Exhibitors Herald (Jun-Dec 1917)

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2 EXHIBITORS HERALD HI ictures 'V. '<y; 'Will!!!:' fjiijr i'iiiliu 111 Advisory hoard: SAMUEL GOLDFISH Cbalrman EDGAR 8KI.WYS IRVIS S. COBB ARTHUR HOPKINS MARGARKT MAYO ROI COOl'KR WEQRDE ARCHIBALD SELWYN CROS«Y GAI'JE PORTER EMTRSON BROWNE Why They Have Faith In Goldwyn E EXHIBITORS themselves are largely responsible for the nation-wide feeling of faith and confidence in Goldwyn and in our productions. Tfeay tell us, and they have told other exhibitors, that they believe in Goldwyn: Because Samuel Goldfish always has been identified with and produced clean, fine, superior pictures and under this big new alliance he has the facilities to make better and finer pictures than ever before. Because Edgar and Archibald Sclwyn and Margaret Mayo have in quick succession produced some of the greatest and most successful plays in the history of the American theatre, and bring to Goldwyn a knowledge of box office values that will benefit every exhibitor in the industry. Because Goldwyn's authors represent the best names identified with big, money-making plays and novels on two continents and because the very pick of all their works are owned and controlled by Goldwyn. And also because every artistic facility that a producer can obtain has been enlisted into Goldwyn service for the making of Goldwyn Pictures. When important exhibitors have said all of these things about us, what more could we wish to say about ourselves? §m 0oldwyn@picturcs Corporation 16 E. 42d ST.. NEW YORK CITY Telephone: Vanderbilt 11 ™ Br FOR STATE RIGHTS "CORRUPTION" Six Smashing Reels By Jack Gorman Author and Director Cast Includes : HELEN MARTEN FLORENCE HACKETT LUCILE DORRINGTON HENRY SEDLEY JOHN J. DUNN ARTHUR PICKENS ROBT. NOLAN AND OTHERS A Photodrama that is Different One of the most vital abuses of the present moment exposed in a forceful, interesting, human and vivid portrayal that will hold audiences spellbound . Popular Pictures Corp. 218 West 42nd Street NEW YORK PRODUCED BY THE SUPER ART FILM CORP