Exhibitors Herald (Jan-Mar 1920)

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EXHIBITORS HERALD THE FIRST SERIAL DE LUXE Mfffft* ^GGOT The and a With Grace Darmond and Rhea Mitchell Produced under the Personal Supervision of LOUIS BURSTON ATTjnpf EXHIBITOR'S TRADE REVIEW: ■•i„ M. M.M. JL • Hawk's Trail the action sizzles with exciting incident a thrilling climax has a place at the end of each episode." MORNING TELEGRAPH: "The Hawk's Trail will offer more entertainment value than the average serial." MOTION PICTURE NEWS: "Louis Burston has caught his stride in The Hawk's Trail. Can be counted upon to highly entertain any audience anywhere." WH)*S DAILY' "From the point of view of the serial fan The Hawk's Trail should be a hit." MOVING PICTURE WORLD: The Hawk's Trail is bound to be a winner. Entertaining, much dramatic action well carried out by a notab'e cast." Choice State Rights Territory available. Biggest open market feature of the year. Write, wire, phone or call at address below. Grace Darmon Distributed by WHPRODUCTIONSCO. nicest 23rd St KetfYorhc Rhea. Mitchell 43