The Exhibitor (Nov 1939-May 1940)

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Servisection 5 THE CHECK-UP— January 31, 194® FLIRTING WITH DEATH — see They Weut to War. GANG SMASHERS — iU> — Nina Mae McKinney, Man tan Moreland, Laurence Orruer — Nice all-Negro metier for colored theatres — com. — *ee June lit issue — (Million Dollar Productions). GREAT COMMANDMENT, THE — D — John Beal, Maurice Muscovich, Albert Dekker — Worth watohlno; has universal appeal — 86m. — see Oct. 18 issue — (Cathedral Films). HITLER'S REIGN OF TERROR — Documentary — Narrated by Edwin 0. Hill, photographed by Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr. — Exploitation offering — 66m. — see Nov. 29 issue — (Samuel Cummins). KEEP PUNCHING — MDMU — Henry Armstrong, Mae Johnson, Willie Bryant — Should gross okay In Negro nabes — 81m. — see Dec. 13 issue — (M-C Pictures). LAND OF LIBERTY — Documentary — Compiled by and lor the Industry and the MPPDA — Fine motion plotur* achievement — 188m. — see July 1* laeue — (MPPDA). LET’S PRETEND WE’RE SWEETHEARTS — see They Went to War. LOST ON THE WESTERN FRONT — D — Paul Cavanaugh, Marcelle Chantel — Exploitable dueller — 63m. — see Nov. 1 Issue — (Standard). MAD YOUTH — MD — Mary Ainslee, Betty Compson — Saleable sexer — 60m. — see Oct. 18 issue — (Willis Kent) — (A). MARIJUANA MADNESS (The Pace That Kills) — MD — Dots January, Noel Madison — Only for sensational type exploitation — 66ui. — see Aug. 0 laaue — (Kent) — (A). MESQUITE BUCKAROO — W — Bob Steele, Carolyn Curtis—-Low grade western — 6«m. — sea Aug. 23 Issue — ( Metropolitan ) . MIDDLETON FAMILY AT THE WORLD’S FAIR, THE— MD— Marjorie Ford, James Lydon — Might be tried as filler with high-braoket feature — 50m. — see Oct. 4 issue — (Technicolor) — (Modem Talking Picture Service). MOON OVER HARLEM — MD — Bud Harris, Cor* Green — Weak, even for all-Negro audlonoet — 67m. — see July 20 issue — (Meteor). MYSTIC CIRCLE MURDER — MY — Betty Compson, Robert Fiske — Weak dualler — 69m. — see Oct, 18 issue — (Fanchon Rover). NOTORIOUS ELINOR LEE, THE — MD — Edna Mae Harris, Carman Newsome, Gladys Williams — Weak offering for all-Negro houses — 104m. — see. Jan. 24 issue — (Micheaux Productions). ONE DARK NIGHT — DMU — Mantan Moreland, Betty Treadville, Josephine Pearson — Tops for Negro audiences— 81m. — see Dec. 13 issue — (Million Dollar Productions). PACE THAT KILLS. THE — see Marijuana Madness. PHANTOM RANCHER — Ken Maynard, Dorothy Short, Harry Harvey— Actionful Maynard — 60m. — see Jan. 24 issue — (Colony). P0C0MANIA — MD — Nina Mae McKinney, Jack Carter, Ida James — Top Negro entry — 66m. — see Dec. 13 issue — (Lenwal). PORT OF HATE— MD — Polly Ann Young. Kenneth Harlan— Waak Inda for bottom of nabe duals — 67m. — see Aug. 23 issue — (Metropolitan). REFORM SCHOOi MD — Louise Beaver*. Harlem’s Tuff Kids, Monte Hawley — Top product for Negro houses — 70m. — #ee Jure 38 issue — (Million Dollar Productions). RIDERS OF THE SAGE — W— Bob Steele, Claire Rochelle— Run of the mil! — 66m. — see Oct. 18 issue — (Metropolitan). RIDIN' FOOL, THE — W — Bob Steele, Francis Moore — Low grade western — 68m. — see Oct. 18 issue — (Metropolitan). SHE GOES TO V/AR — MD — Eleanor Boardman, John Holland — War from the women’s angle — 66m. — see Nov. 16 issue — (Mitchell Leichter). SMOKY TRAIL# — W — Bolt Steele. Jean Carmen— Ok ey Steele — 66m.