Exhibitors Herald (Jan-Mar 1920)

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March 13, 1920 EXHIBITORS HERALD 81 showing. — H. G. Ramsey, Royal theatre, El Dorado, Kans. — General patronage. Over the Garden Wall, with Bessie Love. — But a very few of my patrons like Bessie Love, hence her productions do not draw as well as one would think they should. — J. W. Edwards, Aledo Opera House, Aledo, 111. — Family patronage. The Winchester Woman, with Alice Joyce. — Ordinary program picture with star a good drawing card. Book all of her pictures. — G. Kirk Lewis, Gaiety theatre, Starke, Fla. — Neighborhood patronage. Beauty Proof, with Harry Morey. — Fine picture. Pleased the people. Vitagraph's pictures are making good here. — C. W. Holmes, Gem theatre, Chester. Nebr. — Neighborhood patronage. The Common Cause, with a special cast. — Best picture I have run yet. Book it and boost it. Sure good. — Col. Boone, Gem theatre, Hedrick, la.— Neighborhood patronage. The Wolf, with Earle Williams. — Very good picture. Advertise extra on this one. — Otto E. Panknen, Opera House, Marengo, la. A Girl at Bay, with Corinne Griffith. — Very good picture. Story good and star very good. You will make no mistake in booking this. Business good in cold weather. — Charles Guizzetti, Opera House, Gardner, 111. — Neighborhood patronage. Beauty Proof, with Harry T. Morey. — Fair picture. Can get better ones for less money. — H. E. Hinrichs, Royal theatre, Minonk, 111. — Neighborhood patronage. The Third Degree, with Alice Joyce. — Draws good and satisfies. — Otto E. Panknen, Opera House, Marengo, la. The Climbers, with Corinne Griffith. — Seemed to please majority. Not a special.— H. E. Hinrichs, Royal theatre, Minonk, 111. — Small town patronage. A Girl at Bay, with Corinne Griffith. — This was a great success. Title good, actress fine, splendid crowds whenever she is advertised. A sure money-getter. — Ethel M. Huber, Opera House, Camp Point, 111. The Usurper, with Earl Williams. — Very good picture. Pleased well, star very good, business fair. — Charles Guizzetti, Opera House, Gardner, 111. — Neighborhood patronage. Serials Smashing Barriers (Vitagraph), with Wm, Duncan. — If you are looking for a good serial, book this one. It is going big with me. Lots of comedy, all my patrons like Duncan. If you want good comedies, book "Big V" comedies. — Wm. Thatcher, Royal theatre, Salina, Kans. — Mixed patronage. Bound and Gagged (Pathe), with Geo. B. Seitz. — Am on Fourth episode, drawing good. Many say it's the best serial they have ever seen. — Charles Kuchan, Idylhour theatre, Canton, 111. — Mixed patronage. The Tiger Trail (Pathe), with Ruth Roland. — Just finished this one and it went over great. Best serial I ever ran. — D. T. McBrayer, Billy Barry theatre, Boure, Tex. — Small town patronage. Bound and Gagged (Pathe), with Geo. B. Seitz. — This is a good serial for a hold out. Every Monday and Tuesday. — Willis Hibbs, Lyceum theatre, Peoria, 111. — Transient patronage. Smashing Barriers, with Wm. Duncan (Vitagraph). — On the Twelfth episode, holding up big. — M. Pois, Gem theatre, Wichita Falls, Tex. — Down-town patronage. The Lure of the Circus, with Eddie Polo (Universal). — Played this one but it was a failure. No good. — C. A. Mayes, Majestic theatre. Alvard, Tex. — Small town patronage. Smashing Barriers (Vitagraph), with William Duncan. — Going over good. A dandy serial. — E. Cameron, Arcade theatre, St. Paul, Minn.— Neighborhood patronage. Lightning Bryce (Arrow) with Anna Little and Jack Hoxie. — Opened to best Saturday business and kept up. — M. DeLorengo, Magnet theatre, Milwaukee, Wis. — Transient patronage. Lightning Bryce (Arrow) with Anna Little and Jack Hoxie. — Best serial I have run. — F. Trottman, Gem theatre, Milwaukee, Wis. — Neighborhood patronage. Terror of the Range (Pathe) with Betty Compson and George Larkin. — First episode starts off by pleasing all. Full of pep and I believe will hold up as good as Terror of the Range I just finished.— H. A. Wishard, Wishard theatre, Bloomfield, la. Specials The Spoilers, with William Farnum. — Good. Best house in six months. Showed at 35c top. — G. F. Rediske, Star theatre, Ryegate, Mont. — Small town patronage. Hearts of the World, a D. W. Griffith production. — Best war picture I ever ran. Although war pictures seem to be out of date, I did a fine business on this one. — E. H. Winkler, Palace theatre, St. John, Kans. — Small town patronage. Custer's Last Fight, with a special cast. — Played after house next door to great business. — M. De Lorengo, Magnet theatre, Milwaukee, Wis. — Transient patronage. Once to Every Man, with Jack Sherr ill. — Best picture of the class I have ever seen. Big business two days. — J. W. Sanders, Strand theatre, Mattoon, 111. Mickey, with Mabel Normand. — Picture very good, and pleased to fair business.— R. F. Patterson, Sun theatre, Ansley, Neb. — Small town patronage. Custer's Last Fight, with a special cast. — Record day. — F. Trottman, Gem theatre, Milwaukee, Wis. — Neighborhood patronage. The Spoilers (Selig) with William Farnum.— Old one reissued, but still a knockout of its kind. Pleased them all and got the money. — J. B. Stine, Gem theatre, Clinton, Ind. — Neighborhood patronage. Eyes of Youth (Equity) with Clara K. Young. — A real special. Drew only fair. Too much "flu." — W. H. Mart, Strand theatre, Grinnell, la. — College town patronage. Virtuous Men (S-L) with E. K. Lincoln. — This was the most dissatisfying picture I ever showed. The title will draw the crowd, but nobody will be pleased as the title is misleading. — R. L. Richey, Grand theatre. Osceola, Ark. — • Neighborhood patronage. Hearts of Men (Hiram Abram) with George Beban. — A picture with a soul. Pleased 100% of the people. Ran it with A Day's Pleasure for one day. Had to turn people away. — Mrs. J. A. Dostal, Ideal theatre, Omaha, Nebr. — Neighborhood patronage. Once to Every Man (Frohman) with Jack Sherrill. — Though old, if you have not played it, get this. It is some picture. One of the kind that will appeal to most any kind of audience. Played to big satisfied business. — C. L. Beede, Beede theatre. Enfield. N. H. — Small town patronage. USE THIS BLANK Box Offxc* Reports Tell the Whole Story. Join in Thia Co-operative Service. Report Regularly on Picture* You Exhibit And Read in The Herald Every Week What Pictv/ee Are Doing for Other Exhibitors. Pill in this blank now and send to Exhibitors Herald, 417 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. Title Star Profiucer Remarks Title *. Star Producer Remarks Exhibitor Name of Theatre Transient or Neighborhood Patronage City State