Exhibitors Herald (Jun-Sep 1919)

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THE "ADD-A-BOX" ADVERTISEMENT If you are a reactionary, a nonrogressive, if you believe that cusom is king and innovation spells .aste and ruin, do not read another .ord. If you are in favor of going ahead, ot merely keeping abreast of the imes but stepping ahead of them, ;ading instead of following, then ive this "Add-A-Box" idea your â– arnest attention. It is a law of nature that nothing emains stationary. When a man or thing ceases to go forward that erson or thing begins to go backward. W hen a tree ceases to grow, : dies. When a man ceases to learn, e begins to forget. Here is an opportunity to step out h front of your competitors with umething brand new in the way of dvertising. Borrowing an Idea We have reproduced on the next age an advertisement that occupied , page 11 x 16 inches in the current umber of McC all's Magazine. It is safe bet that Rexall Orderlies sales ave increased by leaps and bounds ince its appearance. The United )rug Company knew what it was bout when it caused this and simiir designs with the same copy to ppear in several American publicaions. i The exhibitor who knows what he > about will not ' look a gift horse n the mouth.'' Advertising suggesions of real merit are of rare enough ccurrence. And this one has in its ivor all the elements that go to lake up good advertising. To illustrate one method of adaptig the scheme to theatre purposes e have made up a design utilizing theatre cut from our files and copy hich might apply to any theatre.' Here we have had in mind only ie advertising of the theatre as a leatre. the advertising which is ipidly coming into the front rank om a standpoint of importance, ndividual picture exploitation is no >nger enough. House popularity ill count for as much in the thea Gem Shows are Always the Best m Sh o ws are Always trie Best At the GEM Th eatre a Good Play Every Day 'Add-a-Box" specimen advertisement, made up to show infinite possibilities of variation offered in new method of designing theatre and individual attraction displays. 65