The Exhibitor (Nov 1939-May 1940)

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The Shorts Check-Up Of All Pictures Released Nationally Since September 22, 1939 COLUMBIA Two COMEDIES •39-40 (26) All American Blendes (G) A. Clyde Andy Clyde Gets Spring Chicken (F) Oct. 20 17m, A. Clyde A-Plumblng We Will Go (G) Deo. 15 19m. 3 Stooges Awful Goof, The (G) Apr. 19 17m. C. Chase Four-Thirds Off Deo. 22 17m. B. Keaton Glove Slingers (G) — m. N. Beery, Jr Heckler, The (G) Nov. 24 18m. C. Chase His Bridal Fright Feb. 16 17 m, C. Chase — m. Mr. Clyde Goes to Broadway (G) A. Clyde Feb. 2 18m. Nothing But Pleasure (G) B. Keaton Jan. Oily to Bed, Oily to Ft lee (G) 3 Stoooee Oot. Pardon My Berth Marks (F) B. Keaton Mar. Rockin' Thru the Rockies (G) 3 Stooges Mar. Teacher's Pest (G) C. Chase Noy. Three Saooy People (E) 3 Stooges Dec. To Beef or Not to Beef A. Clyde Apr. You Nazi Spy (E) 3 Stooges Jan. 5 I?1/* m. « 18!/*m. 22 18m. 8 18m. 3 16'/zm. 1 18!/2m. 5 — m. 19 18m. SERIALS '39--40 ( 4) Deadwood Dick Green Archer, The .... Terry and the Pirates. . Apr. 12 Shadow, The (E) V. Jory, V. Borg Jan. 5 — ep. — ep. 15 ep. 15 ep. One Reel CINESCOPES '39-'40 (6) Berth of a Queen, The (F) 10m. Fashion Takes a Holiday (F) 11m. (Color) Threads of a Nation, The (F) Feb. 9 11m. (Cinecolor) World of 1960 (E) Deo. 22 9m. COLOR RHAPSODIES '39'40 (16) Blackboard Revue (F) Mar. 15 7m. Boy. a Gun and Birds, A (F) Jan. 12 7!/2m. Dreams on Ice (F) Oot. 20 6/2 m. Greyhound and the Rabbit. The Apr. 19 — m. Happytots' Expedition, The (G) Feb. 9 6'/2m. Mother Goose In Swingtime (G) Deo. 8 7m. Mountain Ears (G) ... Nov. 3 7m. COMMUNITY SINGS '39-'40 (10) No. 3 — College Songs(G). Oot. 13 10m. No. 4 — Steohen Foster Songs (E) . Nov. 17 11m. No. 5 — Gypsy Songs (F) Dec. 29 10m. No. 6 Mar. 8 — m. No. 7 Apr. 19 — m. FABLES '39 '40 (6) Little Lost Sheep (F) Oct. 6 7m. Perk Your Baby (F) Deo. 22 6m. Practice Makes Perfeot Apr. 5 6m. FOOLS WHO MADE HISTORY '39-'40 (6> Goodyear, Charles, The Story of (G) Oct. 6 10'/am. HAPPY HOUR SPECIALS ■39-'40 Building of Boys (E) Oct. 12 11m. Book of Books, The (E).Oct, 6 10m. LOUISE — Opera — Grace Moore, Georges Thill, Andre Fernet — Worthy of playing time anywhere — 72m. — see Feb. 2i issue — ( Mayer -Bursty u). MACUSHLA (My Darlin') — Ml) — -Pamela Wood, Jimmy Magooan, Max Adrian — Can be sold nicely to sons and daughters of Erin — sum. — aee Jan. 24 issue — (Transatlantic). MADLMUiot Let. iVlA MERE — F — Danielle Darrieux, Marcel oimon — Breezy Gallic attait; Darrieux tops exploitation possibilities — bum. — see Oct. 4 issue — 1 Hotfhenz 1 — i A 1 MAKE-BELIEVE PIRATES. THE — see Allergi Masrnadieri MAN AND HU WIFE, A (Un Booms et Sa Femme) — Ml) — Harry Baur, Snxy Veruon — Fair for French, artyi lower-half dualler for n«b*e--77m. — eee Apr. 6 leaue — (French Film Exchange ) — (A). MARSEILLAISE — D — Pierre Renoir, Lise Delamare — Fair French oinema — 80m. — see Nov. 15 issue — (World