Exhibitors Herald (Jan-Mar 1920)

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92 EXHIBITORS HERALD March 13, 1920 Loi IE Bu m, the Monarch of the Monarch theatre, has packed his toothbrush and his other collar, preparatory to setting sail for the Coast. California is the only place where Blums bloom in winter anyway, says Louie, which is the main reason for his vacation. And just as we gallop to press. J. L Friedman informs us "The Gump" him is selling rapidly to state right buyers. Several territories sold during the week. George Levy, Iudiaua representative for the Unity Photoplays Company, was found the other day at headquarters figuring his "totals" for the "Lightning Bryce" serial set-ins with the Hoosier theatres. If what George says is true the only houses he has failed to land yet can he counted on the lingers of the left hand. We'll murmur, great work. II. W. Peteks, well known and popular film salesman ahout these parts for the Pathe exchange and recently transferred to the 1-os Angeles branch, has been promoted to special representative on the Pacific coast tcrri ory. Sam Abraham son. owner of the Gold theatre, let us all in on another accomplishment of hisn. Yep, Sam is an oratorical spell-binder. The walls of the Unity photoplay exchange rung with his mellowed tones the other day and he wasn't hollerin' for additional advertising paper nor a reduction on (ilium rental, either. "Ever-Ready-Reel" Is Shown at Convention During the recent conference of independent exchange owners in Chicago, the Ever-Ready-Reel was demonstrated by Harry Hinrichs, secretary of the EverReady Sales Company. It is a reel within a reel, which with a few changes can be adjusted to any projection machine. It was demonstrated in Chicago on a Devry portable machine. The Ever-Ready-Reel consists of two plates, incorporating a series of rollers arranged in a circular series, taking the film from the outside in and inside out. The construction is said to be simple and practical, and different from anything else previously exploited. National Film Provides New Homes'for Animals To car.e for the animals used in comedies now being produced by six units at the studios of the National Film Corporation of America, I. Bernstein, general manager, is constructing a mobile "looseleaf" cage, which will be built in units of two cages each. When completed, the cages will house forty animals of the smaller sort. Large beasts will be kept in corrals. The cost of the cages will be $1,000. 99Year Lease Granted RICHMOND, IND.— The Victor Company of Ft. Wayne, has obtained a ninety-nine-year lease on the Wakefield block at the corner of Ninth and Main streets. A motion picture theatre will be erected on the site. To Open Second House MENA, ARK. — Mena will have two motion picture theatres as soon as C. N. Jenkins of Foreman, has remodeled a building which he has purchased here. Pathe to Distribute Max Linder' s Vehicle And "Lifting Shadow" Pathe's promise of big things in the way of features for this spring has been partially fulfilled, it is announced, with the addition to the schedule of two productions, one of which will bring back to the American screen the French comedian, Max Linder. Pathe has taken over the distribution of "The Little Cafe," a five-reel comedy starring Mr. Linder, and will publish it on April 2o. Publish "Lifting Shadows" Pathe also will issue Leonce Perret's latest contribution to the silent art, "Lifting Shadow," in which Emmy Wehlen is starred. This production has been set for issuance on April 4, following Blanche Sweet in "The Deadlier Sex." "The Little Cafe" is an adaptation of the successful stage play of the same name, produced by Klaw and Erlanger. C. M. S. McClellan adapted the play from the French, "Le Petit Cafe." Miss Dawn Was Featured Hazel Dawn, whose most recent triumph is "L'p In Mabel's Room." was featured in this production, in which other prominent players were Alma Francis, Harry Depp and Marie Fmprcss. In the Linder \ersion of tin ■.lane success Wanda L\on portrays the part played on the stage by Hazel Dawn. "Lifting Shadows" was adapted b_\ Leonce Perret from the famous story by Henri Ardel. Emmy Wehlen was signed by Mr. Perret for the leading role in his newest screen work. Wyndham Standing has the principal male role. Stuart Holmes plays the heavy. Arrow Issues Western Film Featuring Myers The Arrow Film Corporation now is distributing a series of two-reel western pictures known as the border pictures, featuring Harry Myers and Allie Ray. This is a 'series of six two-reel westerns that are said to be full of action, and give Harry Myers a chance to do his best work. Allie Ray is said to do some clever work in these short dramas. The pictures are entitled: "Squatters' Rights," "The Trail's End," "When Lad Came Home," "On the High Card," "A Modern Lochinvar," and "The Wildcatter." "Trailed By Three' ','Goes Into Theatres"on'Aprir4 The various departments in the serial division of Pathe Exchange. Inc.. are occupied these days with plans for the next serial publication. "Trailed by Three," a fifteen episode adventure story costarring Stuart Holmes and Frankie Mann, that will begin its public career on Sunday, April 4. Miss Rich Retained^by New Goldwyn Contract Irene Rich, who has played opposite Will Rogers in several of the Goldwyn star's pictures, has signed a contract which will keep her in Goldwyn productions for a period of years. Miss Rich now is playing the lead opposite Mr. Rogers in "Jes' Call Me Jim." which is being filmed under the direction of Clarence G. Badger at the Culver City studios. Th eme Is Vital Allen Holubar Declares Films Lacking Sincerity Will Not Reach Goal Studies Music To Attain Valued Quality By A'len HiluW Every shadow play to be successful must have a theme running through it the same as a motif in music or poetry. The great music masters, Beethoven and Chopin, interpreted their themes through the ear; the shadow play must do this through the eye, yet without giving the same identical effect to the senses. To gain a correct idea of what the great music masters' themes or thought processes were when they composed their work, I have listeiwd time and again to their works in concerts or on the phonograph and then have looked up their biographical or autobiographical sketches to ascertain what their feelings were at the time when they composed their work. In this manner, it is easy to interpret joy, sorrow, pathos and at just the exact shades with the lights and shadows that the master intended. This work of the great music masters has been a great help to me in producing screen dramas. In the theme of mother love, running through the "Heart of Humanity," I introduced the intangible, indescribable quality, often called the sixth sense, a mother's intuition. All her sons were killed in battle and yet before they departed she intuitively knew they were in danger. There was also an episode, showing for the first time, how the mother felt near her the presence of the spiritualistic departed sons. I do not believe any screen drama can be highly successful unless the director firmly believes in the sincerity of the theme in his efforts. If the theme lacks sincerity, the play cannot live. FILMS FOR SALE 1,000,000 FEET Alt Makes, Lengths and Varieties $4.00 per reel and up Send for List. FEATURE FILM COMPANY Loeb Arcade Minneapolis, Minn. TO MANAGE THEATRE A live, energetic manager of over fourteen years' experience. Havemanaged several of Chicago's biggest theatres. Desires to locate in city or town of about 50,000. Highest of references exchanged. Address EXHIBITORS HERALD 114 GUARANTEED Mailing Lists MOVING PICTURE THEATRES Every State— total, 25,300; by Statet, »4.00 Per M. 1070 Film Exchange! $7.50 313 manufacturer* and etudioe 4.00 368 machine and supply dealer* 4.00 Further Particalan: A. F.WILLIAMS. Ml W. Mmt St, CMaa