Exhibitors Herald (Jan-Mar 1920)

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EXHIBITORS HERALD Five Thousand Theatres Goal of First National Under New Plan Atlantic City Convention Makes Exchanges Responsible to Home Offices Instead of to Franchise Holders — Four Directors Retire (.Special to Exhibitors Herald) NEW YORK, Jan. 20 — The meeting of the First National Exhibitors Circuit, Inc., which concluded last week at Atlantic City is regarded as far the most important in the history of the organization. Following the conference various members of the Circuit expressed themselves as greatly enthused over the prospects and declared that new plans decided upon forecast the strengthening of the Circuit in all its various activities. Exchanges Responsible to Home Office The outstanding development of the conference was the adoption of a new plan under which the various exchanges becomes responsible directly to the home office and not to the local franchise holder as was the case under the previous arrangement. Rowland And Loew Leaving For Coast On Secret Mission NEW YORK, Jan. 20.— Marcus Loew and Richard A. Rowland left here yesterday for Buffalo. From Buffalo Mr. Loew and Mr. Rowland will proceed to Cleveland and Detroit and then into Chicago for a conference on Thursday. Mr. Loew and Mr. Rowland will be joined in Chicago by Joseph Engel, treasurer of Metro, and on Thursday the party will proceed to the Coast. It is understood that one of the main objects of the visit to the Coast is for a discussion with the Associated Producers, Inc., relative to taking over the product of the "Big Six." Hallmark Offices Moved Into United Theatre Exchanges The Hallmark Pictures Corporation has removed its offices from the Robertson-Cole exchanges to the United Picture Theatres of America exchanges, formerly the Triangle exchanges. At the time the sale of the Hallmark Exchanges was made to Robertson-Cole, it was indicated that an important announcement of future activities would be issued by Hallmark. This is expected within a few days. The Hallmark Pictures Corporation continues as before, except that its physical distribution will be handled by United Theatres. Illness Keeps Ince From Eastern Trip Thomas H. Ince, president of the Associated Producers, Inc., did not reach Atlantic City for a conference with First National members last week according to schedule. It developed that Mr. Ince was taken ill just prior to his intended departure from Los Angeles to Atlantic City. He telegraphed the First National members his regret on being unable to be present and assured them that no other deal for the distribution of the product of the •'Big Six" would be considered until it appears that no arrangement can be made with the Circuit. Allen Holubar May Direct for Famous LOS ANGELES, Jan. 20— Allen Holubar is about to sign with Paramount, according to a very strenuous rumor around the studios. Holubar left Universal after cutting his latest Dorothy Phillips feature, "The Gorgeous Canary." Litigation is said to be pending over his leaving. Report Corbett Has] Cancelled Contract LOS ANGELES, Jan. 20.— The contract between James J. Corbett and the Universal has been cancelled by mutual consent, according to current report. Another move of great importance is the placing of the dominent authority of the organization in the hands of a committee of three which shall have the final authority in the matter of purchasing pictures and in other important work. Three Men In Authority This newly created executive committee consists of the following: ROBERT LIEBER. NATHAN GORDON. HARRY O. SCHWALBE. Up to the present time there has been no official resume of the proceedings disclosed and as the meetings at Atlantic City were held behind closed doors the details are not now available. Aside from the re-construction of the plan of operation as outlined above the major considerations of the conference were the Associated First National Pictures, Inc., and the Associated First National Theatres, Inc. The early days of the session were devoted to mapping out plans relative to the Associated First National Pictures, Inc. Just what these plans consist of is not now known. In the matter of the Associated First National Theatres, Inc., it is planned to issue franchises to exhibitors which will protect them on product and give them the general benefits of alliance with First National. It is predicted, confidently, by leading officials of First National that a total of five thousand affiliated theatres will be reached in the near future. It is announced that already several hundred exhibitors throughout the country have signed up for the First National plan. More than seventy-five theatres, all of an important calibre, are now under construction throughout the country by First National members, it was stated at the opening sesion of the convention. New Board of Directors The following constitute the new board of directors of the Associated First National Pictures Inc., which, it is understood, now becomes the parent organization of the allied interests: Robert H. Lieber. Moe Mark. Harry O. Schwalbe. James B. Clark. Nathan Gordox. E. B. Johxsox. J. Vox Herberg. Johx H. Kuxsky. Jacob Fabian. J. J. Allen. Fred Levy The four new members supplant the following who have retired: T. L. Tally, Aaron J. Jones, E. H. Hulsey and R. H. Clark. Many Attend Sessions Among those in attendance at the convention were the following: Jule and Jay J. Allen, Toronto. A. H. Blank. Des Moines. J. B. Clark. Pittsburgh. R. H. Clark. New York City. R. D. Craver, Charlotte, N. C. W. P. Devees, Vancouver, B. C. Jacob Fabian and A. M. Fabian, Paterson, N. J. Frank Ferrandini, Richmond, Va. I. H. Rubin, M. L. Finkelstein, Minneapolis. Nathan H. Gordon, Boston. Sam Katz, Chicago. J. H. Kunsky, Detroit. David P. Howells, New York. G. \V. Trendle, Detroit. Robert Lieber, Indianapolis. E. M. Mandelbaum, Cleveland. H. Lieber, Indianapolis. Tom Moore, Boyd Cunningham, Washington. Tom Saxe, Milwaukee. William Sievers, St. Louis. Harry T. Nolan, William H. Swanson, Denver. E. B. Johnson, secretary of the Turner & Dahnken Circuit, San Francisco. J. G. Von Herberg, Seattle. Joe E. Rickards, Phoenix, Ariz. Moe Mark, Max Spiegel, New York. H. O. Schwalbe. Philadelphia. J. D. Williams. New York. L. L. Goldberg, Louisville. Herbert Weil, Port Huron, Mich. J. R. Grainger, New York. Claude Jensen, Seattle. F. V. Fischer, Seattle. F. W. Reynolds. Denver. Tom Boland. Oklahoma City. Joseph Skirboll, Pittsburgh. William Hamm, Minneapolis. E. E. Richards, Kansas City. Paul C. Mooney. New York. Jacob Gottstein, Seattle. Harry Koplar, St. Louis. E. J. Hudson, W. J. Morgan, C. F. Chandler, Paul Sarazan, J. L. Hunter, New York. Harry and Abe Warner. New York. Harry L. Reichenbach and Earl Gulick. 43