The Exhibitor (Nov 1939-May 1940)

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Servisection 5 FOREIGN Listed here are Imported productions and all foreignlanguage pictures of whatever origin, when such pictures are not a part of the regular release sohedule of an independently listed producer-distributor. AFFAIR LAFONT, THE (Conflict) — D — Corinne Luchaire, Annie Ducaux — For the arty — 84m. — see Oct. 18 issue — (Trans-Atlantic FilmB) — (A). ALLERGI MASNADIERI (The Make-Believe Pirates) — OMU — Asaia Noris, 0. Pilotto— Very good Italian oomedy — 72m. — see Oot. 18 issue — (Amerieo Pullini). ALPINE PASSION (Amore sulle Alpl) — MX> — Gustave Diesel, Simona Bourday — Esperla has done better — 74ra. — see Nov. 16 issue — (Esperla) — (A). AMICIZIA — see Friendship. AMORE SULLE ALPI — eee Alpine Passion. ARIA DEL CONTINENTE, L' — see The Continental Way BAKER’S WIFE, THE (La Femme du Boulanger) — MD — Raimu, Ginette Leclerc, Charles Moulin — Corking French success; can reap a box-office harvest among the arty — 99m. — see Feb. 7 issue — (The Baker’s Wife, Jnc.) — (A). BETE HUMAINE, LA — see Human Beast. BETWEEN TWO WORLDS (Una Donna tra Duo Mondi) — MD — Isa Miranda, Vassa Prihoda, Assia Noris — Very satisfactory Italian fare — 80m. — see Feb. 21 issue — (Esperla). BLACK PIRATE, THE— see II Corsaro Nero. BLESSED MOTHER CABRINI, THE— Documentary— For Catholics in general; the Italian ones in particular — 71m. — see April 3 issue — (Roma Film). CITADEL OF SILENCE, THE (La Citadel de Silence) — D — Annabella, Tierre Renoir, Bernard Lancret — Swell art and French stuff — 90ra. — eee Jan. 10 issue — (Film Alliance) — (A). CLAUDINE — MD — Blanchette Brunoy, Max Dearly, Margo Lion — Gal llo picture making at Its best — 82m. — eee April 17 Issue — (French Motion Picture Corporation). CONDOTTIERI (The Leaders) — Bam* as Giovanni de Medici, the Leader, q. v. CONFLICT — see The Affair Lafont. CONTINENTAL WAY, THE (L’Arla del Contlnente) — CD — Angelo Musoo, Leda Gloria — Excellent Italian oomedy — 8’2m. — see Nov. 29 issue — (Esperia). CORSARO NERO, IL (The Black Pirate)— MD— Giro Verrati, Silvana Jachino — For foreign-language, particularly Italian, houses — 96m. — see Dec. 27 issue— (Esperia). DEVIL IS AN EMPRESS, THE (La Jouer d’Eohees) — D — Conrad Veldt, Francoise Rosay, Micheline Francey — Among the better French films — 76m. — see Dec. 18 issue — (Columbia). DOCTOR ANTONIO (II Dottor Antonio)— D — Enuio Oerlesi, Maria Gambarelli, I<amberto Picasso— Boxoffioe suooess for Italian nabes — 103m. — see Dec. 27 issue— (Itala Films). DONNA TRA DUO MONDI, UNA — see Between Two Worlds. DOTTER ANTONIO, IL — see Doctor Antonio. ENTENTE CORDIALE — D — Victor Francen, Gaby Morlay, Arlette Marchal — Timely Gal llo Import — 98m. — see Jan. 10 Usue — (Concord). ERAVAMO SETTE VEDOVE — see We Were Seven Widows. FACE BEHIND THE SCAR, THE — MD — Griffith Jones, Rosalyn Boulter, Ellis Jeffreys — Bottom dualler — 78m. — see March 20 issue — (Film Alliance of FIRST FILM CONCERT, THE— MU — No production credits available — Extremely attractive fare for the arty — 62m. — see Nov. 16 Issue — (World). FLORJAN — D — Kazimierz Junosza-Stepowski, Stanielawa Engelowna, Tadewsz Fijewoki — Strictly for the Poles — 95m.