Exhibitors Herald (Jun-Dec 1917)

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"Best feature in which Kitty Gordon has appeared. . . Role written especially for her. . . Impression favorable and realistic."— Motion Picture . News. "Kitty Gordon acts the part of Juliette with AUTHORITY and dresses it gorgeously."— Moving Picture World. "Pictures staged with good attention to details. . . Photography exceptionally fine., . . . Best World-Picture in some time. . . . Has abundance of incidents." — N. Y. Sunday Telegraph. "Kitty Gordon plays the role of adventuress with great emotional intensity. . . Exhibitors should make the most out of the advertising value of the name of Kitty Gordon in one of her most characteristic and appealing screen roles." — Dramatic Mirror. "An absorbing story, convincingly presented and enhanced by the fascinating appearance of Kitty Gordon." — The Clipper. "The photography ranks with the best of camera productions, the lighting effects are unusually fine, and the feature on the whole promises to win public approval." — i Exhibitor' 8 Trade Review.