— Apr 19 issna—f Metropolitan) . SON OF INGAGI—MD— Alfred Grant. Daisy Bickford, Laura Bowman — Exploitable for the Negro trade — 66m. — see Jan. 24 issue — (Sack). SONGS AND SADDLES — W — Gene Austin, Lynne Berkeley— Exploitable — 66m. — see Dec. 28, 1938, issue— (Road Show Attractions). SPECIAL INSPECTOR — MD — Charles Quigley. Rita Hay worth — Pleasing station prosramwer— Sfim. — tse* Apr. 8 1»*n« — (Wurerlefe). STRAIGHT SHOOTER— W— Tim McCoy, Julie Sheldon, Ben Corbett, Ted Adams — All McCoy and an hour long! — 60m. — see Nov. 16 issue — (Victory). TELL YOUR CHILDREN — see The Burning Question. TEN NIGHTS IN A BARROOM— MD — Hal Skelly, Zita Johann — Those nights are here again! — 61m. — see Nov. 16 issue — (B&M Pictures). TEXAS WILDCATS— W— Tim McCoy, Joan Barclay, Ban Corbett, Ted Adame— Top-rating McCoy — 66m, — see June 28 issue — (Victory). THEY WENT TO WAR (Let’s Pretend We’re Sweethearts; Flirting With Death) — CD — Lola Lane. Chic Chandler, George Meeker — Better than average Independent— 68m. — see May 31 issue — (Imperial). TRIGGER FINGERS — W — Tim McCoy. Ben Corhett — Okay western — 63m. — see Sept. 6 Issue — (Victory). TWO GUN TROUBADOUR — W — Fred Scott, Claire Rochelle— Speedy Indo oatla entry — 68m. — *oe July 26 issue — (Spectrum). TUMBLEWEEDS— W— William S. Hart. Barbara Bedford— Revival which oen pet results If exploited — 88m. — see May 17 issue — (Astor). WHY THIS WAR? — Documentary — No credits — Exploitable documentary — 81m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Samuel Cum ini). FOREIGN Listed here are Imported productions and all foreignlanguage pictures of whatever origin, when such pictures are not a part of the regular release schedule of an independently listed producer-distributor. ADVENTURE OF GIACOMO CASSANOVA— eee Awentura di Giacomo Uassanova. AFFAIR LAFONT, THE (Conflict) — D — Corinne Luehaire, Annie Ducaux — For the arty — 84m. — see Oct. 18 issue — (TranB-Atlantic Films) — (A). ALEXANDER NEVSKY — SP — Nicolai, N. P. Okhlopkov . — Box office for foreign, art houses — 94m. -—-see Apr. 6 iseue — (Arnkino). ALLERGI MASNADIERI (The Make-Believe Pirates) — CMU — Assia Noris, O. Pilotto — Very good Italian comedy — 72m. — see Oct. 18 issue — (Americo Pullini). ALPINE PASSION (Amore sulle Alpl) — MD — Gustave Diesel, Simona Bourday — Esperla has done better — 74m. — eee Nov. 16 issue — (Esperia) — (A). AMANGELDY — D— Elubai Umurzakov, Bhara Dshandarbekova — Inferior Russian film — 79m. — ace June 28 issue — (Arnkino). AMORE SULLE ALPI — see Alpine Passion. ARIA DEL CONTINENTE, L’— see The Continental Way. AVVENTURA DI GIACOMO CASANOVA (Adventure of Giacomo Oasanova) — OD — Nerio Bernard!, Leda Glowia — Best for Italian houses, audiences — 70m. — see June 14 Issue — (Amerital). BATTELLER DE LA VOLGA, LE— see The Volga Boatman. BATTLES IN THE SHADOW (Lotta nell’ Ombra)— MD — Antonio Centa, Renato Oialcnte — Pleasing Italian thriller — 86m. — ace June 88 laaue — (Eaperia). BETRAYAL — D — Annie Vernay, Suzy Prim, PierreRichrad Willm — French box-office suocess — 80m. — see Oct. 4 issue — (World). — (A). BIG FELLA— MDMU— Paul Robeson. Elisabeth WelshPleasing programmer, but watoh out for the racial problem — TOm. — see Feb. 82 lasue — (Re flaw Films). BIZARRE BIZARRE — F — Louis Jouvet, Francolso Rosay — Rlb-tlekler for Frenoh fans — see Apr. 6 Issue — (Ltaane-) BLACK LIMELIGHT — MY — Raymond Massey, Joan Marion — Routine murder mystery for houses that can play English product — 63m. — see July 12 issue— (English-made) — (Alliance) . BLACK PIRATE, THE — see 11 Gorsaro Nero. BOMBS OVER LONDON — AD — Charles Farrell, Fritz Kortner— Plug timeliness and Farrell for best results— 78m. — see Sept. 20 issue — (Film Alliance). BOUQUET# FROM NICHOLAS — MD — Noel-Noel Jacques Varennea. Janlne Noel-Noel — Can play She right nabos; swell for the arty, Frenoh — 79m. — se® May. 22 Issue — (Walcb Films). BOYS’ SCHOOL (Les Dlsparus de Saint April) — MY— Eric von Stroheim. Michael