— see April 3 issue — (Elektra Film). FRIENDSHIP (Amlclzla) — CD — Elsa Merlini, Nino Besozzi, Enrico Viarisio — Roman holiday for Italian houses — 76m. — sec March 20 issue — (Esperia). GHOST CAMERA. THE — MD — Ida Lupino, Henry Kendall. John Mills — British Import for the nabes and duals — 62m. — see Feb. 21 issue — (Olympia). GIOVANNI DE MEDICI. THE LEADER (Condottlerl (The Leaders)) — D — Lula Trenker. Loris Gizzi, Laura Nucci — Okay for Italian audlances — 88m. — see Jan. FEMME DU BOULANGER, LA — see The Baker’s Wife. 24 issue — (Esperia). GOLDEN KEY, THE — Fantasy — Puppets and voices operated by A.. Shagin, et al. — Corking foreign fantasy — 70m. — see Jan. 10 issue — (Amkino). GREAT LIGHT, THE (Montevergine) — D — Amadeo Nazzari, Leda Gloria, Carlo Duse — Great fare for Italians and Catholics — 88m. — see April 3 issue — (Esperia). HO PERDUTO MIO MARITO — see My Husband Is Lost. HUMAN BEAST (La Bete Humalne) — D — Jean Gabin, Simone Simon, Ledoux — For art houses; for other^sell sex, Simon, and Gabin — -79m. — see March 6 issue — (Juno Films) — (A). ! MET A MURDERER — D — James Mason, Sylvia Coleridge— Artlstio success; can be exploited — 78m. — see Oct. 18 issue — (York). IDEAL MARRIAGE (Un Matrlmonlo Ideals) — CD — Assia Noris, Umberto Melnati, Gino Cervi — Very good Italian product — 84m. — eee Dec. 27 issue — (Esperia). IRELAND'S BORDER LINE — CD — Jimmy O’Dea, Myrette Morven — Top Irish produot — 04 Vim. — eee Nov. 1 issue — (William Alexander). JAAKARIN MORSIAN — see Soldier’s Bride. JOUER D'ECHEES, LE — see The Devil Is an Empress. JUST LIKE A WOMAN — CD — Gertrude Michael, John Lodge — Fair English production— 73m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Alliance). KATIA — D — Danielle Darrieux, John Loder — Superb Gallic production; exploitable — 80m. — eee Deo. 13 Issue — (Mayer-Burstyn) — (A) . KING OF DIAMONDS (Re de Denari) — CD — Angelo Musco, Rosina Anselml, Mario Pisu — Great Italian comedy — 84m. — see Jan. 10 Issue — (Esperia). KLIATSHE, Dl — see Light Ahead. LAST DESIRE — D — Raimu, Jacqueline Delubac, Pierre Brasseur — Sell sex — 77 m. — see Jan. 24 issue — ( Transatlantic ) — ( A ) . LEADERS, THE — see Condottieri (same as Giovanni de Medici, the Leader, q. v.). LET'S PRETEND WE’RE SWEETHEARTS — see They Went to War. LIFE OF GUISEPPE VERDI, THE— DMU— Beniamino Gigli, Gaby Morlay, Fosco Ginchetti — Box office per se for Italians; exploit for arty profit — 116m. — see April 3 issue — (Esperia). LIFE ON THE HORTOBAGY— Documentary— Janos Cinega, Mrs. Janos Cinega, Istvan Kanyasi — Exploitable Hungarian bit — 79m. — see Feb. 7 issue — (Cummins). LITTLE MISS MOLLY — MD — Maureen O’Hara, Binkie