Exhibitors Herald (Jan-Mar 1920)

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EXHIBITORS HERALD WITH THE PROCESSION IN LOS ANGELES By Harry Hamr . ond Beall Frank Elliott, leading man in the original production of "The Hope" at the Theater Royal, Drury Lane, Ltd., has been signed by Maxwell Karger to play a principal role in the MetroScreen Classics production of the same melodrama. * * * Miss June Math is is in New York not only for a vacation but to consult with Vincente Blasco Ibanez and Richard A. Rowland regarding '"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." which Miss Mathis will adapt for Metro. * * * Al St. John, Paramount comedy star, now has his own studio. Jack Warner, producer of the pictures, announced this week that he has taken over the Burston studios, 6050 Sunset boulevard, and that hereafter all Warner Brothers" features will be made at that place. Helen Holmes, who will start work shortly on her second serial under the supervision of Sam Warner, will also work at the Burston plant. * * * Arthur D. Ripley has been selected by Maxwell Karger to direct Bert Lytel! in the Metro-Sc-reen Classics production of "Alias Jimmy Valentine." Mr. Ripley has been film editor of Kalem. Fox. Universal and Metro. * * * Bert Lytell and six members of his company have been at Monterey. Cal., for the past week filming the final scenes of "The Right of Way." Those who made the trip with Lytell were : Jack Dillon, director : Beatrice Huddlsstcn. and Ben Critchlev. * * * Mat Allison completed her MetroScreen Classics version of "The WalkOffs" this week. This cheerful satire from the pens of Frederic and Fanny Hatton (has been eleven weeks in filming under Maxwell Karger's supervision. * * * Jean Temple, formerly scenario reader at the National Film Corporation's studios, has been advanced to the position of casting director for the same concern. * * * The largest title ever made has been painted at L'niversal City for "The Breath pf the Gods." the Universal photodrama in vhich Tsuru Aoki is starring. The title (s 3S by 42 feet and fills the proscenium opening of the stage of the duplicated Ddeon theatre, erected for Eric Von Stroleim's protodrama, "The Devil's Passkey." apanese players will draw aside the curjains revealing the title as it introduces the ■lav. * * * . Actual work on Jack Dempsey's muchteralded Brunton serial, for which it is :aid he is to receive $185,000. began this yeek on the Brunton lot. The story" is to je a lively western, fifteen episodes in ;ngth. from the typewriters of Frederic thapin and Harry O. Hoyt. Six of the jcreen's meanest. hardiest. craftiest ■heavies" have been engaged for the picure_ and others will probably be secured. j>rdinarily. one heavy is sufficient for a erial. but Dempsey is expected to wear ut a villain or two in the making of each bisode. Those who have already been en?ged are Herschal Mavall. Frederic Starr, Frank Lanning. Edward Hearn, Al Kaurtman and Albert Cody. * * * The titles of several L'niversal photoplays have recently been changed. The narry Carey feature, the working title of which was "The Three Godfathers," is now "Marked Men." Von Stroheim's production, "The Woman in the Plot," has been changed to "The Devil's Passkey," while Allen Holubar's story' featuring Dorothy Phillips and heretofore referred to as "Ambition" will be known as "The Gorgeous " Canary." * » * Peggy Hyland has left the William Fox banner and has signed with G. B. Samuelson, the English film producer, who has brought a company to California to make two pictures. * * * "Pastelography" is the name of a new photographic process of diffusion which is being used at L'niversal City by Eric Von Stroheim. * * * The scenario department of the National Film Corporation has been reorganized. L. V. Jefferson, a specialist in adapting books for the screen, is the new editor. Harry H ulze, who wrote Keystone comedies when that firm was first organized, has charge of the comedy continuity, while Mrs. Alma L. Jackson is reader. * * * Having finished her work in "The Woman in Room 13," Pauline Frederick has been given a vacation through the holidays, which permits her director. Frank Lloyd, to get down his hunting piece and hie to his ranch house for a duck hunt. * * * In Will Rogers' next picture. "The Strange Boarder." which Clarence Badger is directing for Uoldwyn, Doris Pawn will return to the screen. Miss Pawn was compelled to retire for a considerable time because of injuries received from a fall when a spirited horse she was riding stumbled. * • * Lew Cody's second feature film, "The Butterfly Man," is completed so far as the shooting of scenes is concerned. An enormous footage of film was made for the play and it is now in the hands of Cody's director. Ida May Park, for the process of eliminating and assembling. * * * Three acres of vaudeville land adjacent to Sunland, a little mountain town about thirty-five miles from Los Angeles, has been leased by the National Him Corporation for a term of five years for "location" purposes. The contour and scenic gradeur in and about Sunland is peculiarly adapted to picture purposes. * * * Scott Sidney is producing the first of the comedies which will present Molly Malone as a star in Supreme Comedies, to be distributed by Robertson-Cole. The picture is "Molly's Millions." written byFrank H. Conklin. James Liddy is Miss Malone's leading man. * * * Al Christie is taking tests of characters who will appear in the new series of two-reel comedies based on "Bringing Up Father." George McManus' comics. » * * Eric Vox Stroheim. who created "Blind Husbands." has taken the last scene for his second Universal feature. "The Woman in the Plot." Universal Buys Story The first of the five-reel comedydramas in which Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran. Lniversal's team of comedians, will be featured in is "Everything But the Truth." Edgar Franklin's humorous story, the screen rights of which have just been purchased from the Frank A. Munsev Co. by L'niversal. EDDIE POLO AND HIS COMPANY The Universal Company is on "location" for the new serial. "The Vanishing Dagger." Thelma Percy is the young lady in the centre at Mr. Polo's left. 107