Exhibitors Herald (Jan-Mar 1920)

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62 EXHIBITORS HERALD March 13, 1920 Tom Moore, under direction of Harry Beaumont, commenced work this week filming his latest Goldwyn picture, "The Great Accident," written by Ben Ames Williams. □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a Garrett Graham, assistant publicity director at Universal City, has been conlined, to his home with pneumonia for the past two weeks, but is reported much improved. Frank Mayo, Universal star, is planning a trip to Honolulu at the conclusion of his current production. "The Girl in Twentynine." Harry Carey has just purchased a herd of seventy buffalo which he has installed on his ranch in the San Francisquito canyon. He will raise them on a commercial scale for their meat, hide and by-products. Joseph Quins, well-known film man. has been named general sales representative of the Los Angeles territory for the Special Pictures Corporation. Sol Lesser is back at his desk in the executive offices of the Sol Lesser Enterprises in the Brack Shops buildings after a fortnight's session with the prevalent influenza. Walter Lonc, former Griffith star, particularly noted for his delineation of negro roles, plays the heavy in the modern society drama Annette Kellerman is producing for Sol Lesser. No sooner had Ramsey Wallace affiliated with Mildred Harris Chaplin in the third First National picture, being filmed here, than he received an offer from David Belasco to play the juvenile lead in a revival of "The Return of Peter Grim" with David Warfield. Juuen Josephson, Thomas H. Ince scenarioist, has hied himself away for a few days' rest. In her next Universal feature. "False Colors," Priscilla Dean will' Assume a dual ro|e — one a sweet demure girl from a small American town, and the other a liery tempered French actress. Rollin Sturgeon, who will direct her in this production, is now busy with the scenario and making preparations to begin shooting as soon as Miss Dean is thoroughly rested after her six months of "The Virgin of Stamboul." Under-water scenes of novel daring arc to be seen in the new Thomas H. Ince special, "Below the Surface," starring Hobart Bosworth. soon to be released as an Ince-Paramount-Artcraft special attraction. Balloons Carry Tickets For "The Fear Market" Toy balloons were used recently by Bingham & Cohen of the Colonial theatre, Indianapolis, in exploiting "The Fear Market," Alice Brady's first Realart production. Newspapers carried notices that at noon on the Tuesday of the week of showing persons lucky enough to capture one of the balloons would find passes for themselves and friends. The crowds were given half an hour of enjoyment as the balloons floated down from windows of buildings or were caught by gusts of wind and carried out of the reach of groups waiting to capture them. "The Illiterate Digest" □ □ □ □ □ □ Lj □ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ By Will Rogers (Goldwyn Star) Haven't read the papers this morning but suppose two or more of our aviators have landed in Mexico. » * * We have one consolation — it can't last much longer. The government only has fcur more planes. » * » See where Paderewski got sore at the Allies, took a hatchet and smashed his piano. I heard him play once, and he did the same thing, only he didn't use a hatchet. + * * If a man sells borax and can't lead a clean life there ain't much chance for the rest of us. * * * It only proves a man can handle a twentymule team but he can't handle a woman. * * * Headline in the paper says "5 autos held up." Didn't state whether it was bandits or a garage. Value of the English pound dropping 30 per cent caused our newspapers twice the worry that the American dollar dropping 75 per cent has. * * * The fellow who laid out the traffic laws of Los Angeles certainly is oldfashioned. Wouldn't be surprised if he played a ukelele too. * * * New traffic laws go into effect this week. They change them here every 10 years whether they need it or not. * * * See where California claims Hoover. Guess it's because he was born in Iowa. * » * The Iowa vote in Southern California could almost elect even W. J. Bryan. » * * Disturbing the peace and small crimes have diminished 50 per cent since prohibition. Murders have increased 50 per cent. * * * Where a man used to just get drunk and shoot up the town, now he gets mad and kills either his wife or his neighbor. J. Parker Read, Jr's Louise Glaum Picture Meeting With Success Increased bookings are reported for J. Parker Read, Jr's second Louise Glaum production, "The Lone Wolf's Daughter," by Louis Joseph Vance. In Los Angeles, where its successful first run was held in Tally's theatre, the Garrick, in the same district, has booked the W. W. Hodkinson publication for a week's second run. In Pasadena, Jansen's theatre has booked the subject for a week; in Baltimore the new Bernard Depkin chain of theatres, inclusive of the Strand, the Forrest, the McHenry and the Pimlico, have signed for immediate presentation, and Guy Wonders' Wilson theatre, Baltimore, has closed for the Baltimore second run. Contracts Are Signed In Utica. N. Y., the Alhambra has closed contracts for the picture, as have the Superba, Raleigh, N. C; the Walnut, Louisville, Ky.; Iris, Eldorado, Kan.; Amsu, Winston-Salem, N. C; the Savoy, Wilmington, Del.; the Alhambra, Wilkesbarre; the Washington, Waco, Tex.; the Strand, Fort Wayne. Ind.; the Alcazar, Birmingham; the Pollard, Oklahoma City; the St. Denis, Sapulpa, Okla.; the Century, Petersburg, Va. ; the Post, Battle Creek, Mich.; the Rex, Racine; the Hill and Colonial, Newark; the Steinway, Astoria, Long Island; the Hoyburn, Evanston, 111.; the Academy, Waukegan, 111.; the Penn, Uniontown, Pa., and more than 200 other houses. Plays to S. R. O. "The Lone Wolf's Daughter" opened to turn-away business at the Newman theatre, Kansas City, Mo., where Milton H. Feld, manager of Frank L. Newman enterprises, waged a big advertising and exploitation campaign. The Liberty theatre, Colorado Springs, Colo., had the Read production for a week's run. Among the first run houses that have enjoyed profitable engagements during the past two weeks are: The Strand, Hartford, Conn.; the Rialto, Amsterdam, N. Y.: the Nixon, Erie. Pa.; the Rex, Wheeling, W. Va.; the U. S.. Hobokcn, N. J.; the Lyric. Lincoln, Neb.; the Jackson, Lebanon. Pa.; the Princess, Charleston. S. C. Alexander Film Contracts For Comedyart Territory Contracts have been closed between Sol Lesser and the Alexander Film Corporation whereby the latter will do the distributing in the New York and Northern New Jersey districts for the new Comedyart program, which consists of a two-reel novelty and a single reel comedy each week. Publication date on the initial picture is set for March 22. Griever Buys Rights To "Husbands and Wives" Si Griever of Griever Productions, Chicago, has purchased the Illinois and Wisconsin rights to "Husbands and Wives," a feature starring Vivian Martin. Griever is planning a heavy exploitation campaign to back up the exhibitors, and has arranged for a complete line of advertising accessories, with several novel stunts. THOMAS H. INCE President of Associated Producers, Inc., who Is In New York arranging the details of distribution for the newly formed combine.