Exhibitors Herald (Jun-Sep 1919)

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EXHIBITORS HERALD AND MOTOGRAPHY Louis B. Mayer Forms Production Company Capitalized at $5,000,000 Signs Mildred Harris Chaplin to Long Term Contract— Many Other Stars Anxious to Join New Organization LOS ANGELES. CAL. — Louis I!. .Mayer, owner of eleven eastern theatres and twenty film exchanges, who entered the motion picture production field when he became manager for Anita Stewart, has organized a $5,000,000 producing company w hich will erect studios in this city immediately. Mr. Mayer signed Mildred Harris Chaplin to a long term contract at Los Angeles, June 13. She will be known in Mayer productions by her legal name of Mildred Harris Chaplin. The same high standard in productions and exploitation which has made the name Mayer a trade-mark with exhibitors will be used, it is announced. MM is It. M \ 1 BR. It is rumored that owing to the effective Mayer exploitation methods, several other prominent stars desire to ailign themselves with the Mayer ( '< unpany. Mr. Mayer will make his home here. The organizers of the corporation are alreadv seeking a studio site. Not less than $100,000 i> to be expended in construction work. Zeidman Exploitation Manager Bcnnie Zeidman. publicity manager for Douglas I'airbanks. is to be general manager of productions and director of exploitation for the organization. This is to be an independent organization with sufficient capital to make film plays without the necessity of curtailment of production expense, according to its promulgators. Negotiations are pending with two or three of the well known stars now. hut no announcement has been made of their names. The studio will be built to accommodate five companies with all of the modern equipment and conveniences. It is planned that the studio will be ready as nearly as possible to begin production by September. Mr. Zeidman accompanies Miss Stewart and a large company of players to Louisville. Ky.. where the race track scenes will be taken for her current production. "Old Kentucky," the stage play, which is being produced for the screen by Marshall Neilan for Mr. Mayer. Expects Big Productions "1 have been engaged in the publicity work for film stars most of my life."' said Mr. Ziedman, "and this time 1 can say faithfully Mr. Mayer's plans are of enormous value to Los Angeles as the film capital of the world. "He has the money, he had the organization and he will have the plays and the players. While I am sorry to sever my connections with Mr. Fairbanks. 1 could not resist joining this big organization in which 1 will have a large field for work." New Exchange Formed By Iowa Theatre Men WATERLOO. IA.— H. X. Frudenfeld, manager of the Majestic Theatre, has retired to become a member of the F. A. F. Enterprises, Inc.. with headquarters at Des Moines. Nick Abramson is president: Paul Fine, vice-president, and Mr. Frudenfeld. secretary and treasurer. The company is incorporated for $50,000 under the laws of Iowa. The film exchange expects to purchase rights to big productions for Iowa and Xebraska. Buy Astor Property As Site for Theatre NEW YORK. — The Astor estate announces the sale of a property on liroadway between 4lird and 44th Streets. The purchasers have declared their intention to erect a monster motion picture theatre as soon as possible. Woody Tours Country J. S. Woody, general sales manager of the Kealart Pictures Corporation, arrived in t btcago, June 17, on the first leg of a trip that will embrace the whole country. Mr. Woody is organizing branch offices and perfecting the field distribution for Kealart Picture-. MII.OKKD HARRIS CHAPLIN Who hn» been signrd b.v L«-«is B. Mayer Charles King Tells How Theatres Are Operated in Cuba No Film Salesmen Needed on Island Declares "U" Manager Universal's Cuban manager, Charles B. King, arrived in Xew York recently and was given a warm reception at the Xew York office. He was at one time service manager of the Xew \ ork Universal Exchange. Mr. King has been Universal's Cuban manager for some time and came back with a glowing story of Universal's success on the island. According to Mr. King the Cubans are the greatest picture fans in the world. Orders Come by Mail "There are no film salesmen in Cuba." Mr. King said, "all the orders and contracts being taken through correspondence. Or, if I do call on a man. I spend several days with him and then sign him for one year." Universal owns the largest motion picture house on the island of Cuba. It is the Campoamor and is the combined Strand, Rivoli. Rialto and Circle of the island. The house has a seating capacity of 8,000 persons and of extraordinary interest is the fact that ten shows, all different with a few exceptions, are run each day. They are run according to hours, starting at U o'clock in the morning. From ten cents to forty cents admission is charged, and if the "fan" wishes to stay for more than one show he buys another ticket. The biggest -.bows are at ."> in the afternoon and at 6:30 at night. In the case of the latter two the five-reel features are run. Priscil'.a Dean Popular According to Mr. King the news reels are features on the island and are watched by all. Serials, comedies and two-reel westerns arc especially liked, according to Mr. King. Priscilla Dean is one of the most favored stars among the populace, according to Mr. King. 38