Stuart, Tom Burke — Pleasant Irish offering — 64m. — see March 20 issue — (Alliance Films). LOVE IN OLD NAPLES (Napoli d’Altrl Tempi) — MDMU — Emma Graimnatica, Vittorio de Sica, Elisa Oegani — Excellent Roman fare — 93m. — see Feb. 7 issue — (Esperia). U. S.). LOUISE — Opera — Grace Moore, Georges Thill, Andre Pernet — Worthy of playing time anywhere — 72m. — see Feb. 21 issue — (Mayer-Burstyn). MACUSHLA (My Darlln') — MD — Pamela Wood, Jimmy Magooan, Max Adrian — Can be sold nicely to sons and daughters ot Erin — 80m. — see Jan. 24 issue — (Transatlantic). MADAM MINISTER DANCES (Pani Minister Tanczy) — CMU — Aleksander Zabczynsld, Tola Mankiewiczowna, Joseph Orwid • — Strictly for the Polish — 87m. — see April 17 issue — (Polish-American). MAKE-BELIEVE PIRATES, THE — see Allergi Masuadieri. MARSEILLAISE — D — Pierre Renoir, Lise Delamare — Fair French oinerna — 80m. — see Nov, 16 iBsue — (World Pictures). MATRIMONIO IDEALE, UN — see Ideal Marriage. MILL ON THE FLOSS, THE — — Geraldine Fitzgerald, Frank Lawton — Outstanding British attraction — 78m. — see Nov. 16 issue — (Standard). MIRELE EFROS — MD — Berta Gersten, Michael Rosenberg— Should pull tears and cash— 87m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Credo Pictures). MR. MAX (II Signor Max) — -O — Vittorla DeSico, Assia Noris — -Outstanding Italian oomedy— 86m. — see Oct. 18 Issue — (Esperia). MONTEVERGINE— see The Great Light. MOTEL, THE OPERATOR — DMU — Chaim Tauber, Malvina Rappel, Seymour Rechzeit — Mediocre Yiddish celluloid — 80m.— see Jan. 24 issue — (Cinema Service Corporation). MY DARLIN' — see Macushla. MY HUSBAND IS LOST (Ho Perduto Mio Marlto)— CD — Nino Besozzl, Paola Borboni — Okay Italian oomady — 87m. — see Nov. T issue — (Esperia) — -(A). NAPLES THAT NEVER DIES (Napoli che Non Muore) — Maria Glory, Fosco Oiacchetti, Paola Barbara — Italian fans will go big for this — 90m. — see March 20 issue — (Itala Films). THE CHECK-UP— April 10, 1940 NAPOLI CHE NON MUORE— see Naples That Never Dies. NAPOLI D’ALTRI TEMPI — see Love in Old Naples. NORTH SEA PA1ROL — Ml) — Geoffrey l’oone, Judy Kelly — Pleasing, timely programmer that can be sold — 69m. — see Nov. 16 issue — (Alliance Films). OUTSIDER, THE — MD — George Sanders, Mary Maguire, Barbara Blair — High-rating English import — 90m. — see March 20 issue — (Alliance Films). OVERTURE TO GLORY — D — Moishe Oysher, Florence Weiss, Baby Winkler— Fair tear-jerker; sell Moishe Oysher — 86m. — see Feb. 21 issue — (Elite). PANI MINISTER TANCZY — see Madam Minister Dances. PEOPLE, ETERNAL, A — D — Conrad Veidt, Marie Ney — Weak Yiddish offering — 65m. — see Nov. 16 issue — (Henry Lynn). PORT OF SHADOWS (La Qual des Brumes) — MD — Jean Gabin, Michel Simon — Beautiful, well worth seeing; a 7-award film — 90m. — see Oct 18 issue — (Film Alliance of U. S.). QUA I DES BRUMES, LE — see Port of Shadows. RASPUTIN — D — Harry Baur, Mareelle Chantal — Superb Gal llo production — 