The Exhibitor (Nov 1939-May 1940)

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22 eastern sales manager. ... Joe Stein, former operator, Artistic, announces a new gas and oil station at 12 Elmwood, near Virginia. . . . Nick Basil, Basil brothers circuit, is off to Florida. It’s a snappy coupe Bill Bork, Universal, is sporting. ... Joe Friedman, National Screen Service, was snowed in in Cortland. . . . Jim Holden is recuperating in a local hospital, having just undergone an eye operation and we are pleased to report doing nicely. . . . Jules Jasper, former UA salesman, spent a week in New York City. . . George Sussman, 20th CenturyFox booker, returned from a week end in New York City. . . . Murray Briskin, Groton, Homer, Waterloo, couldn’t use his car last week, snowbound. . . . Jim Kelley, manager, Strand, Cataract, Niagara Falls, resigned. Jim will announce his new connection very shortly. His successor will not be named until Charlie Hayman’s return. . . . Congratulations to Frank Curro, Columbia assistant booker, who is the proud father of a baby girl. . . . Five-year-old son of Harold Randall, Columbia shipper, had an appendectomy and local office staff sent toys to the hospital. . . . Dorothy Gammel witnessed her first wrestling match at the Broadway Auditorium. With her were Elmer and Nina Lux, and Charlie Boasberg, RKO. . . . Ray Pashley, Lakes, Interlaken; Colonial, Moravia, has served notice that hereafter when film salesmen hold forth in his private office he intends to get a “cut.” Ralph Maw, Metro branch manager, addressed 600 students during the past week at Niagara University, rendering a talk on salesmanship, distribution, and operation of a film exchange. . . . Bud Schaefer, American Seating Company, returned from his Florida vacation. . . . Happy to hear from George Sussman, 20th Century-Fox, that his wife is recuperating nicely. . . . Jane Holloran, former film board secretary, now connected with the Department of Justice, Washington, is recovering. . . . George Rosing, manager, Shea’s Roosevelt, caught a candy thief in the act of using a slug in the machines. . . . Bill Brereton, Shea publicity department, was at home for a few days. . . . Mary Fridrich, Shea’s Buffalo switchboard operator, is back on the job after undergoing an operation. . . . Margaret Adrian, Shea’s Buffalo office, was confined to her home for more than a week. . . . Chuck McKernan’s son Dennis was in the Buffalo office the other day. . . . Henry C. Fruecht, Shea auditor, soon will be sporting a new car. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil C. (Shea’s Buffalo operator) Franklin, announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean Lucille, to Henry E. Kieft. Chester Fenyvessy, former Rochester exhibitor, went to New York City for the week end. . . . Jack Bellman, Republic branch manager, is clearing the decks for “Dark Command,” the big Republic special. He reports the picture great! . . . A1 Teschemacher, former office manager and booker, Grand National, is doing a nice job on his new assignment as booker at Republic. . . . What Buffalo circuit exhibitor, after all these years, is starting to send his charming wife “gardenias”? . . . Charles Freeman, Century, Rochester, left for Florida. . . . George and Dorothy Gammel, Gammel circuit; Bill and Eva Bork, Universal; Menno Dykstra and wife, Glen, Williamsville, Kensington, Buffalo; George, Lou Ferguson, Columbia; Clarence Ross, Konczakowski circuit, and the Davis’ all attended the Saint Patrick party at Meadowbrook Country Club. . . . Ray Pashley’s little girl, Sally, was taken THE EXHIBITOR to the hospital with appendicitis. . . . Professor and Mrs. Nevins, Alfred, Alfred University, leave April 5 for a two-weeks’ vacation in New York City. . . . They tell me Charles (Mike) O’Rich, was in rare form at the “Three Cheers For the Irish” nite Warner party at the Variety Club. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walsh, Comerford circuit, Binghamton, are house hunting. — M. G. (Editor’s Note — This department is in receipt of an anonymous communication from “Exhibitors” having reference to an article appearing in the Buffalo Evening News March 14, and which quoted what was supposed to have been the remarks of a local exchange manager who stopped in Washington, D. C., on his way south. The letter to this department asks further comment from us. It continues: “As a subscriber to you Exhibitor, I, as well as other subscribers in this zone deeply resent remarks made slandering exhibitors in this zone and for that reason am calling this to your attention.” The letter says that an open apology by the exchange manager in question is due. Although we think that anyone who writes a letter should have the courage to sign his name as a mark of good faith, and