Meaney is taking over the mortgage on the Schuyler Street house? Added attraction for the 25th anniversary dinner of Local 376 will be fan dance by Johny Eccles, music by Howard Kennar. . . . Deep snow can’t keep Fred Pettinger and Joe Patrick, Cato Show Print, from calling. . . . When car bearing license MK-9 comes down the street it belongs to Mike Kallet. . . . “Bill” Meany will soon offer a reward for the return of his arithmetic lessons. . . . Could that have been Jack (Silk Shirt) Meany swinging in the tree in Burnet Park? . . . Sid Grossman covered the south end of the city with colored window cards for “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” Bernard (Flash) McNulty is the latest member of Local 376, is also chief projectionist at Hymie Menter’s Mayfair. (When Hymie is not around). . . . Phil Rossomando picks out the wrong time to deliver “Bingo” cards from the Rivoli to Jack Karp, Cameo. . . . Latest merger in Syracuse theatrical circles was formed by Carl Blair and “Mike” LaVine in subscribing for The Exhibitor. 27 It is reported that a bitter court battle will be staged between Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, owners of the Gurney Building, and B. and S. Amusement Company over lease of the Empire. . . . Bill Doss would like to have Glen Humphreys explain how he knew Bill was asleep when the deer ran past. Matter of the state convention was discussed and plans were made to secure it for Syracuse at session of Syracuse Alliedmen last week. Sidney L. Grossman, Jack Karp, both of Syracuse, and Ray Pashley, Interlaken, were appointed grievance committee members by regional vice-president Rap Merriman. Ed Souhami, state counsel, was in attendance. Next regular meeting will be held February 23. James Constantino took pills left for Jack Kerley’s dog and (The rest is censored.— Ed.) . . . Mary A. Davidson wonders whether the emblem on the last meeting notice was the I. A. or the double cross. . . . Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cole (Altec service inspector, Rochester) expect to attend the banquet. . . . Lora Angier, Community, purchased a new home on Orchard Road. ... We understand there is a new 5 and 10 on Hawley Avenue. . . . After having dinner with the Dick Sawyers at Phoenix, George (Altec) Brown is thinking of making it a regular stop. . . . Familiar figure of Les Wolfe, former manager, Brighton, was seen around the Cameo. . . . Fred Donohue and “Bob” Case were seen giving the flesh show at the Strand the once over. . . . Martin Bender, Altec engineer from New York, is scheduled to perform major operation of the sound equipment in the Cameo. . . . Sam Weltman, Avon manager, is wearing dark glasses. ... It was a pleasure to see so many old faces at the last union meeting. . . .Adolph Den Haise may become personally acquainted with a finance company. . . . Walter Powers, city manager for Schine, Oswego, was caught in the act of feeding, clothing and providing lodging for a needy 17-year-old boy (nice work). — J. J. S. W appingers Falls Construction on the new Academy is progressing rapidly and from present indications should be ready for re-opening about the middle of February. DANGER AHEAD. Last of the Renfrew series is “Danger Ahead,” which stars Jimmy Newill and his sidekick, Dave O’Brien. January 24 , 1940