Exhibitors Herald (Jun-Dec 1917)

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X H I B O R H R A. E. A. Officer's Report Shows Association's Growth A membership of 2,716 and a balance in the treasury against which there are no outstanding liabilities are the salient points of a report made by the directors of the American Exhibitors Association for the period ending November 14. The association has members in forty-six states, two territories, Mexico and Canada. State organizations' have been completed in twenty-one states and two Canadian provinces. A financial recapitulation shows that the association since its birth at the Chicago convention on June 20, 1917, has received $4,618. Of this amount $4,216.61 has been expended, leaving a balance of cash on hand. $401.89. There were no debts or liabilities against the association on November 14. Upon recommendation of the general manager, approved by the directors, it was agreed to use all funds on hand and all funds to be received by the organization in the future for constructive work on behalf of the motion picture exhibitors and that no salaries shall be paid to any officers of the association until after the Detroit convention, the week of July 2, 1918. Every officer of the association agreed to the above conditions and voted for the approval of the recommendation. The membership by states and territories as well as Canada and Mexico follows: Alabama 6 Alaska 3 Arizona 5 Arkansas 9 California 39 Connecticut 9 Delaware 6 District of Columbia 12 Florida 8 Georgia 17 Idaho 9 Illinois 218 Indiana 216 Iowa 45 Kansas 41 Kentucky 34 Louisiana 19 Maine 21 Maryland 47 Massachusetts 59 Mexico 1 Michigan 217 Minnesota 78 Mississippi '. . 16 Missouri 61 Montana 14 Nebraska 14 New Hampshire 12 New Jersey 23 New Mexico 3 New York 323 North Carolina 61 North Dakota 17 Ohio 168 Oklahoma 97 Oregon 8 Pennsylvania 264 Rhode Island 6 South Carolina 49 South Dakota 8 Tennessee 9 Texas 41 Utah 4 Vermont 6 Virginia 72 Washington 2 West Virginia 46 Wyoming 5 Wisconsin 68 Canada 247 St. Louis Lawmakers Would Bar Children From Many Theatres Drastic Measure Framed to Prevent Attendance at Motion Picture Houses What will be, if passed, one of the most drastic acts propounded by a legislative body in connection with the film industry is now under consideration of the city council of St. Louis. The proposed ordinance contemplates the prohibition of persons under sixteen years of age from any motion picture theatre showing films depicting abductions, elopements of married persons, mock marriages, white slavery, murders, robberies and the interior of questionable resorts. Orrin G. Cocks, advisory secretary of the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures, has pointed out to the St. Louis council that passage of the ordinance would bar from their city practically every big production filmed. What every exhibitor should know: "United We Stand; Divided We Fall." B. Ennis to Handle Mme. Petrova Publicity Bert Ennis, a publicity purveyor for many years with various theatrical and film enterprises, has been appointed to the post of publicity director for the Petrova Picture Company. He is already handling McClure publicity. Ennis will handle exclusively the trade press exploitation matter for Madame Petrova and the eight starring vehicles in which she will appear during the forthcoming year. He will also publicize "Mother," the six-part George Loane Tucker production sponsored by McClure Pictures, together with the other film interests of the firm. THREE DRAMATIC SCENES FROM '"SECRET OF THE STORM COUNTRY NORMA TAL.MADGE AND SUPPORT IN SCENES FROM A FORTHCOMING STAR SERIES FILM (Select). 21