Simon, Arm&nd Bernard, Serge Grave— Outstanding Qalllo show — 91m. — see June 14 issue, under Columbia — (Columbia). BRIVELE DER MAMEN, A (A Letter to Your Mother) — D — Lucy Gehrman, Alexander Stein — Yiddish clnematlo triumph — 104m. — see October 4 issue — (Sphinx). CHALLENGE, THE — D — Robert Douglas, Joan Gardner — High-rating Importation — TTm. — see May 17 5sstw — (Film Alllancw). CHANGED MAN, THE — see Elcserelt Ember. CITADEL DE SILENCE, LA — see The Citadel of Silence. CITADEL OF SILENCE, THE (La Citadel de Silence) — D — Annabella, Pierre Renoir, Bernard Lancret — Swell art and French stuff — 90m. — see Jan. 10 issue — (Film Alliance) — (A). CONCENTRATION CAMP — D — O. Jakwv, 6. Shirokova — Too muoh Communist propaganda for the average house — '.flflca. — eee Apr. 5 issue — (Arnkino) CONDOTTIERI (The Leaders) — Same as Giovanni de Medici, the Leader, q. v. CONFLICT— see The Affair Lafont.. CONQUESTS OF PETER THE GREAT, THE — D — Nikolai Simonov, Alla Tarasova — For Soviet houses only — flrtm — see Sept, 20 issue — (Arnkino) CONTINENTAL WAY, THE (L’Arla del Contlnente) — CD — Angelo Musco, Leda Gloria — Excellent Italian oomedy — 82m. — see Nov. 29 issue — (Esperia). CORSARO NERO, IL (The Black Pirate) — MD — Ciro Verrati, Silvana Jachino — For foreign-language, particularly Italian, houses — 96m. — see Dec. 27 issue— (Esperia). CRI9I3 — Documentary — Produced, directed by Hertwurt Kline, narrated by Leif Eriekwm — For liberal, Intelligent! an exploitation challenge to average exhibitor— 86m. — see Mar. 22 lame — (Mayer-Burntyn). CURTAIN RISE#, THE (Entree dee Artiste*) — MD — Jouls Javet, Jenlne Daroey — Pleasing French Import 86m. — see May 9 laeue — (Kassler). DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES — MD — Rmlvu Williams, High William*, Marius Goring — Tops for murder — 70m. — see May 81 Issue — (Alliance). DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET. THE— MD— Tod Slaughter, Eve Lister — British entrant, strictly for the “horror” trade — 67m. — see Sept. 0 issue — (Select Attractions) — (A). DENARO E D'AMORE (Money and Love) — CD— Elsa Merlin!, Tina Lnttanri — Pleasing Italian oomedydrama — 86m. — see July 12 Issue — (Amerital). DEVIL IS AN EMPRESS, THE (Le Jouer d’Echees) — D — Conrad Veidt. Frnnroise Rosay. Micheline Franeey — Among the better French films — 76m. — see Dec. 18 issue — (Columbia). DISPARUS DE SAINT AGIL, LES— see Boys’ School. DOCTOR ANTONIO (II Dottor Antonio) — D — Ennio Cerlesi, Maria Gambarelli, Lamberto Picasso — Boxoffice success for Italian nabes — 103m. — see Dec. 2 7 issue — (I tala Films). DOTTER ANTONIO, IL — see Doctor Antonio. DOUBLE CRIME ON THE MAQINOT LINE — D — Victor Fraucen, Vera Korene — Excellent for ert, French houses; exploitation — ■ 8 3m. — ace May S iasa* — (Tower Pictures). ELCSERELT EMBER (The Changed Man) — MD — Ferenc Kise, Marglt Dakya, Qero Maly — Just for Hungarians— 84m. — see Mar. 8 issue — (Huanrw) . END OF THE DAY, THE (Fin du Jour)— D — Victor Francen, Louis Jouvet — Superb Gallic production — 95m. — see Sept. 20 issue — (Juno Films). ENTENTE CORDIALE — D — Victor Francen, Gaby Morlay, Arlette Marchal — Timely Gallic Import — 93m. — 6ee Jan. 10 issue — (Concord). ENTREE DES ARTISTES— see The Curtain Rises. ERAVAMO SETTE SORELLO — see We Were Seven Bisters. ESCAPE FROM YESTERDAY— D— Jean Cabin, Annabella— Infinitely superior French produat — -96m. — see May 17 Issue — (Hoffberg) — (A). FAMILLE LEFRANCOIS, LE — see Heroes of the Marne. FIRST FILM CONCERT, THE — MU — No production credits available — Extremely attractive fare for the arty — 52m. — see Nov. 16 issue — (World). FOR WltN ONLY (Per bomim