The Exhibitor (Nov 1939-May 1940)

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THE EXHIBITOR 17 pCRAPE* of WRATH OMAHA SPRINGriELD, MASSACHUSETTS ECKEL 'Gropesof Wrath' Astounding On Screen, Greater Than Book '~Y] HELEN WAIMRl^““ SYRACUSE MMB "‘Pe u, ouf0;-' -lut. w, , — *° fer,v,rC>n^?b«'v lick <n« People." GRAPES 35f TODAY 930am. tol OVERWHELMING CHICAGO for a 2"" STIRRING WEEK! The stark story of the Joads . . , and tho nobis love that lights up tholr hardships. . . The most vital, most daringly outspoken drama the screen ever has knownl DARRYL F. ZANUCK'S maiH/ful prodvttion the CRAPES OF WRATH A 20th Contvy-Foa triumph . pith HENRY FONDA 1ANE OARWEll RUSSELl SIMPSON DORRIS BOWDEN • I0HH CARRADINE CHARLEY GRAPEWIN ■ JOHN QUALE N 0. Z WHITEHEAD PoronxM.! WpWD Mjw, ••lobe t Koti JIAO!«o« (1) "OH JOHNNY", f.narlii Ad(Bro>n • Dorofhp Hild Ballot (2) "THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS" • t • Roy Dovb (HIISTItn TROUPE ■ AlfXAHDER l SAMTOS Darla Class and Laaiia Dads THE MOST TALKED ABOUT PICTURE IN THE HISTORY OF THE INDOSTRY! Directed by JOHN FORD SYRACUSE, NEW YORK "A GENUINELY GREAT "EXCELLENT! Highest "THE MOST DARING “ONE ol the GREATEST "ONE of the CINEMA'S MOTION PICTURE! PO»»ible rating! Stein PICTURE thot however FILMS EVER PRODUCED! MASTERWORKS! Oet An honett, eloquent betk’i novol comos to come out of Holly Unexcelled direction fined to be recalled ond challenging u» with Its essence wood ... ond one of and oclingl Brilliant whonever great screen maaterplecel truly renderedl the moat Importontl" adaptation of the motion picture! are —Howard Baraai, -ArrharWtaitan, Pori -Kata Camaron. Hawt bookl"-Wl//|«» Boahaal. mentlonedl" *' — DARRYL F. ZANUCK’S production of theCRAPESofWRATH • ooas OPEN 9.30 A. M. United Artiaft RIVOLI keens Directed by JOHN FORD Assoclote Producer ond Screen Ploy by Normally Johnson A 20th Conlury-Fo* Picture .V^SSW»8BM(9RBW* Broodwoy & 49th NEW YORK CITY SAN FRANCISCO CIRCLE eerfesf Novel of Our Time I 'HONESTLY. . . FEARLESSLY. . . O N THE SCREEN I THE GRAPES .OF WRATH MARCH OF TIME, )llMuri THE VATICAH OF PIUS XII 1 INDIANAPOLIS :“US JOADS THANK SCRANTON”= Tho nonmtionel hit that'* tho topic of eonveraation everywhere in Scranton! Everyone agree. . . . "Better than the book!” — Waller Winchell ... “If it were any belter, wo Jiint wouldn't believe onr eye*!” — New York Time*! You'll about it* praine, too . . . It'* one picture that MUST be seen! DSRRYL F. ZANUCK’S Production of the dRAPESo, WRATH Directed by STRAND Continuous Performances Feature Today at 2:0^-^:20 —6:50 and 9:20 NO A D A N C E — See It At Regular STRAND Prices. SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA MINTS ON NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING No. 125 — "Grapes of Wrath” (20th Century-Fox) No question but that the pre-selling campaign given this picture was, in a large measure, responsible for the initial grosses. It’s that kind of a picture, where the opening has to be sock because there is a tendency for business to fall off later. We have purposely avoided using too many of the ace ads found in Charlie McCarthy and staff’s swell pressbook, although a few are present here. For variety, note the Chicago idea, which is suitable where the newspaper can handle it, but not many can. Adaptation of a pressbook ad is seen in the Scranton contribution, while use of the critics, which also can be localized, is a novel note from New York City. Two holdover ads are interesting, while the Syracuse “second week” ad has been localized to good advantage. For the subsequent runs, there remains a selling job to be done, but with this page and the pressbook, the way should be paved. March 27, 1940