although we usually disregard anonymous communications, we have in this case taken steps to contact the gentleman in question to get his viewpoints on the matter. Further developments will be covered later.) Cazenovia N. L. Googin, enlarging, remodelling, and re-seating his Town Hall, to complete the modernization contracted with RCA Photophone for new sound equipment. Ellenville Weather conditions held up progress on the completion of the new Nobury, to be operated by Eddie Scholemson, Woodbourne. Architect Sydney Schleman reports progress and the house should be ready for opening by the latter part of April or the first part of May. Gloversville Schine Home Office News Bud Gray, RKO public relations counsel, was a Schine home office visitor, helping the advertising and publicity department to plan its circuit-wide campaign on “Pinocchio.” . . . Bill Tubbert, district manager, was in from Watertown, as was Bud Silverman, Schine-RKO city manager, from Rochester. . . . Schine Comptroller and Mrs. John May are back from their vacation at Miami, John sporting a healthy tan. They stopped off on the return trip for a visit to Washington. . . . Artie Newman, Albany branch manager, RKO, was in for conferences with booker Bill Kraemer. Roy Haines and Eddie Schneitzer, both with Warners, were in from New York City for conferences with film buyer George V. Lynch. Other visitors included RKO’s Charlie Boasberg from Buffalo and Universal’s Joe Engell from Albany. . . . Bill Graham, sound engineer, attached to the home office, is back from a check-up trip through the Maryland territory. . . . Dewey Lederer, home office, made a trip to New Haven, Connecticut, where he visited his folks. . . . Harold F. Sliter, advertising and publicity maestro, visited Albany where he enjoyed birthday festivities in honor of his popular dad, Fred G. Sliter, 20th CenturyFox salesman. Elder Sliter admitted the natal day was his 54th. . . . Dorothy Hart, wife of Hipp manager Lou S. Hart, was the center of toasts at the Elms Country Club on Saint Patrick’s Day. that being Dotty’s birthday. — J. B. Horn el l After expiration of the Warner lease on the Majestic, March 14, Fred Peters, owner, opened up next day with firstrun policy. . . . J. P. Faughnan, Albany accounting department, Warners, was in Hornell taking charge of legal matters of theatres, with district manager Ralph Crabill. . . . William Leggiero, city manager, Hornell, was in charge of giveaway of automobile prior to Holy Week including the Steuben, Majestic, Strand; and Babcock, Temple, Wellsville, managed by C. L. Hollister. . . . Hornell theatres cooperated by postponing their Good Friday opening until 3 P. M. Howard Beach Murray Ginsberg closed the Howard. ] amestoxvn Orville Morrell, 51, former Winter Garden projectionist, died after a long illness. . . . Theatre managers in Jamestown complied with mayor’s resolution in closing down 12 to 3 P. M. Good Friday. . . . A1 Newhall, Palace, forgets his diet schedule when the dinner invitations come along. . . . Ralphie Crabill, son of district manager, is now taking up the violin and mandolin. . . . George Anderson, Palace service staff, resigned. . . . Allen Newhall, Palace, held a special kids matinee showing series of historical short subjects. . . . Arthur Kahle, Palace doorman, chauffeured district manager around the territory. ... Joe Florio, sound engineer, arrived with a new Spring attire. Monticello Super-Simplex projector mechanisms at the Rialto have been overhauled and equipped with the new front and rear shutters. . . . Arthur Rademacher, Altec branch manager, and Jack Carroll, Altec territory engineer, were in town and performed a major operation on the sound equipment at the Rialto. Amplifier system was modified to produce results equivalent to the latest equalized standard systems, and the new Hollywood type sound apertures were installed to eliminate flutter. Many favorable comments were received from both theatre staff and patrons. Newburgh Among recent visitors were Art Rademacher, Altec branch manager; Harry Rubin, Paramount projection director; Bob Weitman, New York Paramount manager; Sonny Liggett, Universal. During their recent engagement at the Ritz, Tommy Dorsey and Red Skelton attended the luncheon of the local Lions Club. . . . Eugene Levy has been placed on the publicity committee of the Chamber of Commerce. ... It looks like the Netco (Insomnia) Bowling League has gone with the wind, the boys are losing interest and are not showing up at the mid-nite sessions. . . . Anne Carroll has been confined with a severe case of grippe. . . . Gene Levy recently returned from his vacation at Hot Springs and is completely ensconced in his new office which was re-built. . . . Harry Deimer, Ritz service staff, is back on the job. March 27, 1940