Pictures). MATRIMONIO IDEALE, UN — see Ideal Marriage. MILL ON THE FLOSS, THE — D — (Jeraidiue Fitzgerald, Frank Lawton — Outstanding British attraction — 78m. — see Nov. 15 issue — (Standard). MIO DE8TINO, IL (My Destiny) — D — ismma Gramatlea, Luigi Ulrnari — For Italian and foreign-language houses — 7dm. — eee July 28 issue — (Roma Film). MIRELE EFROS — Ml) — Berta UerBteu, Michael Rosenberg— Should pull tears and cash — 87m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Credo Pictures). MR. MAX (II Signor Max) — -C — Vittoria DeSico, Assia Noris — Outstanding Italian comedy — 86m. — see Oct. IS issue— ( Esperia ) . MONEY AND LOVE — see Denaro e d’Amore. MONTEVERGINE — see The Great Light. MOTEL, THE OPERATOR — DA1U — Lliaim Tauber, Malvina Rappel, Seymour Rechzeit — Mediocre Yiddish celluloid — 80m. — see Jan. 24 issue — (Cinema Service Corporation). MUtlCA IN PIAZZA — OD — Mllly. Enrico Vlariaio — For Italian audlonoas only — 80m. — see July 12 issue — (Amorital). MY DARLIN’ — see Macushla. MY DESTINY — see 11 Miu Destine. MY HUSBAND IS LOST (Ho Perduto MIo Marlto) — CD — Nino Besozzi, Paola Borboni — Okay Italian comedy— 87m. — see Nov. 1 issue (Esperia) — (A I. MY SON — DMli — Gustav Berger, Fanma Kubma — Hlghrator for Yiddish consumption — Dim. — ae« May *1 issue — (Jewish Talking Picture 1 NAPLES THAT NEVER DIES (Napoli che Non Muore) — Maria Glory, Fosco Giacchetti, Paola Barbara — Italian fans will go big for this — 90m. — see March 20 issue — ( 1 tala Films). NAPOLI CHE NON MUORE — see Naples That Never Dies. NAPOLI D’ALTRI TEMPI — see Love in Old Naples. NEW HORIZONS — D — Boris Chirkov , Vera Kibardina — For fwdloal houses only — 9 2m. — aee May 21 Issue — ( IwiBse ) NORTH SEA PATROL — MD — Geoffrey Toone, Judy Kelly — Pleasing, timely programmer that can be sold — 69m. — see Nov. 16 issue — (Alliance Films). ON HI3 OWN — D — V. 0. Massalitinova, M. Troyanovoky — Okay for left-wingers — 100m. — see Sept. *0 (•site— i Amkino) OPPENHEIM FAMILY, THE— D— V. F. Balashov. I. M. Tolchanov, A. 1. Voitsik — Exploitable U. S. S. R. product; deserves playing time — 97m. — see June 14 Issue — ( Amkino). OUR FIGHTING NAVY — see Torpedoed. OUTSIDER, THE — MD — George Sanders, Mary Maguire, Barbara Blair — High-rating English import — 90m. — see March 20 issue — (Alliance Films). OVERTURE TO GLORY — D — Moishe Ovsher, Florence Weiss, Baby Winkler — Fair tear-jerker; sell Moishe Oysher — 85m. — see Feb. 21 issue — (Elite). PEOPLE, ETERNAL, A— D — Conrad Veidt, Marie Ney— Weak Yiddish offering — 66m. — see Nov. 16 issue — (Henry Lynn). PER UOMINI SOLI — see For Men Only. PORT OF SHADOWS (Le Quai det Brumes) — MD — Jean Cabin Michel Simon — Beautiful, well worth seeing; a 7-award film — DOm. — see Oct. 18 issue — (Film Alliance of U. 9. ). PRISONER OF CORBAL, THE — COD — Nils Asther, Noah Beery — Nabe dual filler — 7Xm. — see Sept. 6 issue — (English-made 1 — (Syndicate) QUAI DES BRUMES. LE — see Port of Shadows. RANGLE rtlVER— "W” — Victor Jory, Margaret Dare — Pleasing Australian Import with a "western" flavor — 7 2m. — eee May 17 issue (HofTberg). RASPUTIN — D — Harry Baur, Marcelle Chantal — Superb Gallic production — 98m. — aee Nov. 1 issue — (Concord Films) — (A). RE 01 DENARI — see King of Diamonds. REGAIN — -see Harvest RETURN OF THE FROG. THE— MV — Gordon Harker, Una O’Connor — Okay British mystery programmer — 71m. — see Sept. 8 Issue — (Select Attractions). ROYAL DIVORCE — D — Ruth Cbatterton, Pierre Blanchar — Worthwhile dualler — 82 Vim— eee Oct. 4 issue — (Select Attraction!). SCIPIO AFRICANUS MAJOR — see Scipione I’Africano. SCIPIONE L'AFRICANO (Sclpio Afrloanus Major) — D — Annibale Nincbi, Oamillo Pilotti, Isa Miranda, Frances Francesca — Bonanza for Italian oustomars — 116m.— see (Jet. 4 issue — (Esperia). SECOND BUREAU — D — Marta LaBarr, Charles Oliver — Okay spy drama — 86m. — aee Nov. 1 issue — (Film Alliance of U. 8.). SHORS — D — E. Samoilov, I. Skuratov — For left-wing audiences — 92m. — eee Nov. 29 issue — (Amkino). SIGNOR MAX, IL — see Mr Max. SKELETON ON HORSEBACK— D — Hugh Haas. Zdanek Stepanek, Bcdrich Karen — Exploitable Czecho-Slovak attraction — 78m. — aee Feb. 21 isaue — (Carl Laeminle. Jr.). SOLDIER'S BRIDE (Jaakarln Morslan) — MD — Tuulikki Paananen, Ritva Aro, Tuli Arjo — Should make dough for Finnish houses — 83m.— eee Dec. 27 lseue — (Werner F. Savela). SONG OF THE STREET— D — Vladimir Sokoloff, Madeleine Ozcray — Weak foreign offering — 77m. — aee Sept. 8 issue — ( Mayer-Burstyn ) CONG OF YOUTH — Documentary — Produced in U. B. 8. R. by Soyua Film Chronloa — Superior Russian documentary — 68m. — see Jane 28 issue — (Amkino ) . SORPRESE DE UN MATRIMONION, LE — see The Surprises of Matrimony. SOS MEDITERRANEAN — MD — Pierre Freanay, Rolf Wanka, Kim Peacock, Nadine Vogel — Should make money for foreign and art theatres — 78m. — see Jan. 24 issue — (Vedie Films). SOTTO LA CROCE DEL SUD — see Under the Southern Cross SPY BUREAU — Same as Second Bureau, q. v. SPY OF NAPOLEON — see He Married a Spy. SURPRISES OF MATRIMONY, THE (Le Sorprese de un Mktrlmonlon) — CD — Vittorio DeSica, Elisa Gegani — For Italians only — 118m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Columha ) — (A 1 SQUADRONE BIANCO. LO (The White Squadron) — D — Fosco Giachetti. Antonio Centa, Fulvia l-anzi — Good drama for the art-forelgn, Italian houses — OSm. — see Nov 29 issue — (Esperia). TEVYA — MD — Maurice Schwartz, Miriam Riselle, Rebecca Weintraub — Box office for Yiddish houses — 93m — sep Jan 24 issue — (Mavman). THAT THEY MAY LIVE — D — Victor Franeen, Line Noro, Marie Lou. Jean-Max — Spectacular French anti-war piece — 73m. — aee Nov. 1 Issue — (Mayer-Burstvn) — (A). THEY WANTED PEACE — D — F. Bagasbvill, Tamara Markarova, S. Smirnova — Left-wing tare — 78m. — “» Ian 24 Issue — rAmkinoi THREE WALTZES — operetta — Yvonne Pnntemps, Pierre Fresnay — Natural for