Exhibitors Herald (Jan-Mar 1920)

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80 EXHIBITORS HERALD March 13, 1920 1 } PERM V \ EKROFF win. in directing "Trailed li» Three" the Beck Merinl «i«h Slinirl HolBMfl MMt Pi-ankle Mann, irhleli Pathe imhiuh In April Jack Cairns, Brooklyn theatre, Detroit. Mich. — Neighborhood patronage. Destiny, with Dorothy Phillips. — Good business. Splendid picture. — K. Ross Riley, Wigwam theatre. Oberlin, Kans. — Small town patronage. The Wicked Darling, with Priscilh Dean. — Good, but I noticed that my patrons in speaking of it spoke of the character work of Lon Chancy and Spottiswood Aitkin. — Mrs. S. I. Haney. Liberty theatre, Des Moines, N'. M. — Small town patronage. Paid in Advance, with Dorothy Phillips.— For adult patronage. Yukon story. Very good. Pink permit for Chicago. Good cast including Wtn. Stowell and Lon Chaney. — Chas. Ryan, Garfield theatre, Chicago, 111. — Neighborhood patronage. Loot, with a special cast. — A good crook story. One of the best stories of its kind that I have shown in a long time. — Jack Cairns, Brooklyn theatre. Detroit, Mich. — Neighborhood patronage. The Great Air Robbery, with Locklear. — This is only a fair picture and did not draw for me. Seventy percent of it is tinted a dense blue. This in itself kills the best features of it. — C. F. Hancock, Lyric theatre. Stuart, Fla. — Small town patronage. The Right to Happiness, with Dorothy Phillips. — Went oyer big for two days. Play this one for top money. Photography, star, plot and settings are wonderful in this eight reeler. — W. H. Trecker, Cabery Mutual Movie theatre, Cabery. 111. — Small town patronage. When a Girl Loves, with Mildred Harris.— Picture one of the poorest I ever played. Nobody liked it. The star had only a minor part. Photography poor. Lost money on this. — A. J. Twilegar, Lyric theatre, Goldfield, Nev. — Mining Camp patronage. Paid in Advance, with Dorothy Phillips.— A winner. Book it and put it over. Business good. — E. N. Brown. Stocking theatre, Grand Rapids, Mich. — Neighborhood patronage. Borrowed Clothes, with Mildred Harris.— A good picture, even though a little old. Pleased my patrons. — W. H. Trecker, Cabery Mutual Movie theatre, Cabery, 111. — Small town patronage. The Fire Flingers, with Rupert Julian. — Very good. — E. L. Strublc, Ideal theatre, Ithaca, Mich. Bare Fists, with Harry Carey. — Another good Carey picture. — Raymond Piper, Piper's Opera House, Virginia, Nev. Forbidden, with Mildred Harris. — Very good. Better than Home. Business good. — E. N. Brown, Stocking theatre. Grand Rapids, Mich. — Neighborhood patronage. His Divorced Wife, with Monroe Salisbury.— No comments. Just a poor picture. Poor, very poor, business. — Mrs. J. A. Dostal,. Ideal theatre. Omaha, Nebr. — Neighborhood patronage. Pretty Smooth, with Priscilla Dean. — A good picture, but not as good as her others in my opinion. — Raymond Piper, Piper's Opera House, Virginia, Nev. The Exquisite Thief, with Priscilla Dean. — Excellent entertainment. Star is going stronger with us all the time. — E. C. Breilein. Faust theatre. New Richland. Minn. — Neighborhood patronage. The Gun Fighting Gentleman, with Harry Carey. — Very good picture. Everybody pleased. — Peter Krauth, Dcnison theatre, Denison, la. — Neighborhood patronage. Marked Men, with Harry Carey. — Good picture. Money getter. — A Moskowitz, Loews Garrick theatre, St. Louis, Mo. — Transient patronage. The Trembling Hour, with Kenneth Harlan. — Very good picture. Kenneth Harlan a good actor. He should be starred. — Mrs. J. A. Dostal. Ideal theatre, Omaha, Nebr. — Neighborhood patronage. Home, with Mildred Harris. — Just fair. Business very good. — E. N. Brown, Stocking theatre, Grand Rapids, Mich.