Doll; — CD — oaric Butt, Paola Barbara — Great show for Italian nabes — 78m. — see May 17 issue — (Bspena;. FIN DU JOUR — see The End ol the Day. GANG'S ALL HERE, THE — CD — Jack Buohanan, Google Winters — Just fair comedy; nabe lower-half dualler — 7 6m. — see Apr. 19 issue — (Associated British). GIOVANNI DE MEDICI, THE LEADER (Condottieri [The Leaders]) — D — Lula Trenker, Loris Gizzi, . Laura Nucci — Okay for Italian audiences — 88m. — see Jan. 24 issue — (Esperia). GOLDEN KEY, THt — Fantasy — Puppets and voices operated by A. bhagin, et al. — Corking foreign fantasy ■ — 79m. — see Jan. 10 issue — (Amkiuo). HARVEST (Regain; — MD — uaDriel Uabrlo, Edouard Dslmont — For the art oustomers — 80m. — eee Aug. 9 issue — (French Cinema Center) — (A). HEARTBEAT — MD — Urane Domuzia, Fernandel — Fair Gallic product — 88m. — see Sept. 20 issue — (Frenoh Motion Picture Corporation) — (A). HEROES OF THE MARNE (Le Famille Leiranool*) — Kaimu, Germaine Dermoz — Chiefly for foreign, art houses— 88m. — see May 3 Issue — (Spectrun) — (A). HO PERDUTO MIO MARITO— see My Husband Is Lost. HOMME ET SA FEMME, UN — see A Man and His Wife. HOUSEMASTER — CD — Utto Kruger, Diana Churchill — Fair support for duals; plug American names — 86m. see Apr. 19 Issue — (Associated British). IDEAL MARRIAGE (Un Matrimonio Ideale) — CD — Assia Noris, Umberto Melnati, Gino Cervi — Very good Italian product — 84m. — see Dec. 27 issue — (Esperia). I MET A MURDERER — D — James Mason. Sylvia Coleridge— Artistio success; can be exploited — 78m. — see Oct. 18 issue — (York). IN SOVIET RUSSIA TODAY — Documentary — No credits — Propaganda for radical audiences — 100m. — see Oct. 4 issue — (Arnkino). INDISCRETIONS — CD — Sascha Guitry, Betty Daussmond — For art, French houses, exclusively — 80m. — see May 17 issue, under Foreign — (Tri-National) — (A). IRELAND’S BORDER LINE — CD — Jimmy O'Dea, Myrette Morven — Top Irish product — 64 %m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (William Alexander). JAAKARIN MORSIAN — see Soldier’s Bride. JOUER D’ECHEES, LE — see The Devil Is an Empress. JUBILEE — Documentary— Edited by the Rev. James H. Griffiths, narrated by the Rev. Vincent Genova — For Catholics; exploit its timeliness — 60m. — see Feb. 22 issue — (King Cole). JUST LIKE A WOMAN — CD — Gertrude Michael, John Lodge — Fair English production — 73m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Alliance). KATIA — D— Danielle Darrieux, John Loder — Superb Gallio production; exploitable — 80m. — see Dec. 13 issue — (Maver-Burstvn) — (A) . KING OF DIAMONDS (Re de Denari) — CD — Angelo Musco, Rosina Anselmi, Mario Pisu — Great Italian comedy — 84m. — see Jan. 10 issue — (Esperia). KLIATSHE, DI — see Light Ahead. KOL NIDRE — MD — Lili Liliana, Leon Leibgold — Welltitled show for Yiddish audiences — 90m. — see Sept. 20 issue — (Joseph SeidonT. LAST DESIRE — D — Rairnu. Jacqueline Delubac, Pierre Brasseur — Sell sex — 77m. — see Jan. 24 issue — ( Transatlantic) — ( A). LEADERS, THE — see Condottieri (same as Giovanni de Medici, the Leader, q. v. ). LETTER TO YOUR MOTHER, A — r.ce A Brivele der Mamen. LENIN IN 1918 — T> — B. V. Shchukin, M. G. Oolovanl — Outstanding Soviet motion plotura — 180m. — wie Julw IV issue ( Arnkino). LIFE ON THE HORTOBAGY — Documentary— Janos Cinega, Mrs. Janos Cincga, Istvan Kanyasi — Exploitable Hungarian bit — 79m. — see Feb. 7 issue — (Cummins). LIGHT AHEAD (Di KHntshe) — P — Tzidore Cssher, Helen Beverly — Superb Yiddish photoplay — 108m. — see Oct. 4 issue — (Carmel). LOST ATLANTIS. THE — MD — No cart credit* — Ju«l dim — TOm.— fee June 14 Issue — (Road Show Attractions) . LOTTA NELL’ OMBRA— cea Battles to the Shadow.