art. forelgn-polloy theatre# — — see May 3 Issue — (Vedls Flints) THUNDER OVER PARIS — -D — Erich von Stroheim, Mareille Balin — Plug timeliness and Von Stroheim — 82m. — see Nov 29 issue — (Transatlantic) — (A). TIMBERLAND TERROR (Paid to Kill) — AD — Frank Leighton, Shirley Ann Richards. Campbell Coplin — Good action dual support — 66m. — see Feb. 21 issue— ( Hoff berg ) . TORPEDOED (Our Fighting Navy) — AD — H. B. Warner. Richard Cromwell. Noah Beery — Must ride on I'-s timeliness; plug Americans — 66m. — see Sept. 20 iasue — (Film Alliance). TREACHERY ON THE HIGH SEAS — MY — Bebe Daniela, Ben Lyon, Charles Farrell— Okay Britisher for nabe dual support — 68m. — aee Oct. 4 issue — (Film Alliance). TWO’S COMPANY — C — Ned Sparks, Mary Brian, Patric Knowles — Bottom dualler for houses which oan play British product — 64m. — eee Dec. 27 iasue — (B. A D.). TYPHOON TREASURE — MI>— Campbell Oopelin, Gwen Munro— Adventure yarn for lower half on duals — 68m. — eee July 12 Issue — (Australianmade) — ( Commonwealth ). ULTIMATUM — D — Erich von Stroheim, Dita Parla, Bernard Lancret — Excellent Gallio cinema — 73m. — see Feb. 21 issue — (Hoff berg). UNDER THE SOUTHERN GHUSe (Sotto la Oroee del Bud) — D — Doris Durantl, Antonio Centa — Taps far Italian heusaa — 81m. — aee June 28 leave — ( Eeperla). U. S. S. R. ON THE SCREEN, 1939— Documentary — No oredlts given — Left wing attraction — 94m. — eee Aug. 23 iseue — (Amkino). VENGEANCE OF THE DEEP— MD — Lloyd Hughes, Shirley Richards, Sidney Wheeler — Poor English-made offering — 62m. — see Feb. 21 issue — (Time Pictures). VOLGA BOATMAN. THE (La BatteUer de U Volga)— 1) — Pierre Blanchar, Vera Korene — Best for foreign, art houses — 78m. — eee Apr. 6 Issue — (Hoffberg). WALLY, LA— DUU — Germane Paolieri, Carlo Mlneht — For Italian audltnoas only — 83m. — see Judy 24 Issue— (Amerital). WE WERE SEVEN SISTERS (Krevemo Sotto Sorella) — CD — Nino Beeozal, Antonio Uandusio, Sergio Tetaao — Excellent for Italian audiences — 87m. — see June 2 8 Iasue — (Esperia) — (A). WE WERE SEVEN WIDOWS (Eravamo Sette Vedove) — CD — Antonio Gandusio, Nino Taranto, Vincent Scarpetta — Great for Italian audiences — 82m. — see March 0 issue — (Esperia). WINGS OVER AFRICA — MD — Joan Gardner, Ian Colin — Weak dualler; may be exploited — «2m. — aee Aug. 9 Iasue— ( Merit). WHITE SQUADRON, THE — eee Lo Squadrons Bianco. WHITE SAVAGE (Uncivilized) — D— Dennia Hoey. Margot Rhya, Ashton Jarry — Dualler, but can be exploited to advantage — 72m. — see Dec. 27 Issue — (Box-Office Attractions) — (A). m m ||| WITHOUT A HOME — D — Alexander Marten, Viera Graa — For strletly YlddUh-golioy hasssaa — Mn. aee Apr. 19 Iasue— (Foreign Oinema Aria). WORLD IS OURS, THE — CD — Voakovec. Werieb — Excellent foreign produot — 96m. — s«e Aug. 2S lauue — ( Kessler 1 YOUTH IN REVOLT — MD — Jean-Louia Barrault. Fables Loris, Charles Daurot — Fair art antry — 91m. — see May 61 iasue, under Columbia — (Columbia).