Exhibitors Herald (Jun-Sep 1919)

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LUBLINER & TRINZ CIRCUIT Chicago Intensely competitive conditions exist now in the Chicago territory for big screen productions. Four circuit organizations are combing the market for the biggest pictures. This Lubliner & Trinz Circuit, one of the nation's biggest big city factors, controlling large houses backed by able showmanship, has booked J.Parker Read Jr. s presentation of LOUISE GLAUM "By C.Gardner Sullivan Personally supervised by Allan Dwan Every first run and circuit in Chicago awaited the arrival of prints on this big special, promising immediate playing dates and expressing complete willingness to shelve other pictures to give "Sahara" precedence over everything else. From the box office angle, this is the greatest woman's picture of the past twenty-four months in the motion picture industry. W.W.HODKINSON CORPORATION 527 Fifth Avenue. New York Gty Distributing through PATHf: Erchanpe. Incorporated