The Exhibitor (1953)

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EXHIBITOR 7 IS THE SENSATION OF THE ENTERTAINMENT WORIJ Al Lichtman, director of distribution, addresses the convention, and seen, left to right, are Arthur Silverstone, eastern and Canadian sales manager; Edwin W. Aaron, western sales manager; W. C. Gehring, executive as¬ sistant and general sales manager; Charles Einfeld, vice-president in charge of advertising, publicity, and exploitation; and Murray Silverstone, presi¬ dent, 20th-Fox international Corporation. Plans and product were discussed. With the first CinemaScope production, "The Robe," breaking records wherever it plays, 20th-Fox is preparing to release the second feature made in the wide-screen process, "How to Marry a Millionaire." Seen are Einfeld and his staff explaining the scheduled advertising, publicity, and exploitation plan for the forthcoming Technicolor comedy starring Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable, and Lauren Bacall. The film is a November release. Executive vice-president W. C. Michel, right, and Spyros Skouras, 20th-Fox president, share a chuckle with Lichtman at a testimonial in Lichtmon's honor, a highlight of the convention. Einfeld describes the campaign planned for "Prince Valiant," in CinemaScope, and listening intently are, left to right, Eddie Solomon, assistant advertising manager; Rodney Bush, exploitation manager; Abe Goodman, advertising manager; Lichtman; and Brad Kelly, head. King Features Syndicate, world¬ wide distributor of the comic strip on which the film is based. A big campaign is now being set. Gehring addresses the guests gathered to pay tribute to Lichtman at the testimonial dinner. Miss Bacall, one of the stars of "How to Marry a Millionaire," greets the sales heads who gathered at the convention to discuss merchandising policies for the company's forthcoming new product. November 4, 1953