— Neighborhood patronage. The Right to Happiness, with Dorothy Phillips. — This is a great picture and pleased immensely for two days. — Verner Hicks, Family theatre, Marion, 111. — General patronage. The Heart of Humanity, with Dorothy Phillips. — One of the best pictures I have ever shown. Sure is wonderful. I shall show this picture again in the near future. — Earl Hancrville. Park theatre, Raymond. Minn. — Neighborhood patronage. Vitagraph The Golden Shower, with Gladys Leslie.— Splendid picture. Many favorable comments from patrons. Poor business on account of big blizzard. — T. E. Walton. National theatre, New Bedford, Mass. — Neighborhood patronage. The Tower of Jewels, with Corinne Griffith. — A fair program picture. Pleased a big house for Ash Wednesday. Looks very much as if Lent will not hurt this season. Some surprise. — Knickerbocker theatre, Jefferson & Belle Isle Bridge, Detroit, Mich. — Neighborhood patronage. The Lion and the Mouse, with Alice Joyce. — One of the best pictures I have run in some time. Star well liked here. — S. Arnott, Colonial theatre, Brucevillc, Ind. The Spark Divine, with Alice Joyce. — A splendid picture. Beautiful photography. Great cast. Most favorable comments from patrons I ever had on any feature I have shown. — T. E. Walton, National theatre, New Bedford, Mass. — Neighborhood patronage. Fortune's Child, with Gladys Leslie. — A very good picture. Story and little star will please all. — O. E. Panknen, Opera House. Marengo, la. The Wolf, with Earle Williams — Star a good drawing card here, but picture toa slow, and my patrons like society pictures, and are not satisfied with outdoor ones. Fair business. — Jos. E. Adcock, Grand theatre, Princeton, Ind.— Small town patronage. Beating the Odds, with Harry Morey. — Nothing extra. Will get by as an ordinary program picture. Good business with little advertising. — G. F. Rediske, Star theatre, Ryegate, Mont. — Small town patronage. The Climbers, with Corinne Griffith.— Good picture. Fair business first night, fell flat second. — T. E. Walton, National theatre, New Bedford, Mass. — Neighborhood patronage. Slaves of Pride, with Alice Joyce. — Very good picture. Star well liked here. — L. W. Heal, Sterling theatre, Superior, Nebr. — Neighborhood patronage. The Little Boss, with Bessie Love. — Star is quite popular in this community. Play is a splendid one. So different from most plays. Pleased my patrons from every standpoint.— Ethel M. Huber, Opera House, Camp Point, 111. — Neighborhood patronage. The Black Gate, with Earle Williams. — Nothing out of the ordinary to the plot. A child could figure it out. — G. Kirk Lewis, Gaiety theatre, Starke, Fla. — Neighborhood patronage. When a Man Loves, with Earle \\ il Hams. — The best picture of this star, and we have used them all. If only Vitagraph would keep this up. Good business when odds against us are considered.— Mrs. J. A. Dostal, Ideal theatre, Omaha, Nebr. — Neighborhood patronage. Miss Dulcie of Dixie, with Gladys Leslie.— Fine picture. Everybody liked it. The people here like this star. — C. W." Holmes, Gem theatre, Chester, Nebr.— Neighborhood patronage. When A Man Loves, with Earle Williams.— You can get by with this one if you don't tell anybody what you are giiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiil 'i '!::ii;ii;.Li!lil: .i i iilliliiiiil' ililllllllllNllllllillllllllUIHaK JKJOT all the big pictures ' are heralded as such \ by their producers' adver I tisements. Some of the most sensa | tional box office attrac | tions have been published | on a program basis and j at rental established be \ fore the pictures Were § | made. These pictures are "gold j mines" for the exhibitors j | who discover them. Such exhibitors pass the j 1 news along through their j j reports to this department. j 1 Read it constantly, and J | share in these opportuni j | ties. luimiimiiuiiu iMiiuiaiuiiiiiMiuuuiiuiiiuiiHiiuinimiiiriimMiuHimRiuiHiiiifuiinmaw 1