93m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Concord Films) — (A). RE Dl DENARI — see King of Diamonds. SECOND BUREAU — D — Marta L&Barr, Charles Oliver — Okay spy drama — 66m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Film Alliance of U. S.). SHORS — D — E. Samoilov, L Skuratov — For left-wing audiences— 92m. — see Nov. 29 issue — (Amkino). SIGNOR MAX, IL — see Mr. Max. SKELETON ON HORSEBACK — D — Hugh Haas, Zdanek Stepanek, Bedrich Karen — Exploitable Czecho-Slovak attraction — 78m. — see Feb. 21 issue — (Carl Laemmle, Jr.). SOLDIER’S BRIDE (Jaakarln Morslen) — MD — Tuulikki Paananen, Ritva Aro, Tull Arjo — Should make dough for Finnish houses — 88m. — see Deo. 27 issue — (Werner F. Savela). SORPRESE DE UN MATRIMONION, LE— see The Surprises of Matrimony. SOS MEDITERRANEAN — MD — Pierre Fresnay, Rolf Wanka, Kim Peacock, Nadine Vogel — Should make money for foreign and art thaatres — 78m. — see Jan. 24 issue — (Vedis Films). SURPRISES OF MATRIMONY, THE (La Sorprese de un Matrimonlon) — CD — Vittorio DeSica, Elisa Gegani — For Italians only — 118m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Oolumba) — (A). SQUADRONE BIANCO, LO (Ths Whlta Squadron)— D — Fosco Giaehetti, Antonio Oenta, Fulvia Lanxi— Good drama for the art-foreign, Italian houses — 98m. — see Nov. 29 issue — (Esperia). TEVYA — MD — Maurice Schwartz, Miriam Kiselle, Rebecca Weintraub — Box office for Yiddish houses— 93m. — see Jan. 24 issued(Maynaan). THAT THEY MAY LIVE — D — Victor Francen, Line Noro, Marie Lou, Jean-Max — Speotaoular Frenoh anti-war piece — 73m. — see Nov. 1 issue — (Mayer-Burstyn) — (A). THEY WANTED PEACE — D—F. Bagaahvili, Tamara Markarova, S. Smirnova — Left-wing fare — 78m. — see Jsd 24 issue — (Amkino). THUNDER OVER PARIS— D— Erich von Stroheim, Uareille Balin — Plug timeliness and Von Stroheim — 82m. — see Nov. 29 issue — (Transatlantic) — (A). TIMBERLAND TERROR (Paid to Kill) — AD — Frank Leighton, Shirley Ann Richards, Campbell Coplin — Good action dual support — 66m. — see Feb. 21 issue— (Hoffberg). TWO’S COMPANY — O — Ned Sparks, Mary Brian, Patric Knowles — Bottom dualler for houses whloh oan play British produot — 64m. — see Deo. 27 Issue — (B. & D.). ULTIMATUM— D — Erich von Stroheim, Dita Parla, Bernard Lancret — Excellent Gallio Glnema — 73m. — see Feb. 21 issue — (Hoffberg). UNDER THE SOUTHERN CROSS (Sotto la Orm «ol Bud) — D— Dorla Duraatl, Antonio Oenta — Toes for Italian houses — 81m. — ««• Jana II Iwnu— (fiaperia ) VENGEANCE OF THE DEEP — MD — Lloyd Hughes, Shirley Richards, Sidney Wheeler — Poor English-made offering — 62m. — see Feb. 21 issue — (Time Pictures). WE WERE SEVEN WIDOWS (Eravamo Sette Vedove) — CD — -Antonio Gandusio, Nino Taranto, Vincent Scarpetta — Great for Italian audiences — 82m. — see March 6 issue — (Esperia). WHITE SAVAGE (Uncivilized) — D — Dennis Hoey. Margot Rhys, Ashton Jarry — Dualler, but oan b* explolted to sdvantsgo — 72m. — s «• Deo. 17 iaau* — (Box-Office Attractions) — (A).