Exhibitors Herald (Jan-Mar 1920)

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EXHIBITORS ADVERTISING <A Department cf Motion 'Picture Exploitation ANNIVERSARY With this issue of EXHIBITORS' HERALD this department, under its present policy of better and still better exploitation of motion pictures, begins its second year of history, history that will bear the most critical and penetrating scrutiny. It has been a year of important service. A year of service of which we feel very proud. In the past year great strides have been taken in the exhibition, producing and distribution of pictures, as well as in advertising and exploiting same. No similar period of history has approximated that year in degree or importance of progress made. Co-ordination of purpose among advertisers is the outstanding feature of the work done. In that year producers and distributors took the first noteworthy steps toward the perfection of a system of national advertising of individual productions that is destined to prove immeasurably beneficial to the theatre man. National Advertising Played Important Part National magazines, newspapers large and small, billboard space in quantity never before contemplated by the most sanguine, have been employed for the benefit of the exhibitor. In the exchanges of practically every distributing organization men especially trained in exploitation and advertising have been stationed, assigned the single duty of giving the exhibitor first hand aid in the successful marketing of the pictures offered. Exhibitors pre-eminently the men best qualified to know the public sentiment, have contributed by all odds the most valuable innovations and developments to the general advance. Exhibitors Contribute Original Ideas In contributing original ideas .that have had an important part in the improvement of general and specific conditions, and in chronicling the activities and accomplishments of men and organizations engaged in the stupendous achievements that are now history, this department has won a following made up of the leaders in every branch of motion picture advertising. These readers and supporters we thank for the assistance they have rendered and congratulate them upon their collective and individual accomplishments. We invite them to join us with continued and heightened enthusiasm in another vear of wholehearted endeavor. Department Is Excellent Guide The policy of this department is elastic. It is gauged in such a manner as to be able to keep constantly in touch with the rapid advances in picture exploitation. The various types of exploitation are referred to in their relative importance and during successive weeks the entire sphere of picture promotional work is covered. This department is at once a guide and a chronicle. It is a guide to the latest and best conceptions of picture exploitation and is a chronicle of the best work being done under the supervision of progressive exhibitors everywhere throughout the work. The department is essentially constructive for the theatreman and essentially a monev-making feature. The continued cooperation of wide-awake exhibitors everywhere is cordially invited.